nuxt-modules / og-image

Generate OG Images with Vue templates in Nuxt.
361 stars 23 forks source link

Build warn #157

Closed aloky closed 3 months ago

aloky commented 4 months ago
Export "useNitroApp" of module "node_modules/nitropack/dist/runtime/app.mjs" was reexported through module "node_modules/nitropack/dist/runtime/index.mjs" while both modules are dependencies of each other and will end up in different chunks by current Rollup settings. This scenario is not well supported at the moment as it will produce a circular dependency between chunks and will likely lead to broken execution order.
Either change the import in "node_modules/nuxt-og-image/dist/runtime/nitro/og-image/context.mjs" to point directly to the exporting module or reconfigure "output.manualChunks" to ensure these modules end up in the same chunk.
harlan-zw commented 3 months ago

Will close for the duplicate