nuvention-web / coffee-chat

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Week 7 Status Report (Spring Quarter) #87

Open shulerhl opened 8 years ago

shulerhl commented 8 years ago

Accomplished this week: Standardize fonts, consistent logo size, consistent header colors Improve landing page UI Redesign login Fix login user flow After linkedin login, redirect to survey Make matching automatic Ensure logging in is working Add MixPanel and Sentry for user tracking Launched "hodgepodge" pilot to check full user flow with ~20 people before real company pilot

Planned efforts for next week: Tool to customize survey/community Add admin metrics Suggest times for scheduling coffeechat Talent page search bar Modify analytics queries to only show non-admins public groups and deleted groups Manual matching queue - display past matches and queue on talent page Public and private groups on admin talent Common interests when users match Switch team page to about us Launching company pilots on Wednesday

Issues your team is facing: Still struggling to connect with all our AB mentors The LinkedIn API does not always work, and there is no guaranteed way to fix it. We have added an FAQ page for troubleshooting suggestions, but we may need to switch to usernames and passwords in the future