nuvolaris / nuvolaris-bugs

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Document fixes collector #6

Closed msciabarra closed 1 year ago

msciabarra commented 1 year ago

Collector of all the documentation related notes.

msciabarra commented 1 year ago

Document you need to enable the following permissions for Google Cloud

gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable resourcemanager.projects.delete
msciabarra commented 1 year ago

In the quick start there is a long discussion before explaining the command to install the cluster is nuv setup cluster it should be put first, and then the notes

mdigirolamo-nuv commented 1 year ago

In the quick start is better to explain in this way:

  1. scarica e installa questo prima di tutto

  2. addess installa Nuvolaris da qui da qui

  3. Apri il terminale: premi +R e scrivi powershell e controlla che c'è nuv scrivendo

    nuv -info

  4. Adesso configura il cluster

    nuv config eks

e rispondi ai primi 3 (chiave/password/regione)




tutti gli altri premi invio

  1. installa

Prima connettiti al cluster

nuv cloud eks kubeconfig

e poi installa

nuv setup cluster

msciabarra commented 1 year ago

some people cannot easily find documentation for specific cloud so make it more evident

msciabarra commented 1 year ago

there are missing links related to install the ssh keys

msciabarra commented 1 year ago

Document permission to be able to create a gke cluster

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [PROJECT_ID] --member="user:[USER_EMAIL]" --role="roles/container.clusterAdmin" gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [PROJECT_ID] --member="user:[USER_EMAIL]" --role="roles/container.admin" gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [PROJECT_ID] --member="user:[USER_EMAIL]" --role="roles/iam.serviceAccountUser"

msciabarra commented 1 year ago

document there are now a package for older versions of glibc (debian 11, ubuntu 20, redhat 8)

AntonioPiga commented 1 year ago

If a user wants to uninstall nuv from his local machine? Can you give him some commands/tutorial?

msciabarra commented 1 year ago

there are we should add in the tutorial

msciabarra commented 1 year ago

In the tutorial there are references to the nuv debug that are available ONLY for people who installed it and they have the kubeconfig availabe - remove them and instructs to use the secrets instead with nuv -config -d and ${SECRET_NAME} in the manifest

zeph commented 1 year ago

menziona questo altro pacchetto... ma non c'e' nella mia installazione... /nuvolaris/hello private <-- a default package created during deployment

l'enpoint della action e' non quello suggerito nell'how-to... $ /api/v1/web/nuvolaris/contact/submit

output of this command is way different from the example in

% nuv action get contact/submit
ok: got action contact/submit
    "namespace": "serra/contact",
    "name": "submit",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "exec": {
        "kind": "nodejs:18",
        "binary": false
    "annotations": [
            "key": "web-export",
            "value": true
            "key": "raw-http",
            "value": false
            "key": "final",
            "value": true
            "key": "provide-api-key",
            "value": false
            "key": "exec",
            "value": "nodejs:18"
    "parameters": [
            "key": "dbUri",
            "value": "postgresql://serra:XXXXX@nuvolaris-postgres.nuvolaris.svc.cluster.local:5432/serra"
    "limits": {
        "timeout": 60000,
        "memory": 256,
        "logs": 10,
        "concurrency": 1
    "publish": false,
    "updated": 1700154827984

again, action not in line with what's being reported by the example...

% nuv url contact/submit-write

instead of

nuv url contact/submit-write

ok, failing the submit with

  "code": "WhGIZNTiL7Y5D37rx5LUrUQnfz3kuyzP",
  "error": "There was an error processing your request."

found... there is a typo in the write.js at

    return {
        body: args.body,

args.body needs a comma in the end


nuv devel scan does not write the manifest.yaml on the filesystem

msciabarra commented 1 year ago



to disable cpu and memory check

AntonioPiga commented 1 year ago

released today new version with fixes included