nuttyartist / notes

Fast and beautiful note-taking app written in C++. Write down your thoughts.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Two warnings in `SubscriptionWindow.qml` with Qt 6.7.1 #673

Open guihkx opened 1 month ago

guihkx commented 1 month ago

I just built Notes with Qt 6.7.1 on Linux, and upon running Notes from the terminal, I get the following two warnings:

$ notes
Database: connection ok
m_subscriptionStatus: SubscriptionStatus::Active
qrc:/qt/qml/SubscriptionWindow.qml:1583: May 22, 2024 should be coerced to void because the function called is insufficiently annotated. The original value is retained. This will change in a future version of Qt.
qrc:/qt/qml/SubscriptionWindow.qml:1564: May 22, 2024 should be coerced to void because the function called is insufficiently annotated. The original value is retained. This will change in a future version of Qt.
nuttyartist commented 1 month ago

I'll look into that.