nuxt-themes / typography

Beautifully customizable Prose components for Nuxt Content.
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Wrong props with `<ProseA>` #44

Closed Bernankez closed 1 year ago

Bernankez commented 1 year ago

NuxtLink no longer accepts the static prop, and blank has been replaced by target. nuxt-link.ts

export type NuxtLinkProps = {
  // Routing
  to?: string | RouteLocationRaw
  href?: string | RouteLocationRaw
  external?: boolean
  replace?: boolean
  custom?: boolean

  // Attributes
  target?: '_blank' | '_parent' | '_self' | '_top' | (string & {}) | null
  rel?: string | null
  noRel?: boolean

  prefetch?: boolean
  noPrefetch?: boolean

  // Styling
  activeClass?: string
  exactActiveClass?: string

  // Vue Router's `<RouterLink>` additional props
  ariaCurrentValue?: string