nuxt / test-utils

๐Ÿงช Test utilities for Nuxt
MIT License
287 stars 74 forks source link

chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies #832

Closed renovate[bot] closed 1 month ago

renovate[bot] commented 2 months ago

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence Type Update
@cucumber/cucumber 10.5.1 -> 10.6.0 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
@nuxt/eslint-config (source) 0.3.9 -> 0.3.10 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies patch
@nuxt/module-builder 0.5.5 -> 0.6.0 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
@playwright/test (source) 1.43.1 -> 1.44.0 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
@vue/test-utils 2.4.5 -> 2.4.6 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies patch
actions/checkout v4.1.3 -> v4.1.4 age adoption passing confidence action patch
eslint (source) 9.1.1 -> 9.2.0 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
playwright-core (source) 1.43.1 -> 1.44.0 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
pnpm (source) 9.0.6 -> 9.1.0 age adoption passing confidence packageManager minor
rollup (source) 4.16.4 -> 4.17.2 age adoption passing confidence resolutions minor
rollup (source) 4.16.4 -> 4.17.2 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
semver 7.6.0 -> 7.6.1 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies patch
vite (source) 5.2.10 -> 5.2.11 age adoption passing confidence resolutions patch
vite (source) 5.2.10 -> 5.2.11 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies patch
vue (source) ^3.4.25 -> ^3.4.27 age adoption passing confidence resolutions patch
vue-tsc (source) 2.0.14 -> 2.0.16 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies patch

