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Week 6 Status Report (Spring Quarter) #86

Open shulerhl opened 8 years ago

shulerhl commented 8 years ago

Accomplished this week: Fixed login bug Launched MEM pilot, mainly for testing the login Moved sign in and sign up to separate page Combined sign up and enterprise pages

Planned efforts for next week: Tool to customize survey/community Suggest times for scheduling coffeechat Standardize fonts, consistent logo size, consistent header colors Talent page search bar Modify analytics queries to only show non-admins public groups and deleted groups Manual matching queue - display past matches and queue on talent page Improve landing page UI Public and private groups on admin talent Common interests when users match Redesign login Switch team page to about us After linkedin login, redirect to survey Make matching automatic Ensure logging in is working Add MixPanel and Sentry for user tracking

Issues your team is facing: The login bug is mostly fixed - if it fails, users just have to click "Allow" again to go through, so no one has seemed to notice it. We are tabling it for now to focus on more pressing topics. We reached out to our ABs again last week but we have still only gotten a response from one person