nuxt / icon

The <Icon> component, supporting Iconify, Emojis and custom components.
MIT License
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Freezes up in Nuxt Content #150

Closed kbrgmn closed 5 days ago

kbrgmn commented 3 months ago



GitHub repo here: (as the browser freezes/crashes, stackblitz does not work well here)

Very minimal reproduction:

the first of which is:

    <Icon name="heroicons:information-circle"/>

the second component is:

        <p>Different component here</p>

First component (icon): ::ComponentWithIcon ::

::SecondComponent We have some more content here

Describe the bug

When the page is visited (in dev mode with bun dev), it completely freezes up (both Firefox and Chrome), with no text being selectable, developer console not opening if it hasn't already been opened or opening blank, browser not even closing properly, and this warning is printed hundreds of times repeatedly in the console:

Avoid app logic that relies on enumerating keys on a component instance.
The keys will be empty in production mode to avoid performance overhead.

(the reproduction does not have a single Githubissues.

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