Release Notes

cucumber/cucumber-js (@​cucumber/cucumber) ### [`v10.6.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added - Add `loader` option for ESM loader hooks [#​2399](
nuxt/eslint (@​nuxt/eslint-config) ### [`v0.3.10`]( [Compare Source]( ##### ย ย ย ๐Ÿž Bug Fixes - **module**: - Override `@eslint/js` config to keep the name consistent, fix [#​408]( ย -ย  by [@​antfu]( in []( [(477ee)]( - Get random port for config inspector, fix [#​406]( ย -ย  by [@​antfu]( in []( [(07eac)]( ##### ย ย ย ย [View changes on GitHub](
nuxt/module-builder (@​nuxt/module-builder) ### [`v0.6.0`]( [Compare Source]( [compare changes]( ##### ๐Ÿš€ Enhancements - Generate `runtime/` dts based on nuxt `tsconfig` options ([#​255]( - Add builder versions to `module.json` ([f8567a3]( - Support transforming `jsx` ([4841f2e]( ##### ๐Ÿฉน Fixes - โš ๏ธ Remove support for deprecated `RuntimeModuleHooks` interface ([#​228]( - Add `-nightly` versions to externals ([0a88a87]( - Ignore exporting type if it is not defined ([c308cc5]( - Mark `runtime/` directory as external ([7a68e1e]( ##### ๐Ÿก Chore - **release:** V0.5.5 ([f158ffa]( - Dedupe kit/schema/vue versions ([aa0a710]( - Add root `dev:prepare` command ([c308a68]( - Migrate to eslint v9 ([#​250]( - Improve internal type safety and enable strict mode ([78aa088]( - Tweak tsconfig settings ([404aae7]( - Add more type annotations ([ba0614b]( ##### โœ… Tests - Update type testing step ([#​256]( - Add inline snapshots for `runtime/` transforms ([#​257]( - Update snapshot ([a39c183]( ##### ๐ŸŽจ Styles - Lint ([c15fd92]( - Lint ([3b805ec]( ##### โš ๏ธ Breaking Changes - โš ๏ธ Remove support for deprecated `RuntimeModuleHooks` interface ([#​228]( ##### โค๏ธ Contributors - Daniel Roe ([@​danielroe](
microsoft/playwright (@​playwright/test) ### [`v1.44.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### New APIs **Accessibility assertions** - [expect(locator).toHaveAccessibleName()]( checks if the element has the specified accessible name: ```js const locator = page.getByRole('button'); await expect(locator).toHaveAccessibleName('Submit'); ``` - [expect(locator).toHaveAccessibleDescription()]( checks if the element has the specified accessible description: ```js const locator = page.getByRole('button'); await expect(locator).toHaveAccessibleDescription('Upload a photo'); ``` - [expect(locator).toHaveRole()]( checks if the element has the specified ARIA role: ```js const locator = page.getByTestId('save-button'); await expect(locator).toHaveRole('button'); ``` **Locator handler** - After executing the handler added with [page.addLocatorHandler()](, Playwright will now wait until the overlay that triggered the handler is not visible anymore. You can opt-out of this behavior with the new `noWaitAfter` option. - You can use new `times` option in [page.addLocatorHandler()]( to specify maximum number of times the handler should be run. - The handler in [page.addLocatorHandler()]( now accepts the locator as argument. - New [page.removeLocatorHandler()]( method for removing previously added locator handlers. ```js const locator = page.getByText('This interstitial covers the button'); await page.addLocatorHandler(locator, async overlay => { await overlay.locator('#close').click(); }, { times: 3, noWaitAfter: true }); // Run your tests that can be interrupted by the overlay. // ... await page.removeLocatorHandler(locator); ``` **Miscellaneous options** - [`multipart`]( option in `apiRequestContext.fetch()` now accepts [`FormData`]( and supports repeating fields with the same name. ```js const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('file', new File(['let x = 2024;'], 'f1.js', { type: 'text/javascript' })); formData.append('file', new File(['hello'], 'f2.txt', { type: 'text/plain' }));'', { multipart: formData }); ``` - `expect(callback).toPass({ intervals })` can now be configured by `expect.toPass.inervals` option globally in [testConfig.expect]( or per project in [testProject.expect]( - `expect(page).toHaveURL(url)` now supports `ignoreCase` [option]( - [testProject.ignoreSnapshots]( allows to configure per project whether to skip screenshot expectations. **Reporter API** - New method [suite.entries()]( returns child test suites and test cases in their declaration order. [suite.type]( and [testCase.type]( can be used to tell apart test cases and suites in the list. - [Blob]( reporter now allows overriding report file path with a single option `outputFile`. The same option can also be specified as `PLAYWRIGHT_BLOB_OUTPUT_FILE` environment variable that might be more convenient on CI/CD. - [JUnit]( reporter now supports `includeProjectInTestName` option. **Command line** - `--last-failed` CLI option for running only tests that failed in the previous run. First run all tests: ```sh $ npx playwright test Running 103 tests using 5 workers ... 2 failed [chromium] โ€บ my-test.spec.ts:8:5 โ€บ two โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ [chromium] โ€บ my-test.spec.ts:13:5 โ€บ three โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ 101 passed (30.0s) ``` Now fix the failing tests and run Playwright again with `--last-failed` option: ```sh $ npx playwright test --last-failed Running 2 tests using 2 workers 2 passed (1.2s) ``` #### Browser Versions - Chromium 125.0.6422.14 - Mozilla Firefox 125.0.1 - WebKit 17.4 This version was also tested against the following stable channels: - Google Chrome 124 - Microsoft Edge 124
