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500 error loading dynamically imported module on Firefox #1569

Open Akryum opened 2 months ago

Akryum commented 2 months ago

Going to any docs page (such as this one) shows an Error 500 on Firefox:


Disable strict protections and ad blocking extensions doesn't help.

pmnzt commented 2 months ago

Me too image

manniL commented 2 months ago

We purged the CF cache. Does it work again for you?

Weirdly I can't reproduce this in my FF dev edition. We have some ideas to check though.

image image


Also tagging

whiterqbbit commented 2 months ago

We purged the CF cache. Does it work again for you?

It does work now ! Thanks.

sajadhsm commented 2 months ago

It's happening on Chrome and Safari for me. Firefox is fine though!




manniL commented 2 months ago

@sajadhsm could you attach a HAR?

The "missing" file is workin on my end ( as well as

sajadhsm commented 2 months ago

@manniL It's fixed now. I'll attach a HAR file if it happens next time.

YUN-RU-TSENG commented 2 months ago

happen on edge 截圖 2024-05-07 下午10 21 02

manniL commented 2 months ago

@YUN-RU-TSENG could you send a HAR file by any chance?

YUN-RU-TSENG commented 2 months ago

@manniL thx ~ It's work now, but don't know why.

I'll send the HAR file if it happens.

danielroe commented 2 months ago

For what it's worth, the file in the most recent screenshot (in #1580) that's giving a 404 is working for me. We think it's a Cloudflare issue - they are caching a 404 for these static assets, which is probably a result of them not being available at some point in the Vercel deployment process.

The reason this has started occurring is that we recently switched on Cloudflare in order to work around an issue with Vercel's network not being accessible in some networks (likely a regional ISP issue).

noook commented 2 months ago

Here is the HAR file

nuxt.com_Archive [24-05-10 12-25-03].har.json

mlgarchery commented 2 months ago

Still having this issue, anywhere in the doc

Here is a HAR file image

v0id-4lpz commented 2 months ago

Posted my HAR on