nuttyartist / notes

Fast and beautiful note-taking app written in C++. Write down your thoughts.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Haiku port #590

Closed Begasus closed 1 year ago

Begasus commented 1 year ago

Quick note that Notes has been added to haikuports repository and is available for 32bit and 64bit Haiku installations, thanks for the lovely app!


Begasus commented 1 year ago

PS, as it just for letting you know it's here, this can be closed. :)

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

Cool! I'd never heard of Haiku OS before, looks interesting! Thanks for letting us know.

guihkx commented 1 year ago

That's awesome! Thanks for sharing.

Edit: Oops. My bad for reopening, I'm on mobile and I clicked the wrong button.

nuttyartist commented 1 year ago

Awesome! Thank you, @Begasus.

Just a reminder that you can switch to native window decoration by clicking the 3-dots-button->View->Use native window frame. Maybe it'll fit better in Haiku that way (this will be the default setting from next release on).

Begasus commented 1 year ago

Thanks, looking much better now :)

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