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Nuxt 4 testing #27203

Closed R0N1n-dev closed 3 weeks ago

R0N1n-dev commented 1 month ago



Used 'nuxi init' to start a new nuxt 3 project. Followed Nuxt 4 migration guide from

Describe the bug

Instead of being taken to home page, am taken to nuxt welcome page. Screenshot from 2024-05-14 10-10-04 code structure as follows Screenshot from 2024-05-14 10-10-34

App.vue Screenshot from 2024-05-14 10-15-50

Additional context

No response


No response

rtrap-rsi commented 1 month ago

This could happen if the nuxt version (and dependency) are not correctly installed. Have you delete the package-lock.json before running npm install? The nuxt.config.ts show some type issue (on compatibilityVersion for example)? Here you could find a working version (I just followed the same steps):

R0N1n-dev commented 4 weeks ago

This could happen if the nuxt version (and dependency) are not correctly installed. Have you delete the package-lock.json before running npm install? The nuxt.config.ts show some type issue (on compatibilityVersion for example)? Here you could find a working version (I just followed the same steps):

Yes. Did that and same thing. Nothing. The red marking on compatibiltyVersion wont go away Screenshot from 2024-05-17 07-34-27

rtrap-rsi commented 4 weeks ago

I see in the issue description you wrote

Nuxt Version: 3.11.2

It is exactly what you have? It should be npm:nuxt-nightly@latest (that now resolve at something like 3.12.0-hash...)

danielroe commented 3 weeks ago

You need to use the nightly release channel to test it. Or wait for the release of v3.12.

R0N1n-dev commented 3 weeks ago

Yeah still not working. Screenshot from 2024-05-21 06-32-40 Screenshot from 2024-05-21 06-32-55

Will just wait.

rtrap-rsi commented 3 weeks ago

Removed node modules and package lock and reinstalled after the change?

R0N1n-dev commented 3 weeks ago

Removed node modules and package lock and reinstalled after the change?

Yes, I did. TWICE.

danielroe commented 3 weeks ago

If you're encountering an issue with the nightly version, please provide a reproduction and I'll happily take a look 🙏

R0N1n-dev commented 3 weeks ago

If you're encountering an issue with the nightly version, please provide a reproduction and I'll happily take a look 🙏

rtrap-rsi commented 3 weeks ago

If I remove "@nuxt/devtools": "^1.3.1", everything work as expected. It is included in nuxt, why the need to install it manually? Which command did you use it to create the project ? (I used npx nuxi@latest init)

R0N1n-dev commented 3 weeks ago

If I remove "@nuxt/devtools": "^1.3.1", everything work as expected. It is included in nuxt, why the need to install it manually? Which command did you use it to create the project ? (I used npx nuxi@latest init)

Screenshot from 2024-05-22 09-33-25 Screenshot from 2024-05-22 09-35-47

Nothing Screenshot from 2024-05-22 09-33-32

Am done with this. I will wait. It's not worth the headache

danielroe commented 3 weeks ago

@R0N1n-dev The reproduction you linked seems fine.

CleanShot 2024-05-22 at 13.16.32@2x.png

My guess is that you are not in fact on the latest version. Try explicitly installing npm:nuxt-nightly@3.12.0-28605073.2e25afdf