nuxt / image

Plug-and-play image optimization for Nuxt applications.
MIT License
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Setting fallback image on 404 respons after fetch #1022

Open danielohling opened 1 year ago

danielohling commented 1 year ago


I'm not really sure how this is supposed to work? There is nothing in the documentation that shows how to do it. It says that you can use Native events such as load or error.

I have tried add a fallback image when the response comes back as 404 direct on the NuxtImg components like so:

<NuxtImg :src="item.ImageURL" width="120" height="120" @error="$ = fallbackImg" />

but without luck 😢

I've also tried making a function that returns the url to another fallback image but no luck.

It feels like the error event is emitted long after all the images are looped? Or Is there a way to catch it before?

xlanex6 commented 10 months ago

Hey @danielohling

Have you found a solution, I'm facing the same issue. Still exploring


vasilistotskas commented 10 months ago

Same issue here

vuthanhbayit commented 9 months ago

Hey @danielohling

Have you found a solution, I'm facing the same issue. Still exploring


This is my solution:

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { imgProps } from '@nuxt/image/dist/runtime/components/nuxt-img'

export default defineComponent({
  props: imgProps,

  setup(props) {
    const { fallbackImage } = useAppConfig()

    const src = ref(props.src)

      () => props.src,
      value => {
        src.value = value

    return () =>
      h(resolveComponent('NuxtImg'), {
        src: src.value,
        onError: () => {
          src.value = fallbackImage
imnaK commented 9 months ago

You could use

<NuxtImg :src="original.png" :placeholder="placeholder.png" />

as the placeholder acts like a fallback too if the image fails to load. (Got it from the Nuxt Discord)

oemer-aran commented 8 months ago

You could use

<NuxtImg :src="original.png" :placeholder="placeholder.png" />

as the placeholder acts like a fallback too if the image fails to load. (Got it from the Nuxt Discord)

This only works for NuxtImg and not NuxtPicture. Also the placeholder witll ALWAYS be loaded, even if not needed.

In my case I want to show the original image if the optimization failed for some reason. If I would use placeholder, it would always load the original image as well. To only show the fallback, if an actual eerror happens, I created my own components, wrapping NuxtImg and NuxtPicture.


  <nuxt-img v-if="!hasError || !fallback" v-bind="propsWithoutFallbackAndSrc" :src="src" @error="handleError" @load="emit('load', $event)" />
  <img v-else v-bind="propsWithoutFallbackAndSrc" :src="fallback" />

<script lang="ts" setup>
import type { NuxtImgProps } from "@base/modules/image/types/nuxt-image"

 * Small wrapper over NuxtImg
 * Supports fallback to default img tag when nuxt-img was unable to optimize the image.
 * This could happen if an image file is corrupted (e.g. wrongly saved by an image editing software)
 * However, providing a fallback is always a good practise

interface Emits {
  (e: "error", data: any): void
  (e: "load", data: any): void

interface Props extends /* @vue-ignore */ NuxtImgProps {
  src?: string
  fallback?: string

const emit = defineEmits<Emits>()

const props = defineProps<Props>()

const attrs = useAttrs()

const propsWithoutFallbackAndSrc = computed(() => {
  const { fallback, src, ...restProps } = props

  return { ...attrs, ...restProps }

const hasError = ref(false)

const handleError = (data: any) => {
  emit("error", data)
  hasError.value = true


  <nuxt-picture v-if="!hasError || !fallback" v-bind="propsWithoutFallbackAndSrc" :src="src" :imgAttrs="{ onError: handleError }" @load="emit('load', $event)" />
  <img v-else v-bind="propsWithoutFallbackAndSrc" :src="fallback" />

<script lang="ts" setup>
import type { NuxtPictureProps } from "@base/modules/image/types/nuxt-image"

 * Small wrapper over NuxtPicture
 * Supports fallback to default img tag when nuxt-img was unable to optimize the image.
 * This could happen if an image file is corrupted (e.g. wrongly saved by an image editing software)
 * However, providing a fallback is always a good practise
 * */
interface Emits {
  (e: "error", data: any): void
  (e: "load", data: any): void

interface Props extends /* @vue-ignore */ NuxtPictureProps {
  src?: string
  fallback?: string

const emit = defineEmits<Emits>()

const props = defineProps<Props>()

const attrs = useAttrs()

const propsWithoutFallbackAndSrc = computed(() => {
  const { fallback, src, ...restProps } = props

  return { ...attrs, ...restProps }

const hasError = ref(false)

const handleError = (data: any) => {
  emit("error", data)
  hasError.value = true

Would really appreciate an official API.

Archetipo95 commented 6 months ago

@danielroe I was just looking for the same feature. Here in the Nuxt Movies example there is exactly a use case where the HD image is not present and we could use the SD one as fallback. Go under the videos tab here:

/youtube/vi/nWufb0qL1xU/maxresdefault.jpg -> 404 ❌ /youtube/vi/nWufb0qL1xU/hqdefault.jpg -> 200 ✅

This is the componente Card.vue

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { Video } from '~/types'

const props = defineProps<{
  item: Video

const showModal = useIframeModal()
function play() {
  return showModal(getVideoLink(props.item)!)

  <button pb2 text-left @click="play()">
      block bg-gray4:10 p1 flex
      transition duration-400 relative
      hover="scale-102 z10"
        w-full h-full object-cover
      <div flex w-full h-full absolute inset-0 op20 hover:op100 transition>
        <div i-ph-play ma text-3xl />
    <div mt-2>
      {{ }}
    <div op60 text-sm>
      {{ props.item.type }}
Pausejo commented 1 week ago

@danielroe , I was excited to see the solution working, but it's not :(
