nuttyartist / notes

Fast and beautiful note-taking app written in C++. Write down your thoughts.
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Fix #652: option window doesnt work #657

Closed zjeffer closed 7 months ago

zjeffer commented 7 months ago

The issue was that enabled is a built-in QML property, and we were overwriting it. It seems that since 6.6, this overwriting actually causes an error, as opposed to previous versions.

Fixed by not redefining the enabled property, but simply setting to true in the constructor.

Thanks to @dmytrovoytko for pointing us closer to the solution!

Tested and works on Qt 6.6.1

zjeffer commented 7 months ago

Appimage 5.15.2 works

zjeffer commented 7 months ago

Appimage 6.4.3 also works

nuttyartist commented 7 months ago

Works just fine (: Thanks, @zjeffer.