nuxsmin / sysPass

Systems Password Manager
GNU General Public License v3.0
958 stars 207 forks source link

How to reset or retrieve the Master Password #1909

Open EvoGamer opened 11 months ago

EvoGamer commented 11 months ago

sysPass Version 3.1

Describe the question I have a fully logged-in admin user who can access and modify all settings and accounts stored in the database, including exporting them for import into a new instance on another server. However, the master password has been lost, so new users added to the system can't sign in, and the exported XML can't be imported without the master password. Changing the master password requires the old one for verification. Since a hash of the master password is stored in the admin user's profile within the database, is there a way to retrieve (or at least reset) the master password, so everything can be re-encrypted without and then exported requiring knowledge of the old one? I don't want to update the software until I can take a backup and be sure I can decrypt it should I need to reinstall from scratch.

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nlmaca commented 10 months ago

I have no idea, but maybe you can try to setup a clean install of syspass 3.1 somewhere. And after installatione copy that hash of the master password to your current setup. That would be my approach if i would loose the master password. Just make sure to backup your current setup.