nuxt / icon

The <Icon> component, supporting Iconify, Emojis and custom components.
MIT License
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NuxtIcon + Vuetify - Warning: Slot "default" invoked outside of the render function #42

Open XStarlink opened 1 year ago

XStarlink commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for this pluggin which is really great.

I'm using NuxtIcon by integrating it with Vuetify, and I noticed that when a component is hidden and then displayed again (like a menu for example), when it is displayed again I have as many errors in console as icons displayed by the component.

I have created a StackBlitz that uses Vuetify 3 with Nuxt Icon to reproduce what I encounter on my application. ( The steps to reproduce:

When I comment on the use of the component that wraps NuxtIcon in thevuetify.ts plugin I no longer get these warnings. Maybe I'm not using the vue h() function correctly in the vuetify plugin..

Capture d’écran 2023-01-16 à 12 04 59
XStarlink commented 1 year ago

I add here some elements of answer which I received in the Vuetify discord and which can surely help! Thank you very much @KaelWD.

@KaelWD — Today at 12:45 PM

maybe something to do with async setup/suspense? the slot it's complaining about is vue's transition component, and definitely is in the render function. currentInstance is the > nuxt-icon component which has although we are calling slots in setup here:

vcasy commented 1 year ago

I am not using vuetify and have the same issue. It's generating a lot of very confusing error messages.

I uninstalled this plugin and tried using the package @iconify/vue. No error.

So it's definitely a bug with nuxt-icon only.

As said this generates a lot of confusing error messages.

Full error message (for Google):

[Vue warn]: Slot "default" invoked outside of the render function: this will not track dependencies used in the slot. Invoke the slot function inside the render function instead.

alniv94 commented 1 year ago

any fix on this?

XStarlink commented 1 year ago

I still have a lot of warnings about this, but I haven't found any solutions.

KaelWD commented 1 year ago

It's a vue bug really. loadIconComponent resolves while vue is rendering other components, so __restore sets currentInstance back to NuxtIcon when normalizeSlot is expecting it to be null.


XStarlink commented 11 months ago

It's a vue bug really. loadIconComponent resolves while vue is rendering other components, so __restore sets currentInstance back to NuxtIcon when normalizeSlot is expecting it to be null.


Thanks for your explanations!

mostafaznv commented 11 months ago

Same here. I am also encountering this error. It's interesting that all users who are using nuxt-icon with vuetify report this error when using nuxt-icon inside layout components. Maybe it's related to the suspense/async system.

alniv94 commented 11 months ago

It's a vue bug really. loadIconComponent resolves while vue is rendering other components, so __restore sets currentInstance back to NuxtIcon when normalizeSlot is expecting it to be null.


we wait for vue to fix this?

Zehir commented 10 months ago

Is there an Issue open for this on Vue side ?

jd-solanki commented 9 months ago

You can use IconCSS in meantime

import { IconCSS } from '#components'
HendrikJan commented 3 months ago

I've still got this problem but import { IconCSS } gives me the error [unimport] failed to find "IconCSS" imported from "#components"

The error says something about VIcon, but the problem comes from a <v-btn> without an icon.

This gives the error (inside a nuxt layout):

              {{ }}

But this doesn't:

              Something static