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This PR contains the following updates:
Release Notes
babel/babel (@babel/preset-env)
### [`v7.23.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-plugin-transform-typescript` - [#16071]( Strip type-only TS namespaces ([@colinaaa]( - `babel-generator` - [#16078]( Fix indentation when generating comments with `concise: true` ([@liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-compat-data`, `babel-plugin-bugfix-v8-static-class-fields-redefine-readonly`, `babel-preset-env` - [#14295]( Add a bugfix plugin for ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-plugin-transform-object-super` - [#15948]( fix: `super.x` in a loop ([@liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-helper-module-transforms`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-amd`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-umd` - [#16015]( fix: handle `__proto__` exports name in CJS/AMD/UMD ([@magic-akari]( ##### :memo: Documentation - [#16044]( docs: Update links in [@babel/eslint-parser]( README ([@aryehb]( ##### :house: Internal - `babel-core`, `babel-preset-env` - [#15988]( Refactor handling of modules plugins in `preset-env` ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( ##### :running_woman: Performance - `babel-generator` - [#16061]( perf: Improve `@babel/generator` performance ([@liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-traverse` - [#16060]( Avoid dynamic dispatch when calling wrapCheck ([@yepitschunked]( ##### :microscope: Output optimization - `babel-plugin-transform-computed-properties` - [#6652]( Optimize computed properties output (byte-wise) ([@Andarist]( ### [`v7.23.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-traverse` - [#16033]( Only evaluate own String/Number/Math methods ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-preset-typescript` - [#16022]( Rewrite `.tsx` extension when using `rewriteImportExtensions` ([@jimmydief]( - `babel-helpers` - [#16017]( Fix: fallback to typeof when toString is applied to incompatible object ([@JLHwung]( - `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime` - [#16025]( Avoid override mistake in namespace imports ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( ### [`v7.22.20`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :house: Internal - `babel-helper-validator-identifier` - [#15973]( Remove special-casing of U+200C and U+200D ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-plugin-transform-dotall-regex` - [#15974]( Update Unicode test fixtures ([@JLHwung]( ##### :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Revert - `babel-helper-remap-async-to-generator`, `babel-helper-wrap-function`, `babel-plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management`, `babel-plugin-proposal-function-sent`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator`, `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-preset-env` - [#15979]( Revert "Improve output when wrapping functions" ([@jjonescz]( ### [`v7.22.15`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-core` - [#15923]( Only perform config loading re-entrancy check for cjs ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( ##### :house: Internal - `babel-cli`, `babel-core`, `babel-generator`, `babel-helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor`, `babel-helper-compilation-targets`, `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helper-create-regexp-features-plugin`, `babel-helper-member-expression-to-functions`, `babel-helper-module-imports`, `babel-helper-module-transforms`, `babel-helper-transform-fixture-test-runner`, `babel-helper-validator-identifier`, `babel-helper-validator-option`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-node`, `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-bugfix-safari-id-destructuring-collision-in-function-expression`, `babel-plugin-bugfix-v8-spread-parameters-in-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-destructuring-private`, `babel-plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-plugin-transform-destructuring`, `babel-plugin-transform-for-of`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`, `babel-plugin-transform-property-mutators`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-preset-flow`, `babel-preset-react`, `babel-preset-typescript`, `babel-register`, `babel-standalone`, `babel-template`, `babel-traverse`, `babel-types` - [#15892]( Add explicit `.ts`/`.js` extension to all imports in `src` ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( ### [`v7.22.14`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-preset-env` - [#15907]( Avoid dynamic require call in preset-env ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( ##### :house: Internal - `babel-parser` - [#15884]( Simplify parser errors creation ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-core`, `babel-helper-compilation-targets`, `babel-helper-simple-access`, `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-syntax-decorators`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-preset-flow`, `babel-preset-react`, `babel-preset-typescript`, `babel-traverse`, `babel-types` - [#15902]( extract more test helpers to repo-utils ([@JLHwung]( ### [`v7.22.10`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-plugin-transform-typescript` - [#15799]( \[ts] Strip