nuttyartist / notes

Fast and beautiful note-taking app written in C++. Write down your thoughts.
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Type-ahead with matches found #680

Open dev20242025 opened 3 days ago

dev20242025 commented 3 days ago

Need type-ahead with matches found on the search box while typing for a keyword or a sentence which would help to narrow down the result even before hitting the search and going through

nuttyartist commented 3 days ago

Showing the results while typing is already some sort of type-ahead. What I would recommend is actually smart search and to show a "Top Hits" results at the top of the results (same as Apple Notes does it).

dev20242025 commented 2 days ago

so when will be available?

nuttyartist commented 2 days ago

Not sure yet. I'll probably implement it into Plume ( first, and then I'll add it into Notes.