vuejs/test-utils (@​vue/test-utils) ### [`v2.4.6`]( [Compare Source]( #### What's Changed - Fix/circular references in props cause maximum call stack size exceeded by [@​Evobaso-J]( in []( - chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies by [@​renovate]( in []( - docs: setup the translation helper by [@​Jinjiang]( in []( - chore: translate translation sync message in french by [@​cexbrayat]( in []( - docs: synchronize the french docs by [@​cexbrayat]( in []( - chore(deps): update dependency vite to v5.2.2 by [@​renovate]( in []( - chore(deps): pin dependency vitepress-translation-helper to 0.1.3 by [@​renovate]( in []( - chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v5.4.3 by [@​renovate]( in []( - chore(deps): update dependency vitepress-translation-helper to v0.2.0 by [@​renovate]( in []( - chore: update vitepress-translation-helper by [@​Jinjiang]( in []( - chore(deps): update dependency vitepress to v1.0.0 by [@​renovate]( in []( - chore(deps): update dependency vitepress-translation-helper to v0.2.1 by [@​renovate]( in []( - fix: update attachTo type in MountingOptions interface by [@​taku-y-9308]( in []( - chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies by [@​renovate]( in []( - docs(api): fix typo in attachTo anchor tag within isVisible by [@​matusekma]( in []( - change vm to always provide global property by [@​taku-y-9308]( in []( - chore(deps): update dependency rollup to v4.13.1 by [@​renovate]( in []( - chore(deps): update dependency reflect-metadata to v0.2.2 by [@​renovate]( in []( - chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies by [@​renovate]( in []( - chore(deps): update dependency vite to v5.2.8 by [@​renovate]( in []( - docs: fix missing equal sign by [@​w2xi]( in []( - fix: renderStubDefaultSlot with scoped slots by [@​cexbrayat]( in []( - docs(api): fix missing chars by [@​w2xi]( in []( - docs: use innerHTML in teleport cleanup by [@​brc-dd]( in []( - feat: Added dynamic return for element getter by [@​nandi95]( in []( - chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies by [@​renovate]( in []( - chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies by [@​renovate]( in []( - doc(api): fix missing char by [@​w2xi]( in []( - chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies by [@​renovate]( in []( - chore: use node v18 on netlify by [@​cexbrayat]( in []( - fix(stubs): avoid warning on normalized props with Vue v3.4.22 by [@​cexbrayat]( in []( - chore: use the packageManager field from package.json in github action by [@​cexbrayat]( in []( - chore(deps): update pnpm to v9 by [@​renovate]( in []( - chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies to v3.4.23 by [@​renovate]( in []( - chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies by [@​renovate]( in []( - chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies by [@​renovate]( in []( - chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies by [@​renovate]( in []( - Update to fix typo and clarify `get` vs `find` behavior by [@​KatWorkGit]( in []( - fix: set global provides before running vue plugins by [@​danielroe]( in []( - ci: add build on node v22 by [@​cexbrayat]( in []( - chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies by [@​renovate]( in []( - chore(deps): update dependency unplugin-vue-components to v0.27.0 by [@​renovate]( in []( - chore(deps): update dependency [@​types/node]( to v20.12.8 by [@​renovate]( in []( - Fix/issue 2319 throw first error thrown during mount by [@​taku-y-9308]( in []( #### New Contributors - [@​Jinjiang]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​taku-y-9308]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​matusekma]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​w2xi]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​brc-dd]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​KatWorkGit]( made their first contribution in []( **Full Changelog**:
actions/checkout (actions/checkout) ### [`v4.1.4`]( [Compare Source]( - Disable `extensions.worktreeConfig` when disabling `sparse-checkout` by [@​jww3]( in []( - Add dependabot config by [@​cory-miller]( in []( - Bump the minor-actions-dependencies group with 2 updates by [@​dependabot]( in []( - Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5 by [@​dependabot]( in [](
eslint/eslint (eslint) ### [`v9.2.0`]( [Compare Source](
pnpm/pnpm (pnpm) ### [`v9.1.0`]( [Compare Source](
rollup/rollup (rollup) ### [`v4.17.2`]( [Compare Source]( *2024-04-30* ##### Bug Fixes - Fix tree-shaking problems when using spread arguments ([#​5503]( ##### Pull Requests - [#​5501]( Slightly improve perf report ([@​lukastaegert]( - [#​5503]( fix: rest element should deoptimize parameter values ([@​liuly0322]( ### [`v4.17.1`]( [Compare Source]( *2024-04-29* ##### Bug Fixes - Prevent infinite recursions for certain constructor invocations ([#​5500]( ##### Pull Requests - [#​5500]( fix: parameter variable infinite recursion error ([@​liuly0322]( ### [`v4.17.0`]( [Compare Source]( *2024-04-27* ##### Features - Track function call arguments to optimize functions only called once or with the same literal values (re-release from 4.16.0) ([#​5483]( ##### Bug Fixes - Reduce browser WASM size to a fraction by changing optimization settings ([#​5494]( ##### Pull Requests - [#​5483]( feature(fix): function parameter tracking ([@​liuly0322]( - [#​5488]( Report performance in CI ([@​TrickyPi]( - [#​5489]( Create FUNDING.json ([@​BenJam]( - [#​5492]( chore(deps): lock file maintenance minor/patch updates ([@​renovate](\[bot]) - [#​5493]( chore(deps): lock file maintenance minor/patch updates ([@​renovate](\[bot]) - [#​5494]( Use opt-level=z for browser wasm ([@​sapphi-red](
