nuxt / nuxt

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Remove `window.__NUXT__` once app initialises #25336

Closed manniL closed 8 hours ago

manniL commented 5 months ago

Describe the feature

Apparently it only exists for backwards-compat according to code comments:

Nuxt v4 might be a good point to remove it if that's the case.

PR: #19205

Additional information

Final checks

martinszeltins commented 5 months ago

I'm not familiar with internal Nuxt codebase but as a user of Nuxt, I kind of enjoy using window.__NUXT__ to access data when Vue devtools are not available. I often look at pinia store through window.__NUXT__.pinia. And even cooler is that it is also available on prod which makes debugging really pleasant.

manniL commented 5 months ago

@martinszeltins you can use window.useNuxtApp in Nuxt 3 for that 😋 Here is a link to the PR introducing it and to a video about it I made

martinszeltins commented 5 months ago

@martinszeltins you can use window.useNuxtApp in Nuxt 3 for that 😋 Here is a link to the PR introducing it and to a video about it I made

Ah, I wasn't aware of window.useNuxtApp, I guess in that case window.__NUXT__ is indeed not needed anymore.

sohaha commented 1 week ago

In the case of closed SSR, currently window. Write too much unnecessary code, SPA application is not very friendly, there is no way to remove

bbhxwl commented 6 days ago

Is there a way to use a micro front-end?