nuttyartist / notes

Fast and beautiful note-taking app written in C++. Write down your thoughts.
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Editor settings window is broken with Qt 6.6 #652

Closed guihkx closed 7 months ago

guihkx commented 8 months ago

Qt 6.6 was released just a few days ago, and while Notes builds just fine with it, the Editor Settings window won't open anymore:

This is the output I get when I open the app using the terminal:

$ notes
qrc:/qt/qml/EditorSettings.qml:429:21: Type OptionItemButton unavailable 
                         OptionItemButton { 
qrc:/qt/qml/OptionItemButton.qml:15:5: Cannot override FINAL property 
         property bool enabled: true 
qrc:/qt/qml/kanbanMain.qml:615:33: Type OptionItemButton unavailable 
                                     OptionItemButton { 
qrc:/qt/qml/OptionItemButton.qml:15:5: Cannot override FINAL property 
         property bool enabled: true 
Database: connection ok

This was tested on commit 10bed3427934456711a7e49b05ecb47fff617666 and on Linux. I haven't tested on other platforms.

nuttyartist commented 8 months ago

Thanks for reporting, I'll look into it! Qt 6 has some really cool stuff - especially the new LayoutItemProxy (although it's a bummer it's only supported in Qt 6).

dmytrovoytko commented 7 months ago

After updating to Qt 6.6 had problem with Kanban view, I think I found the way to fix the issue in OptionItemButton.qml - now it works. Please consider my PR.