nuttytree / ESPHome-Devices

A collection of ESPHome custom components, configuration files, and custom code for my various ESP8266/ESP32 devices that integrate with Home Assistant.
MIT License
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Help needed setting up light with power #46

Closed jaroslavas closed 2 days ago

jaroslavas commented 2 weeks ago

I've added light with power component as described in readme:

  - source: github://nuttytree/esphome
    components: [ binary_light_with_power ]

But it doesn't wan't to work, giving me an error:


Failed config

external_components: [source /config/switch.yaml:13]
  - source: github://nuttytree/esphome

      Could not find file for component binary_light_with_power. Please check the component is defined by this source (search path: /config/.esphome/external_components/63b570de/esphome/components/binary_light_with_power/
      - binary_light_with_power

Any ideas what I am doing wrong? :)

nuttytree commented 2 weeks ago

To be honest my life has been a crazy mess the last year and I have not kept up on updates to this repo. I feel like I had to make a change a while back to support a newer version of ESPHome but I could be wrong. I don't have time to take look now but I should be able to some time this week.

nuttytree commented 2 days ago

Sorry this took so long to get back to you on this. I found the issue, it was a typo in the README's. The correct path for the source is github://nuttytree/ESPHome-Devices. I have updated all of the README's in this PR #47.