npm/node-semver (semver) ### [`v7.6.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - [`c570a34`]( [#​704]( linting: no-unused-vars ([@​wraithgar]( - [`ad8ff11`]( [#​704]( use internal cache implementation ([@​mbtools]( - [`ac9b357`]( [#​682]( typo in compareBuild debug message ([#​682]( ([@​mbtools]( ##### Dependencies - [`988a8de`]( [#​709]( uninstall `lru-cache` ([#​709]( - [`3fabe4d`]( [#​704]( remove lru-cache ##### Chores - [`dd09b60`]( [#​705]( bump [@​npmcli/template-oss]( to 4.22.0 ([@​lukekarrys]( - [`ec49cdc`]( [#​701]( chore: chore: postinstall for dependabot template-oss PR ([@​lukekarrys]( - [`b236c3d`]( [#​696]( add benchmarks ([#​696]( ([@​H4ad]( - [`692451b`]( [#​688]( various improvements to README ([#​688]( ([@​mbtools]( - [`5feeb7f`]( [#​705]( postinstall for dependabot template-oss PR ([@​lukekarrys]( - [`074156f`]( [#​701]( bump [@​npmcli/template-oss]( from 4.21.3 to 4.21.4 ([@​dependabot](\[bot])
vitejs/vite (vite) ### [`v5.2.11`]( [Compare Source]( - feat: improve dynamic import variable failure error message ([#​16519]( ([f8feeea](, closes [#​16519]( - fix: dynamic-import-vars plugin normalize path issue ([#​16518]( ([f71ba5b](, closes [#​16518]( - fix: scripts and styles were missing from built HTML on Windows ([#​16421]( ([0e93f58](, closes [#​16421]( - fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies ([#​16488]( ([2d50be2](, closes [#​16488]( - fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies ([#​16549]( ([2d6a13b](, closes [#​16549]( - fix(dev): watch publicDir explicitly to include it outside the root ([#​16502]( ([4d83eb5](, closes [#​16502]( - fix(preload): skip preload for non-static urls ([#​16556]( ([bb79c9b](, closes [#​16556]( - fix(ssr): handle class declaration and expression name scoping ([#​16569]( ([c071eb3](, closes [#​16569]( - fix(ssr): handle function expression name scoping ([#​16563]( ([02db947](, closes [#​16563](
vuejs/core (vue) ### [`v3.4.27`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **compat:** include legacy scoped slots ([#​10868]( ([8366126](, closes [#​8869]( - **compiler-core:** add support for arrow aysnc function with unbracketed ([#​5789]( ([ca7d421](, closes [#​5788]( - **compiler-dom:** restrict createStaticVNode usage with option elements ([#​10846]( ([0e3d617](, closes [#​6568]( [#​7434]( - **compiler-sfc:** handle keyof operator ([#​10874]( ([10d34a5](, closes [#​10871]( - **hydration:** handle edge case of style mismatch without style attribute ([f2c1412](, closes [#​10786]( ### [`v3.4.26`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **compiler-core:** fix bail constant for globals ([fefce06]( - **compiler-core:** remove unnecessary constant bail check ([09b4df8](, closes [#​10807]( - **runtime-core:** attrs should be readonly in functional components ([#​10767]( ([e8fd644]( - **runtime-core:** ensure slot compiler marker writable ([#​10825]( ([9c2de62](, closes [#​10818]( - **runtime-core:** properly handle inherit transition during clone VNode ([#​10809]( ([638a79f](, closes [#​3716]( [#​10497]( [#​4091]( - **Transition:** re-fix [#​10620]( ([#​10832]( ([accf839](, closes [#​10632]( [#​10827](
vuejs/language-tools (vue-tsc) ### [`v2.0.16`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **language-core:** virtual document language ID is not updated when changing SFC style block lang - **language-core:** correct logic for `defineSlots` destructuring ([#​4326]( - Thanks [@​zhiyuanzmj]( - **language-core:** ObjectDirective does not work with `defineSlots` ([#​4327]( - **language-service:** emmet not working in postcss style block ([]( ##### Other Changes - Upgrade to [Volar 2.2]( - **language-core:** export `VueEmbeddedCode` ([#​4265]( - Thanks [@​zhiyuanzmj]( - **typescript-plugin:** expose `FileRegistry` to `project.program` ([#​3963]( - Thanks [@​zcf0508]( - **vscode:** remove outdated formatters section ([#​4243]( - Thanks [@​BBboy01]( ### [`v2.0.15`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - Redesign additional extensions, VitePress, PetiteVue support ([#​4321]( - Fix custom file extensions not working in Hybrid Mode ([#​4251]( - **vscode:** prompt when Hybrid Mode is explicitly enabled but known incompatible extensions are installed - **language-core:** use internal options for directly exposing user props/emits types ([vuejs/core#10801]( - **language-core:** support defineSlots destructuring ([#​4312]( - Thanks [@​zhiyuanzmj]( ##### Bug Fixes - **vscode:** when enabled VitePress support, extension not activated when opening markdown files - **language-core:** auto-complete not working in v-bind ##### Performance - **language-service:** emmet completion should not be blocked by TS type evaluation ([#​4298]( - **language-core:** simplify virtual code for intrinsic elements ##### Other Changes - Upgrade Volar from `v2.2.0-alpha.10` to `v2.2.0-alpha.12`: - Avoid extension crash when workspace TSDK does not exist - Fix template variables cannot be renamed at the first character in Hybrid Mode ([#​4297]( - Fix template virtual code mapping is misaligned in Windows in Hybrid Mode ([#​4297]( - Add `svelte.svelte-vscode` (>=108.4.0) to Hybrid Mode compatibility whitelist ([sveltejs/language-tools#2317]( - **component-meta:** convert source code to TS - **language-core:** export `allCodeFeatures` ([#​4320]( - Thanks [@​zhiyuanzmj](


๐Ÿ“… Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

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โ™ป Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

๐Ÿ‘ป Immortal: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.

This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

renovate[bot] commented 1 month ago

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