nuxt-modules / og-image

Generate OG Images with Vue templates in Nuxt.
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Deploying on Cloudflare Pages, script_too_large? #193

Open matthewjewell opened 2 months ago

matthewjewell commented 2 months ago


I think this may be misconfiguration or misunderstanding on my part rather than an issue, but just to check:

Tried deploying a branch with a simple template, it works well locally, but with the 1mb worker limit on Pages (free) I get the workers.api.error.script_too_large error as the compiled-wasm file is 2.4mb.

Is there a way around this or is the package not usable with the 1mb limit?


ExEr7um commented 2 months ago

Same issue. OG Image adds 1.8MB compressed.

ijkml commented 1 month ago

Hi, Harlan :wave:. Ran into this issue, too.

harlan-zw commented 1 month ago

If you want to generate runtime images with Satori on Cloudflare there isn't a way around this (for now). This is due to upstream dependency WASM sizes that I have no control over.

If you're happy to prerender all of your images then you can follow my comment.

matthewjewell commented 1 month ago

Thanks really useful, thanks for the reply @harlan-zw