nuxt / content

The file-based CMS for your Nuxt application, powered by Markdown and Vue components.
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Component MDCRenderer is missing template or render function. #2623

Open ricardobalk opened 2 months ago

ricardobalk commented 2 months ago


Before upgrade using npx nuxi upgrade:

- Operating System: Darwin
- Node Version:     v18.18.2
- Nuxt Version:     3.7.3
- CLI Version:      3.8.4
- Nitro Version:    2.6.3
- Package Manager:  yarn@1.22.19
- Builder:          -
- User Config:      modules, components, content, postcss, vite
- Runtime Modules:  @nuxt/content@2.8.2
- Build Modules:    -

After upgrade using npx nuxi upgrade:

- Operating System: `Darwin`
- Node Version:     `v18.18.2`
- Nuxt Version:     `3.11.2`
- CLI Version:      `3.11.1`
- Nitro Version:    `2.9.6`
- Package Manager:  `yarn@1.22.19`
- Builder:          `-`
- User Config:      `modules`, `components`, `content`, `postcss`, `vite`
- Runtime Modules:  `@nuxt/content@2.12.1`
- Build Modules:    `-`


Describe the bug

I'm in a process of updating the dependencies for my personal website, specifically upgrading Nuxt from ^v3.7.3 to ^3.11.2 and @nuxt/content from ^2.8.2 to ^2.12.1. However, when updating one or both packages, my project would not load and I get this message WARN [Vue warn]: Component MDCRenderer is missing template or render function..

I'm not directly using MDCRenderer anywhere in my project. Who can tell me what is happening?

Additional context

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