nuttyartist / notes

Fast and beautiful note-taking app written in C++. Write down your thoughts.
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Note counters in folder list always 0 #608

Closed movrajr closed 11 months ago

movrajr commented 11 months ago


zjeffer commented 11 months ago

Weird, is this on Windows? I don't have this bug (on Linux).

Could you send us your notes.db file? For Windows, this should be under <USER>/AppData/Roaming/Awesomeness/notes.db.

nuttyartist commented 11 months ago

I have a feeling that's related to a corrupted database. Can you try first backing up your notes as @zjeffer said in <USER>/AppData/Roaming/Awesomeness/notes.db. Save a copy of that file somewhere safe. Then, in Notes, export your notes to .nbk file by going to Gear icon -> Import/Export Notes -> Export then save it somewhere. Delete the content of <USER>/AppData/Roaming/Awesomeness/notes.db (but please make sure you saved a copy somewhere first). Now quit Notes and import the .nbk file you saved. By going to Gear icon -> Import/Export Notes -> Import.

Let me know if it fixes the problem.

movrajr commented 11 months ago

It's on Windows. After restarting Notes the counters are updated, but when adding new notes the counters won't change again.

nuttyartist commented 11 months ago

Have you tried what I wrote?

movrajr commented 11 months ago

In the process of doing that.

movrajr commented 11 months ago

It worked!

I was actually just writing a two cents on a different issue where I mention a deleted note due to a duplication bug in a pre-2.0 version. The database may well have been corrupted back then.

nuttyartist commented 11 months ago

Yes, I remember I had similar issues and this solved them. Glad it worked (: