nuxt / image

Plug-and-play image optimization for Nuxt applications.
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Strapi with Cloudinary Provider, base URL with /image/upload/ issues #520

Open cthom-dev opened 2 years ago

cthom-dev commented 2 years ago

When using Strapi with Cloudinary, when you query Strapi and get back an image entity, you get the full URL to Cloudinary. If I use the following in nuxt.config.js

    provider: 'cloudinary',
    cloudinary: {
      baseURL: '<cloudname>/image/upload/'

and then in my component use the following, where property url is Cloudinary absolute URL <nuxt-img :src="" />

this is then the src value:,q_auto/

The src value is then baseURL + transformations + Cloudinary absolute URL, so I don't get the image.

I can get the following values from Strapi API for image:

Thanks for any help !


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martinkosmela commented 2 years ago

Hey @cthom-dev, have you managed to get any solution for this problem? I'm facing the same issue with Strapi / Cloudinary

cthom-dev commented 2 years ago

Hey @cthom-dev, have you managed to get any solution for this problem? I'm facing the same issue with Strapi / Cloudinary

Using data.attributes.hash instead of data.attributes.url seems to work