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QML windows don't work on Ubuntu 23.04 #624

Closed zjeffer closed 11 months ago

zjeffer commented 11 months ago

The Kanban and Editor settings are completely empty and white. I'm probably missing a dependency but I can't find which. Here's the output when running the latest master (compiled from source) on Ubuntu 23.04:

qrc:/qt/qml/EditorSettings.qml:228:21: Type FontChooserButton unavailable 
                         FontChooserButton { 
qrc:/qt/qml/FontChooserButton.qml:113:5: Type ComboBox unavailable 
         ComboBox { 
qrc:/ module "QtQuick.Window" is not installed 
     import QtQuick.Window 
qrc:/qt/qml/kanbanMain.qml:5:1: module "QtQuick.Layouts" is not installed 
     import QtQuick.Layouts 2.12 

I tried the instructions from this PR, but it still doesn't work.

guihkx commented 11 months ago

Just to clarify something: You were able to build from source using only the packages listed in the "Build dependencies" column, right?

zjeffer commented 11 months ago

I don't remember if I installed both the build dependencies and the runtime dependencies and then compiled, or if I compiled before installing the runtime dependencies. I can't really check right now because this was on my work computer.

Which apt package should contain these QML modules?

guihkx commented 11 months ago

Which apt package should contain these QML modules?

Probably qml6-module-qtquick-layouts and qml6-module-qtquick-window

EDIT: Yep, works just fine now with just these two dependencies added:
