nuxt / fonts

Plug-and-play web font optimization and configuration for Nuxt apps.
MIT License
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Doc unclear how to use it with Unocss #63

Closed Celibioux closed 2 months ago

Celibioux commented 2 months ago

Anyone can insight how to use it with Unocss ?

qwerzl commented 2 months ago

Check out the playground:

Celibioux commented 2 months ago

Thank you

mklueh commented 2 months ago

As soon as I pre-define the font families in UnoCSS, it keeps downloading them from gstatic despite having nuxt/font in place.

It turns out, you explicitly have to set the provider in your UnoCSS config to none instead of leaving it out, as it defaults to google

     * none - do nothing, treat the font as system font
     * google - Google Fonts
     * bunny - Privacy-Friendly Google Fonts
     * fontshare - Quality Font Service by ITF
    provider: "none",

danielroe commented 2 months ago

You should not have that preset in your uno config at all - it is not needed and can conflict with Nuxt Fonts.

mklueh commented 2 months ago

@danielroe If that's the case, the should be refined a bit


Because it reads as if it is perfectly fine to use both together.

I'm using a root UnoCSS config in my monorepo to have consistency across multiple applications and I kind of like that approach. Do you see any chance improving the compatibility of nuxt/fonts with UnoCSS fonts rather than forcing the user to remove one or the other?

Could also be that my approach is not the best and there are better ways to share default configs - nuxt layers for example. But what about non-nuxt apps?

danielroe commented 2 months ago

It's perfectly fine to use Nuxt Fonts with UnoCSS, but Uno's web fonts preset is an alternative to Nuxt Fonts, so that specific preset will conflict.

mklueh commented 2 months ago

I see, thank you

danielroe commented 2 months ago

mentioned in docs here: 627125b79b56188045e9bafb2e656c6c1e161cf7