nuxt-modules / supabase

Supabase module for Nuxt.
MIT License
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Nuxt3 server routes support? #27

Closed eMeRiKa13 closed 2 years ago

eMeRiKa13 commented 2 years ago


Is-it working in Nuxt3 server side, in a server/api file?

I have the error useSupabaseUser is not defined. I tried to import them import { useSupabaseUser, useSupabaseClient } from '@nuxtjs/supabase'; but I have the error SyntaxError: The requested module '.../node_modules/@nuxtjs/supabase/dist/module.mjs' does not provide an export named 'useSupabaseClient'


atinux commented 2 years ago

It is not intented to work but should be possible with few teaks, could you give us an example of what you are trying to achieve with a route API?

eMeRiKa13 commented 2 years ago

I don't have any backend in my project so I use the Nuxt 3 server API to check the user data and proceed the insert / update / delete on the database. I have Postgresql row level securities configured but I don't want to remove the "backend" side as I proceed to some checks.

Until now I'm using your first implementation of Supabase in Nuxt 3 with notably:


import { useCookies } from 'h3'

export default defineNuxtPlugin(async (nuxtApp) => {
  const { user, auth } = useSupabase();
  const req = nuxtApp.ssrContext!.req;

  // Supabase needs to read from req.cookies
  req.cookies = useCookies(req);
  // Check authenticated user during SSR
  user.value = await (await auth.api.getUserByCookie(req)).user;
  // Fix SSR called to RLS protected tables
  if (user.value) {
    // @ts-ignore
    auth.session = () => ({
      access_token: req.cookies['sb:token']

but after updated to the latest Nuxt 3 version I had the error Cannot split a chunk that has already been edited (5:22 – "await (await auth.api.getUserByCookie(req)).user") so I wanted to switch to this module.

jefflombard commented 2 years ago

Seconded, I find this useful.

eMeRiKa13 commented 2 years ago


I'm still looking for a solution to this problem. I found in this module the plugin which says "Set subabase user on server side"

So my question is, how do I get the user from server side? If it is set, it must be possible to retrieve it?


larbish commented 2 years ago

Hello @eMeRiKa13, I need to find a way to use composables on server side. This is not as simple as that because composables use internals only accessible in vue context and not in nitro context. I mentioned your issue in #31. I'll quickly come back to you with a way to do it.

eMeRiKa13 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your answer @larbish! Let me know if I can help you

Bryanoxx commented 2 years ago

If it can help some people, I made a server/middleware/auth.ts that adds the current user to event.context.user :

import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'

export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
  // Setting up the database connection
  const config = useRuntimeConfig()
  const supabase = createClient(config.SUPABASE_URL, config.SUPABASE_SECRET_KEY)

  // Getting the current user
  const auth = await supabase.auth.api.getUserByCookie({ cookies: useCookies(event.req) })

  // Saving supabase and the user in the current context
  event.context.supabase = supabase
  event.context.auth = auth?.token !== null ? auth : null
  event.context.user = auth?.user !== null ? auth.user : null
robinscholz commented 2 years ago

Running into the same problem …

I'd like to pass the client in a callback function to a crawler that runs in the background asynchronously.

mubaidr commented 5 months ago

If it can help some people, I made a server/middleware/auth.ts that adds the current user to event.context.user :

import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'

export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
  // Setting up the database connection
  const config = useRuntimeConfig()
  const supabase = createClient(config.SUPABASE_URL, config.SUPABASE_SECRET_KEY)

  // Getting the current user
  const auth = await supabase.auth.api.getUserByCookie({ cookies: useCookies(event.req) })

  // Saving supabase and the user in the current context
  event.context.supabase = supabase
  event.context.auth = auth?.token !== null ? auth : null
  event.context.user = auth?.user !== null ? auth.user : null

But is this super intensive? or should I say expensive, fetching user session with every API/ route call?