nuxt-modules / leaflet

A Nuxt module to use Leaflet
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Add support for Leaflet.markercluster #15

Closed Gugustinette closed 1 month ago

Gugustinette commented 4 months ago

We should support Leaflet.markercluster.

Either by documenting a way to use the plugin (similar to Leaflet.draw documentation) or providing Vue components.

antoineLZCH commented 4 months ago

Hey, as we were talking about, I made this implementation using @vue-leaflet/vue-leaflet and leaflet packages :

Step 1 : I made a plugin to define everything you need :

// plugins/leaflet.client.ts
import {YourComponent} from '@vue-leaflet/vue-leaflet';
import * as L from 'leaflet';
import 'leaflet/dist/leaflet.css';
import 'leaflet.markercluster';
import 'leaflet.markercluster/dist/MarkerCluster.css';
import 'leaflet.markercluster/dist/MarkerCluster.Default.css';

export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
  nuxtApp.vueApp.component('YourComponent', YourComponent);

  return {
    provide: {

I had to provide L aswell.

Step 2 : In my component. Note that I wrapped it with <client-only> as I had issues with SSR (which is sad when I see how much markers I have to put on my map).

     :options="{ tap: false }"
       <template v-if="leafletReady">
         <l-tile-layer :url="leafletOptions.url" />

<script lang="ts" setup>
import * as L from 'leaflet';
import {MarkerClusterGroup} from 'leaflet.markercluster';
import {LMap, LTileLayer} from '@vue-leaflet/vue-leaflet';
import {isClient} from '@vueuse/shared';

const leafletReady = ref(false);
const leafletObject = ref();
const map = ref();

// Using it to be sure that the map is correctly instanciated, maybe there's a better way ?
const onLeafletReady = async () => {
  await nextTick();
  leafletObject.value = map.value;
  leafletReady.value = true;

* The magic goes here, 
* but I got a Typescript issue with the new MarkerClusterGroup().
const createMarkers = async () => {
  const markerCluster =  new MarkerClusterGroup();

  let markers: any[] = [];

  const markerIcon = L.divIcon({
    className: 'location-marker',
    html: '<img src="/icons/location.svg" alt="">'

  locations.value.forEach((location: any) => {
    const options = {title: location.nom, clickable: true, draggable: false, data: location, icon: markerIcon};

    // Just a regex check to ensure that I don't create a broken marker 
    // (as it completely break the behavior of the whole map)
    if (checkCoordinates(, location.long)) {

      const marker = L.marker([, location.long], options);

      ... // just a bit of logic for my own purpose

      // I had my marker to the marker array then I add them as layer

  // Then I add the whole cluster layer to the map

// I watch for leafletReady to create markers after, but as I said maybe there's a better way to do.
watch(leafletReady, async () => {
  if (isClient) {
    await createMarkers();

And the result is :

Capture d’écran 2024-04-28 à 20 11 02

But thing is I have some client issues due to this solution, You have to put a placeholder before the map completely load.

Gugustinette commented 3 months ago

Reported type issue with leaflet.markercluster here

Gugustinette commented 2 months ago

Issue was closed because of to the branch being merged, but the feature isn't correctly working yet.

The following composable doesn't work in production :

import type { MarkerOptions, Map } from 'leaflet';

interface MarkerProps {
  name?: string;
  lat: number;
  lng: number;
  options?: MarkerOptions;

interface Props {
  leafletObject: Map;
  markers: MarkerProps[];

export const useMarkerCluster = async (props: Props) => {
  // Get Leaflet from the window object
  const L = window.L;

  // Lazy-load leaflet.markercluster
  // Importing it at the top level will cause errors because it could be loaded before the Leaflet library
  const { MarkerClusterGroup } = await import('leaflet.markercluster');

  // Initialize marker cluster
  const markerCluster =  new MarkerClusterGroup();

  // For each marker in props
  props.markers.forEach((location: any) => {
    // Create a Leaflet marker
    const marker = L.marker([, location.lng], {

    // Add the marker to the cluster

  // Add the marker cluster to the map

For now, it shows TypeError: Cannot add property MarkerClusterGroup, object is not extensible in the browser console after accessing the map in production build.

The error comes from this line in the Leaflet.markercluster plugin :

export var MarkerClusterGroup = L.MarkerClusterGroup = L.FeatureGroup.extend({

Leaflet.markercluser assumes Leaflet was already imported and initialized in the browser, which seems to be fine. But in production, the L object seems frozen for some reason ?

We will probably face the same problem with other plugins such as Leafet.heat, Leaflet.VectorGrid and others, that uses the same method.

Gugustinette commented 1 month ago

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