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Linux: Remove low resolution icons #649

Closed guihkx closed 10 months ago

guihkx commented 10 months ago

This is just an aesthetical change.

Long story short:

AppImages have a default icon. For some reason, our AppImage-making tool always chooses the lowest resolution icon we have (16x16) as the default one, and there's no way to specify a different icon (AFAIK).

End result: Our AppImage icon looks really bad on file managers that support previewing AppImage files via libappimage, like Dolphin.

Quick and dirty solution: Keep only icons that are 128x128 and above.



nuttyartist commented 10 months ago

Won't we need the lower ones for the system tray?

guihkx commented 10 months ago

No. We actually use the 1024x1024 icon for the tray icon here:

And I think Qt takes care of resizing the icon for us.

nuttyartist commented 10 months ago

Okay 👍