nuxt / image

Plug-and-play image optimization for Nuxt applications.
MIT License
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Build & preview works fine (optimized images) locally, but not on netlify #999

Open TechAkayy opened 1 year ago

TechAkayy commented 1 year ago

When I build & preview my app locally, the optimized images (unsplash) are loading just fine.

But when deployed to netlify, they images are missing. I'm not sure if this is a bug (or) if I'm missing any config (plz correct me if so). Thanks for looking into this.

Here is my repo - Prod -

Dependencies Info _Run `npx nuxi info` and `pnpm list` (or `npm list`) and provide the output:_ ``` - Operating System: `Darwin` - Node Version: `v18.12.1` - Nuxt Version: `3.6.5` - Nitro Version: `2.5.2` - Package Manager: `npm@8.19.2` - Builder: `vite` - User Config: `runtimeConfig`, `modules`, `pinegrow`, `css`, `postcss`, `image`, `content`, `unocss`, `pinia`, `imports` - Runtime Modules: `@pinegrow/nuxt-module@3.0.19`, `@unocss/nuxt@0.54.3`, `@nuxt/content@2.8.2`, `@vueuse/nuxt@10.3.0`, `@pinia/nuxt@0.4.11`, `@nuxtjs/html-validator@1.5.2`, `@nuxt/image@1.0.0-rc.2` - Build Modules: `-` happy-paws-with-nuxt-tailwindcss@0.0.0 /Users/techakayy/Templates/happy-paws-with-nuxt-tailwindcss ├── @iconify/json@2.2.102 ├── @nuxt/content@2.8.2 ├── @nuxt/devtools@0.7.6 ├── @nuxt/eslint-config@0.1.1 ├── @nuxt/image@1.0.0-rc.2 ├── @nuxtjs/html-validator@1.5.2 ├── @pinegrow/nuxt-module@3.0.19 ├── @pinegrow/tailwindcss-plugin@3.0.17 ├── @pinia/nuxt@0.4.11 ├── @tailwindcss/forms@0.5.4 ├── @tailwindcss/typography@0.5.9 ├── @types/node@20.5.0 ├── @unocss/nuxt@0.54.3 ├── @unocss/preset-icons@0.54.3 ├── @vue/devtools@6.5.0 ├── @vueuse/core@10.3.0 ├── @vueuse/nuxt@10.3.0 ├── autoprefixer@10.4.15 ├── eslint-config-prettier@8.10.0 ├── eslint@8.47.0 ├── npm-run-all@4.1.5 ├── nuxt@3.6.5 ├── pinia@2.1.6 ├── postcss@8.4.28 ├── prettier@2.8.8 ├── rehype-external-links@2.1.0 ├── tailwindcss@3.3.3 └── typescript@5.1.6 ```

Local: npm run now (build & preview)


Production (on netlify)


Here is my netlify deploy config image

TechAkayy commented 1 year ago

I have another Vuetify/Unocss based sample app, that uses useImage() and v-img (as per docs - instead of NuxtPicture & NuxtImg, and it works fine in netlify deploy.

My understanding is they (NuxtPicture & useImage) are essentially the same, but looks like there is some gap that I'm still missing.

Github - Netlify -

jrusi commented 11 months ago

I have the same issue... I'm using NuxtImg and all the images are missing (everything works locally). When I copy the missing img url and paste it in a browser I get: {"error":{"message":"[404] [IPX_FILE_NOT_FOUND] File not found: /logo.png"}}

Zielgestalt commented 11 months ago

Tried to use useImage, but without vuetify. Didn't worked for me on netlify.

TechAkayy commented 11 months ago

Yeah something seems to be missing.. Hope this gets into the maintainers radar soon :-)

TechAkayy commented 11 months ago

I tried deploying nuxt image's playground on netlify. While it worked fine when previewing locally, on netlify it didn't work. Looks like there needs to be some nitro-related additional setup required to make it work. Will wait for it, fingers crossed!

Netlify -


cfab commented 11 months ago

You need to pass this in you nuxt.config image: { // Options provider: 'netlify', netlify: { baseURl: '' } }, don't know why, but it works ! found here:

TechAkayy commented 11 months ago

Thanks @cfab. It helps when building the app using the build command (SSR), but doesn't seem to work when prerendering by using the generate command (SSG).

cfab commented 11 months ago

Ok, but I just generated locally and updated ./output/public to netlify with and everything is working, images included... Then to be sure, I've tried to deploy through Netlify UI with the "trigger deploy" button. I had before adjusted my deploy settings for the "publish directory" to "dist" and the "build command" to "yarn run generate". And it works also included images !

TechAkayy commented 11 months ago

Thanks @cfab, I will do some deep testing to understand and share my samples with the community 👍🏽

cfab commented 9 months ago

But you're right, images are loaded but they are not "managed" by IPX, they are served as original file (size and format) and just added a query string... for example this code



become this on production on netlify (not static but with build command)




in my nuxt config I have this:

image: { provider: 'netlify', netlify: { baseURL: '' } }, And I'm using latest version of nuxt 3.8.2 and latest version of @nuxt/image (1.1.0)

Any help or working example @danielroe ?

cfab commented 6 months ago

Any news on this ? I'd prefer to use IPX than the new netlify image service if that is possible... So my question is simple: can we use ipx on netlify currently (with build command, not generate) ? If it is not possible, well ok ;-) But if it is possible, can you provide a basic config example ? Thank you!