nuxt / icon

The <Icon> component, supporting Iconify, Emojis and custom components.
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Color Props should be added to documentation aswell #17

Closed QaahirStewart closed 1 year ago

QaahirStewart commented 1 year ago

Can update the Docs with color props.

< Icon name="uil:github" size="50" color="green" />

Atinux commented 1 year ago

No sure to understand, any extra attribute you give to Icon it forwarded to the underlying component.

snowdream commented 1 year ago

< Icon name="uil:github" size="50" fill="green" />

ddahan commented 1 year ago

I think I understand the meaning of the question. Naturally you would expect something like this to work because it's how you fill a SVG:

< Icon name="uil:github" size="50" fill="green" />

But it does not. The correct way to do it is pass the color attribute, which may not be obvious to everyone, hence the issue.

QaahirStewart commented 1 year ago

Yep, I was just talking about the documentation itself. It wasn't apparent that I could use color as a prop. ex < Icon name="uil:github" size="50" color="green" /> the document just stated the name and size props.