nuxt-modules / apollo

Nuxt.js module to use Vue-Apollo. The Apollo integration for GraphQL.
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Add compatibility for Options API #499

Closed vitkolos closed 4 months ago

vitkolos commented 1 year ago

Your use case

It seems that @nuxtjs/apollo v5 doesn't support Options API. This makes it harder for bigger projects to migrate on Nuxt 3.

The solution you'd like

I would really appreciate if there was a Nuxt 3 compatible version of @nuxtjs/apollo which would allow developers to use Options API.

Possible alternatives

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Additional information

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juanjcardona13 commented 1 year ago

It would be great if new packages have options api support like so vue. Thank you very much for these valuable packages

rnenjoy commented 1 year ago

Yeah that would be great. I'm stuck here with my migration project.

vitkolos commented 1 year ago

@rnenjoy I managed to migrate my project without this package (only using vue/apollo) – and it seems to work. This is my plugins/apollo.js file.

import { ApolloClient, ApolloLink, InMemoryCache, createHttpLink } from '@apollo/client/core'
import { createApolloProvider } from '@vue/apollo-option'
import { onError } from '@apollo/client/link/error'
import destr from 'destr'


export default defineNuxtPlugin(nuxtApp => {
  const cache = new InMemoryCache()
  const { siteUrl, apiPath } = useRuntimeConfig()?.public

  const httpLink = createHttpLink({
    uri: siteUrl + apiPath,

  const errorLink = onError((err) => {
    // nuxtApp.callHook('apollo:error', err)
    err.response.errors = undefined;
    // todo: add some error logging (and something else?)

  const link = ApolloLink.from([errorLink, httpLink])

  const apolloClient = new ApolloClient({
      ? { ssrMode: true }
      : { ssrForceFetchDelay: 100 }),

  // the original code expects multiple apollo clients
  // here, we have only one, so the key doesn't matter
  const key = 'api'
  const cacheKey = `_apollo:${key}`

  nuxtApp.hook('app:rendered', () => {[cacheKey] = cache.extract()

  if (process.client &&[cacheKey]) {

  const apolloProvider = createApolloProvider({
    defaultClient: apolloClient,

adamkhan commented 1 year ago

This is important for my migration also. With many components, it's a lot to convert them all immediately to Composition API.

Pinia has it, see

vitkolos congrats! What is the syntax in a component? this.$apollo.query ?

vitkolos commented 1 year ago

@adamkhan I mostly use the apollo option; however, this.$apollo is also available (even though I am not sure how that query method really works).

adamkhan commented 1 year ago

Thanks @vitkolos. I installed vue-apollo and didn't have @vue/apollo-option so installed that as well but am still getting

TypeError: this.$apollo.query is not a function

I guess more needs to be added to the plugin to make this work but I don't know what.

[Update]: Not sure what i was doing last week but the plugin seems to be working for me now at first glance! Thank you for sharing, looks like I can progress now too!

rnenjoy commented 11 months ago

Its very easy to enable options API. Im a open source newbie, so i cant give a commit or something. But only thing needed is to add



import { createApolloProvider } from '@vue/apollo-option';

And at bottom below const defaultClient = clients?.default;

const apolloProvider = createApolloProvider({

Diizzayy commented 4 months ago

Options API Support was added in #575