nuxt / fonts

Plug-and-play web font optimization and configuration for Nuxt apps.
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chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies #154

Closed renovate[bot] closed 2 weeks ago

renovate[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence Type Update
@iconify-json/carbon ^1.1.32 -> ^1.1.33 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies patch
@nuxt/devtools-kit (source) ^1.2.0 -> ^1.3.1 age adoption passing confidence dependencies minor
@nuxt/devtools-kit (source) ^1.2.0 -> ^1.3.1 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
@unocss/nuxt (source) ^0.60.0 -> ^0.60.2 age adoption passing confidence dependencies patch
actions/checkout v4.1.5 -> v4.1.6 age adoption passing confidence action patch
esbuild ^0.21.1 -> ^0.21.3 age adoption passing confidence dependencies patch
execa ^9.0.1 -> ^9.1.0 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
pnpm (source) 9.1.0 -> 9.1.1 age adoption passing confidence packageManager patch
sass ^1.77.0 -> ^1.77.2 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies patch
shiki (source) ^1.5.1 -> ^1.5.2 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies patch
unocss ^0.60.0 -> ^0.60.2 age adoption passing confidence dependencies patch
vue-tsc (source) ^2.0.16 -> ^2.0.19 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies patch

Release Notes

nuxt/devtools (@​nuxt/devtools-kit) ### [`v1.3.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - module builder chunk path patch ([87199a1]( ### [`v1.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **devtools:** optimize the home page layout ([#​654]( ([a1ad266]( - upgrade `vite-plugin-vue-inspector`, fix [#​657]( ([f67f0f2]( ##### Features - components tree panel ([#​655]( ([3162269]( - hide devtools when printing ([#​648]( ([1be7b2d](
unocss/unocss (@​unocss/nuxt) ### [`v0.60.2`]( [Compare Source]( #####    🐞 Bug Fixes - **directives**: Fix parsing positions, close [#​3795](  -  by [@​antfu]( in []( [(84170)]( #####     [View changes on GitHub]( ### [`v0.60.1`]( [Compare Source]( #####    🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin**: - Blocklist meta with message  -  by [@​enkot]( and [@​antfu]( in []( [(20ed8)]( - Allow customize configPath via settings  -  by [@​antfu]( [(9eb6e)]( #####    🐞 Bug Fixes - **transformer-attributify-jsx**: MatchedRule  -  by [@​Simon-He95]( in []( [(da9c9)]( - **transformer-directive**: Get raw string in directive, support slash & hash  -  by [@​zyyv]( and [@​antfu]( in []( [(fa497)]( #####     [View changes on GitHub](
actions/checkout (actions/checkout) ### [`v4.1.6`]( [Compare Source]( - Check platform to set archive extension appropriately by [@​cory-miller]( in [](
evanw/esbuild (esbuild) ### [`v0.21.3`]( [Compare Source]( - Implement the decorator metadata proposal ([#​3760]( This release implements the [decorator metadata proposal](, which is a sub-proposal of the [decorators proposal]( Microsoft shipped the decorators proposal in [TypeScript 5.0]( and the decorator metadata proposal in [TypeScript 5.2](, so it's important that esbuild also supports both of these features. Here's a quick example: ```js // Shim the "Symbol.metadata" symbol Symbol.metadata ??= Symbol('Symbol.metadata') const track = (_, context) => { (context.metadata.names ||= []).push( } class Foo { @​track foo = 1 @​track bar = 2 } // Prints ["foo", "bar"] console.log(Foo[Symbol.metadata].names) ``` **⚠️ WARNING ⚠️** This proposal has been marked as "stage 3" which means "recommended for implementation". However, it's still a work in progress and isn't a part of JavaScript yet, so keep in mind that any code that uses JavaScript decorator metadata may need to be updated as the feature continues to evolve. If/when that happens, I will update esbuild's implementation to match the specification. I will not be supporting old versions of the specification. - Fix bundled decorators in derived classes ([#​3768]( In certain cases, bundling code that uses decorators in a derived class with a class body that references its own class name could previously generate code that crashes at run-time due to an incorrect variable name. This problem has been fixed. Here is an example of code that was compiled incorrectly before this fix: ```js class Foo extends Object { @​(x => x) foo() { return Foo } } console.log(new Foo().foo()) ``` - Fix `tsconfig.json` files inside symlinked directories ([#​3767]( This release fixes an issue with a scenario involving a `tsconfig.json` file that `extends` another file from within a symlinked directory that uses the `paths` feature. In that case, the implicit `baseURL` value should be based on the real path (i.e. after expanding all symbolic links) instead of the original path. This was already done for other files that esbuild resolves but was not yet done for `tsconfig.json` because it's special-cased (the regular path resolver can't be used because the information inside `tsconfig.json` is involved in path resolution). Note that this fix no longer applies if the `--preserve-symlinks` setting is enabled. ### [`v0.21.2`]( [Compare Source]( - Correct `this` in field and accessor decorators ([#​3761]( This release changes the value of `this` in initializers for class field and accessor decorators from the module-level `this` value to the appropriate `this` value for the decorated element (either the class or the instance). It was previously incorrect due to lack of test coverage. Here's an example of a decorator that doesn't work without this change: ```js const dec = () => function() { = true } class Foo { @​dec static foo } console.log( // Should be "true" ``` - Allow `es2023` as a target environment ([#​3762]( TypeScript recently [added `es2023`]( as a compilation target, so esbuild now supports this too. There is no difference between a target of `es2022` and `es2023` as far as esbuild is concerned since the 2023 edition of JavaScript doesn't introduce any new syntax features.
sindresorhus/execa (execa) ### [`v9.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features (types) - Export [`TemplateExpression`](docs/ type. ([#​1049]( ### [`v9.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### Bug fixes (types) - Do not require using `--lib dom` for TypeScript users ([#​1043](, [#​1044]( - Fix type of the `reject` option ([#​1046](
pnpm/pnpm (pnpm) ### [`v9.1.1`]( [Compare Source](
sass/dart-sass (sass) ### [`v1.77.2`]( [Compare Source]( - Don't emit deprecation warnings for functions and mixins beginning with `__`. - Allow user-defined functions whose names begin with `_` and otherwise look like vendor-prefixed functions with special CSS syntax. ##### Command-Line Interface - Properly handle the `--silence-deprecation` flag. - Handle the `--fatal-deprecation` and `--future-deprecation` flags for `--interactive` mode. ### [`v1.77.1`]( [Compare Source]( - Fix a crash that could come up with importers in certain contexts.
shikijs/shiki (shiki) ### [`v1.5.2`]( [Compare Source]( #####    🚀 Features - Update deps  -  by [@​antfu]( [(67b15)]( #####     [View changes on GitHub](
vuejs/language-tools (vue-tsc) ### [`v2.0.19`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **language-core:** property 'xyz' does not exist on type 'abc' when using v-for ([#​4386]( - **language-core:** avoid report error when events do not accept parameters ([#​4387]( - **language-core:** inline dynamic event handlers should not expect commas ([#​4387]( ### [`v2.0.18`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - feat(language-core): report unknown events when strictTemplates is enabled ([#​3718]( - feat(language-core): add `compileSFCScript` plugin hook ([#​3200]( - feat(vscode): add coffeescript syntax highlight support ##### Bug Fixes - fix(language-core): fix event handler type for hyphen-case event names - fix(language-core): allow binding multiple events with the same name ([#​4369]( - fix(language-core): variable used in `key` appears as unused in v-for template tag ([#​329]( ([#​3421]( - fix(language-core): generics with slots don't work with Vue 2.7 ([#​3241]( - fix(language-core): template language of .md files should be markdown ([#​4299]( - fix(language-core): no template class links when `experimentalResolveStyleCssClasses` is set to `always` ([#​4379]( ##### Other Changes - Upgrade Volar from `v2.2.2` to `v2.2.4`. - Fixed a few URI conversion issues - fix(typescript): empty items list should be valid completion result ([#​4368]( - fix(typescript): path completion not working for meta files - Upgrade Volar services from `v0.0.44` to `v0.0.45`. - fix(typescript-twoslash-queries): inlay hints not working - fix(css, html, json, yaml): failed to resolve relative path - feat(emmet): port VSCode emmet extension client logic ([]( - The following extensions have been added to Hybrid Mode’s compatibility whitelist: - `miaonster.vscode-tsx-arrow-definition` - `runem.lit-plugin` ### [`v2.0.17`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - **language-core:** add JSDod support for component ([#​2377]( - **language-core:** add JSDoc support for script setup binding variables ([#​3409]( - **language-core:** add class component support ([#​4354]( - **language-service:** re-support scoped class links in template ([#​4357]( - **typescript-plugin:** create script setup block when auto import if needed - **typescript-plugin:** add JSDoc support for events in template ([#​4365]( - **component-meta:** add JSDoc tags support for events - **language-core:** support defineOptions ([#​4362]( - Thanks [@​zhiyuanzmj]( ##### Bug Fixes - **language-core:** hover not working for intrinsic element event name - **language-core:** showing false *declared but not used* errors for functions used in `v-on="{}"` ([#​4333]( - **language-core:** fix nameless event expression formatting - **language-core:** types imported in the ` Githubissues.
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