nuxt / image

Plug-and-play image optimization for Nuxt applications.
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IPX gives 404 in production #1183

Open GlennBergmans opened 10 months ago

GlennBergmans commented 10 months ago

I'm trying to optimize images from remote sources (e.g. unsplash) with the ipx provider. It works fine in npm run dev. However when serving a static generated version, the images give 404. I suspect due to illegal filenames.

Compare this:

<img :src="url" />
<NuxtImg :src="url" />

When url is an unsplash image, the following output is created when running npm run generate:

<img src=";cs=srgb&amp;fm=jpg&amp;ixid=M3wzMzc0NjN8MHwxfHNlYXJjaHwyfHx0ZXN0fGVufDB8fHx8MTcwNDQ3NjEyN3ww&amp;ixlib=rb-4.0.3&amp;q=85?auto=compress,format" class="gallery__img" sizes="100vw mobile:480 tablet:50vw fullhd:670px" data-v-61bb7bdc>
<img src="/_ipx/_/,format" onerror="this.setAttribute(&#39;data-error&#39;, 1)" data-nuxt-img srcset="/_ipx/_/,format 1x, /_ipx/_/,format 2x" class="gallery__img" data-v-61bb7bdc>

When serving with npm run start, the NuxtImg version gives a 404. The file is generated, but I suspect the filename is not valid due to the // or one of the special characters (%, =, , etc).

I've found a workaround by using aliases (alias: { 'unsplash': '' }) and stripping all query parameters, however it's not ideal:

<script lang="ts" setup>
const cleanUrl = (src: string) => {
  // Remove query parameters
  src = src.substring(0, src.indexOf('?'));

  // Replace aliasses
  const img = useImage();
  for (const key in img.options.alias) {
    src = src.replace(img.options.alias[key], key)

  return src;

  <NuxtImg :src="cleanUrl(src.url)" />

Am I doing something wrong/did I misconfigure, or did I stumble upon a bug. Is there some way to apply the workaround globally on all <NuxtImg>?

TimGuendel commented 9 months ago

I have the same problem 🤔

github-actions[bot] commented 9 months ago

Would you be able to provide a reproduction? 🙏

More info ### Why do I need to provide a reproduction? Reproductions make it possible for us to triage and fix issues quickly with a relatively small team. It helps us discover the source of the problem, and also can reveal assumptions you or we might be making. ### What will happen? If you've provided a reproduction, we'll remove the label and try to reproduce the issue. If we can, we'll mark it as a bug and prioritise it based on its severity and how many people we think it might affect. If `needs reproduction` labeled issues don't receive any substantial activity (e.g., new comments featuring a reproduction link), we'll close them. That's not because we don't care! At any point, feel free to comment with a reproduction and we'll reopen it. ### How can I create a reproduction? We have a template for starting with a minimal reproduction: 👉 A public GitHub repository is also perfect. 👌 Please ensure that the reproduction is as **minimal** as possible. See more details [in our guide]( You might also find these other articles interesting and/or helpful: - [The Importance of Reproductions]( - [How to Generate a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example](
GlennBergmans commented 8 months ago

I think this is a minimal example:

I load the same Unsplash image 3 times:

  1. Normal <img>
  2. <NuxtImg> with unmodified path
  3. <NuxtImg> with fixed path

When running in Stackblitz using npm run dev, you'll see the image appear 3 times. However, when downloading the repo, and running using npm run generate && node node_modules/nuxt/bin/nuxt.mjs start, you see the second case failing.

It might be OS specific: I'm running on MacOS 14.3 with case-insensitive APFS filesystem (default).

krftcz commented 5 months ago

For reproduction you can run build (npm run build) in your playground and then serve it (node .output/server/index.mjs). Images are not generated.