nuxt / image

Plug-and-play image optimization for Nuxt applications.
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No image processing occurs after deployment (Cloudflare Pages) #1061

Open AaronBeaudoin opened 8 months ago

AaronBeaudoin commented 8 months ago



Description of Issue

In the reproduction above there is a minimal app.vue like this:

    <h1>Nuxt Image Test</h1>
    <NuxtImg src="/cat.jpg" width="1024" quality="1"/>

As you can see, the quality is set to 1. This is so that you can see very obviously that image processing is occurring. If you run npm run dev you'll see that the image looks like crap, so you know that IPX is working great.

aryse local_3000_

But now, deploy the reproduction to Cloudflare Pages. After doing so, go to the deployed URL and you'll see this:

nuxt-image-issue-1 pages dev_

Obviously image processing is not working.

DavidDeSloovere commented 8 months ago

What's the url of the images in production? Is it something like /_ipx/... ?

AaronBeaudoin commented 8 months ago

No, the URL is still just /cat.jpg.

The reproduction is right there. Deploy it and see for yourself.

DavidDeSloovere commented 8 months ago


Deployed to Cloudflare: not working, are rather the src was not changed <img src="/cat.jpg" onerror="this.setAttribute('data-error', 1)" width="1024" data-nuxt-img="" srcset="/cat.jpg 1x, /cat.jpg 2x">

Deployed to Vercel: working <img src="/_vercel/image?url=/cat.jpg&amp;w=1024&amp;q=1" onerror="this.setAttribute('data-error', 1)" width="1024" data-nuxt-img="" srcset="/_vercel/image?url=/cat.jpg&amp;w=1024&amp;q=1 1x, /_vercel/image?url=/cat.jpg&amp;w=1536&amp;q=1 2x">

Maybe IPX doesn't run on CF runtime? Maybe something here with the baseUrl?

adamskyle commented 8 months ago

We're having the same issue with Deno Deploy and Cloudflare Pages combined with the IPX provider. Works fine with self hosted PM2 & Vercel for example.

Have managed to solve this somehow using a different configuration or setting?

AaronBeaudoin commented 8 months ago

@adamskyle My current alternative until this is fixed is the following Custom Provider for Cloudflare Images:

import { encodeQueryItem, joinURL } from "ufo";
import { createOperationsGenerator } from "#image";
import type { ProviderGetImage } from "@nuxt/image";

const operationsGenerator = createOperationsGenerator({
  keyMap: {
    width: "w",
    height: "h"
  joinWith: ",",
  formatter: (key: string, value: string) => {
    return encodeQueryItem(key, value);

export const getImage: ProviderGetImage = (src, options) => {
  const base = "<YOUR_ACCOUNT_HASH>";
  const operations = operationsGenerator(options.modifiers);
  return { url: joinURL(base, src, operations) };

Replace <YOUR_ACCOUNT_HASH> with your value from the Cloudflare Images dashboard page. Also, you should be able to add options in addition to width and height to the keyMap config by following the docs here.

Managing the images this way is a lot more tedious than just storing them in the repository though.

shayr1 commented 8 months ago

I am not using cloudflare, but I had a similar problem with SSR and PM2, where images were not loading. I installed sharp as a dev dependency (e.g. yarn add -D sharp) and after build it worked.

rahulkumarsingh73690 commented 7 months ago

Same problem

cfab commented 7 months ago

same here with netlify !

Bjornftw commented 7 months ago

Any updates about this bug?

adamskyle commented 6 months ago

Just using the workaround suggested by @AaronBeaudoin at the moment.

Would love to contribute but I'm afraid this is a bit ambitious for a first PR here for me. Could be a bug in nuxt-image, but I can't rule out ipx or even nitro.

Some insights / attention from the nuxt team would be really great, the reproduction speaks for itself I think.

nathanchase commented 6 months ago

Same here. If I have a <NuxtImg provider="cloudflare">, it resizes using Cloudflare fine, but if I have a <NuxtImg provider="ipx">, it does not work. The HTML renders out a path to /_ipx/..., but the image is 404. It works perfectly fine locally - it just breaks when deployed on Cloudflare pages.

nathanchase commented 6 months ago

FWIW, I believe this is a Sharp limitation:

DavidDeSloovere commented 6 months ago

Looks like it is indeed sharp (or unjs/ipx which uses sharp) See also where it is also noted as following: It is still Node.js only. Workers without thread support do not work!

CF Workers and Pages seems to be single threaded.

youkei-zzz commented 5 months ago

I unexpectedly ran into the same issue when I tried to deploy a page on GitHub pages

DavidDeSloovere commented 5 months ago

@nathanchase What's your workaround like with the provider="cloudflare" ? Or is it the same as where you need to upload the images to cloudflare separately?

nathanchase commented 5 months ago

@nathanchase What's your workaround like with the provider="cloudflare" ? Or is it the same as #1061 (comment) where you need to upload the images to cloudflare separately?

My workaround at the moment is to not use ipx in production if deployed to Cloudflare Pages, but use some other image provider (like Cloudflare themselves, or weserv, or imagekit, or any others that do the processing elsewhere).

Fifciu commented 3 months ago

Doesn't the following comment solve an issue for you?

jbgosselin commented 2 months ago

I'm also experiencing this issue, I would like to not build an entirely static website and want to benefits of ipx pre-rendered images. I think I found a temporary solution for it. Following the documentation of this page, it seems that if the route of the images are declared as pre-rendered it will work. I found a way to autogenerate them by using this configuration in nuxt.config.ts

    image: {
        provider: 'ipxStatic',
    modules: [
    nitro: {
        preset: "cloudflare-pages",
        prerender: {
            routes: ['/'],
            crawlLinks: true,

By defining ipxStatic as a provider, it forces @nuxt/image to create the pages for the images and with crawlLinks: true and a sensible routes configuration, it will crawl all the images and pre-render them.

It would be great that we could have a config that just automatically tags the ipx images as pre-rendered but that's all I found for now.

mattgrah-am commented 2 months ago

has anyone come up with a solution for this?

rahulkumarsingh73690 commented 1 month ago

Any update? Even Cloudflare workers paid plan doesn't help.

zonistefano commented 1 month ago

I'm having the same problem. Already tried all the suggested fixes but nothing worked.

DavidDeSloovere commented 4 weeks ago

Looks like it is indeed sharp (or unjs/ipx which uses sharp) See also unjs/ipx#190 where it is also noted as following: It is still Node.js only. Workers without thread support do not work!

CF Workers and Pages seems to be single threaded.

@cf-wasm/photon might work as replacement for IPX on workers