nuxt / fonts

Plug-and-play web font optimization and configuration for Nuxt apps.
MIT License
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devtools: If the module contains "@nuxt/devtools", an error occurs in the Fonts panel. #106

Open dungsil opened 1 month ago

dungsil commented 1 month ago

It's strange, but if the nuxt.config file contains @nuxt/devtools inside modules, the font panel doesn't work.


ERROR [nuxt-devtools] RPC error on executing "nuxt-devtools-fonts:getFonts": [birpc] function "nuxt-devtools-fonts:getFonts" not found

Reproduction link:

danielroe commented 1 month ago

Does this happen with any other modules with custom devtools integrations?

dungsil commented 1 month ago

it works correctly with modules like @nuxtjs/tailwindcss or nuxt-icon So far (as far as I've seen) this only happens with @nuxt/fonts.

stephenjason89 commented 2 weeks ago

i don't know if this is related but i am getting this


Only fix i can do is to disable devtools or remove nuxt font

These are the modules in my project

larrasu commented 2 weeks ago

i don't know if this is related but i am getting this image

Only fix i can do is to disable devtools or remove nuxt font

These are the modules in my project


This is happening to me too. I thought it only happens when you install @nuxt/fonts using npx nuxi module add @nuxt/fonts, but it's also happening with manual installation.

qwerzl commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not sure if these two are the same issue. @stephenjason89 @larrasu Could you share a reproduction?

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Would you be able to provide a reproduction? 🙏

More info ### Why do I need to provide a reproduction? Reproductions make it possible for us to triage and fix issues quickly with a relatively small team. It helps us discover the source of the problem, and also can reveal assumptions you or we might be making. ### What will happen? If you've provided a reproduction, we'll remove the label and try to reproduce the issue. If we can, we'll mark it as a bug and prioritise it based on its severity and how many people we think it might affect. If `needs reproduction` labeled issues don't receive any substantial activity (e.g., new comments featuring a reproduction link), we'll close them. That's not because we don't care! At any point, feel free to comment with a reproduction and we'll reopen it. ### How can I create a reproduction? We have a template for starting with a minimal reproduction: 👉 A public GitHub repository is also perfect. 👌 Please ensure that the reproduction is as **minimal** as possible. See more details [in our guide]( You might also find these other articles interesting and/or helpful: - [The Importance of Reproductions]( - [How to Generate a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example](
dungsil commented 2 weeks ago

I think the problem I created and the problem reported by @stephenjason89 @larrasu are different problems. (I need to include @nuxt/devtools in the module entry for the problem to occur, but the image provided by stephenjason89 does not include @nuxt/devtools).

like this:

// nuxt.config.ts
export default {
    modules: [

This should be assigned as a new issue.

dungsil commented 2 weeks ago

@danielroe Can you please remove the need reproduction tag (I already have a reproduction link in the body)?

arashsheyda commented 1 week ago

I'd say this is becuase of the order of modules, if you add @nuxt/devtools after @nuxt/fonts it works.

also you don't need to include @nuxt/devtools as it is included in nuxt core.