nuxt / eslint

Collection of ESLint-related packages for Nuxt
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Documentation request: Config recipes for minimal config setup #462

Open TribeWeb opened 2 days ago

TribeWeb commented 2 days ago

Describe the feature

I appreciate the work to consolidate the use of eslint and prettier with Nuxt. I am self taught and although I understand the general principles of what each of these packages achieves, I have limited understanding of how they are configured and have got this far without having to dive into them. I have always been able to copy others' configs and have been happy with that. I don't have opinions about semicolons and tabs/spaces as long as it's neat.

I am currently starting a project with Nuxt 3 (and the new Nuxt module) and for the first time, although some aspects are working, I can't get my code looking nice at all. If I look at other repos for clues (e.g. NuxtHub), they all seem to use something different to what's in the docs. I can't tell if the 3 packages listed are mutually exclusive or do I need a bit of each?

Because the linting and prettifying ecosystem seems to change frequently and is optimised for flexibility, it seems there are lots of ways I could get the configuration wrong. For example:

It would really help me to have a simple recipe or example using the latest module (or a link to a well maintained example). I think it would need to help me achieve some sensible defaults:

I think it would help to be able to see:

I hope that would be helpful to others too and I'd be more than happy to help in any way I could.



Additional information

Final checks

hacknug commented 1 day ago

Trying to answer some of these questions based on my understanding and what I read on the docs. You should be able to set it up the way you described if you follow the instructions from the docs and ensure you have similar config to the one I'm sharing below.

Make sure to check the Eslint Output console in vscode to ensure there are no errors and everything is working correctly.

Hope this helps 👍

I can't tell if the 3 packages listed are mutually exclusive or do I need a bit of each?

According to the FAQ page on the docs you only need the module aka @nuxt/eslint.

What to use?

For new projects, we highly recommend using the ESLint Module which provides a project-aware ESLint flat config generation and is more future-proof.

If you still use the legacy .eslintrc format, you can use the ESLint Config package to manually configure your ESLint settings. We recommend you to migrate to the flat config format if possible.

If you are maintaining your custom ESLint config and want a low-level setup, you can use the ESLint Plugin package directly to enable some Nuxt-specific rules in your config.

  • What should the settings in VS Code look like? Might I be overriding things by mistake?
  • Should I have a .vscode folder and settings.json file in each project? What should be in them?

Here's what my .vscode/settings.json looks like:

  "eslint.useFlatConfig": true,
  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll.eslint": "always",

I use this file to make sure I don't force these settings on other projects that might use the older config format or different version of the tools. It also ensures other folks working on the project get the same benefits from eslint and other dependencies.

Not sure you need to add anything specific to your global settings but just in case here's what I have:

  "eslint.debug": true,
  "eslint.validate": [

  • Do I need typescript installed as a dev dependency? Or anything else in addition to @nuxt/eslint & eslint?

You do not. It already is a dependency of whichever packages need it.

Check the Manual Setup section in the docs for more info (you'll see there they only ask you to install @nuxt/eslint and eslint).

  • I'd be happy not to use prettier if eslint can make things look nice but if I add stylistic: true nothing happens - should I disable prettier in VS Code or do I need to install something else to the project to make it work?

Did you check the playground dir in this repo? It has a complete example of a working project.

Again, just in case, here's what my config looks like:

import withNuxt from './.nuxt/eslint.config.mjs'

export default withNuxt()
  .override('nuxt/stylistic', {
    rules: {
      '@stylistic/arrow-parens': ['error', 'always'],