type-only namespaces ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - [#15798]( \[ts] Fix compiling extended exported nested namespace ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-destructuring-private`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-static-block`, `babel-plugin-transform-new-target`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-methods`, `babel-preset-env` - [#15701]( Memoize class binding when compiling private methods and static elements ([@JLHwung]( ##### :nail_care: Polish - `babel-cli` - [#15824]( Add `meta` object to `@babel/eslint-plugin` ([@JLHwung]( - `babel-traverse`, `babel-types` - [#15661]( Improve the type definition of `path.isX` ([@liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-generator`, `babel-types` - [#15776]( improve SourceLocation typing ([@JLHwung]( ##### :house: Internal - Other - [#15818]( build: generate flow typings in prepublish job ([@JLHwung]( - [#15777]( chore: bump dev dependencies and remove .eslintignore ([@JLHwung]( - `babel-cli`, `babel-core`, `babel-generator`, `babel-helper-builder-react-jsx`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-standalone` - [#15794]( Enable `@typescript-eslint/no-redundant-type-constituents` rule ([@JLHwung]( - `babel-helper-compilation-targets` - [#15811]( Remove `@babel/core` peerDep from `helper-compilation-targets` ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-parser` - [#15793]( Use const enum in babel-parser ([@JLHwung]( - `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-traverse`, `babel-types` - [#15716]( chore: Use `typescript-eslint@v6` with reworked configs ([@JoshuaKGoldberg]( ##### :microscope: Output optimization - `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping`, `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`, `babel-plugin-transform-regenerator` - [#15746]( Reduce `transform-block-scoping` loops output size ([@liuxingbaoyu]( ### [`v7.22.9`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-plugin-transform-typescript` - [#15774]( fix: `Infinity` in enums ([@liuxingbaoyu]( ##### :nail_care: Polish - `babel-generator` - [#15757]( `recordAndTupleSyntaxType` defaults to `"hash"` ([@coderaiser]( ##### :house: Internal - [#15748]( Migrate to `eslint.config.js` ([@JLHwung]( - [#15758]( Use Prettier 3 stable ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( ### [`v7.22.7`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-generator` - [#15719]( fix: Avoid internally generating negative source maps columns ([@liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-core`, `babel-traverse` - [#15725]( Use `NodePath#hub` as part of the paths cache key ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - Other - [#15747]( fix: export `meta` from `eslint-parser/experimental-worker` ([@JLHwung]( ##### :house: Internal - `babel-core`, `babel-traverse` - [#15702]( Refactor visitors merging ([@nullableVoidPtr]( ### [`v7.22.6`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-compat-data`, `babel-helper-compilation-targets`, `babel-preset-env` - [#15727]( Add opera mobile compat data ([@JLHwung]( - `babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining` - [#15739]( Fix transform of `delete a?.b` in function params ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-helper-split-export-declaration`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs` - [#15736]( fix: Default export for duplicate names ([@liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-compat-data`, `babel-preset-env` - [#15726]( update compat-data sources ([@JLHwung]( - `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime` - [#15705]( Fix handling of sync error in `@@asyncDispose` ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-standalone` - [#15707]( fix: Support transforming Explicit Resource Management in `stage-2` ([@liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-core` - [#15626]( fix: Works correctly with `--frozen-intrinsics` ([@liuxingbaoyu]( ##### :house: Internal - `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes` - [#15700]( Minor class transform cleanups ([@JLHwung]( ##### :microscope: Output optimization - `babel-plugin-bugfix-v8-spread-parameters-in-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-transform-typescript` - [#15740]( Compress output for optional chain with multiple `?.` ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-plugin-proposal-destructuring-private`, `babel-plugin-proposal-do-expressions`, `babel-plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-property-in-object`, `babel-traverse` - [#15741]( Inject tmp vars in the params list of IIFEs when possible ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( ### [`v7.22.5`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-preset-env`, `babel-standalone` - [#15675]( Fix using `syntax-unicode-sets-regex` in standalone ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( ##### :nail_care: Polish - `babel-core` - [#15683]( Suggest `-transform-` when resolving missing plugins ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( ### [`v7.22.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-traverse` - [#15649]( Set `shorthand: false` when renaming an identifier inside an object property ([@coderaiser]( ##### :house: Internal - `babel-types` - [#15666]( Add missing `attributes`/`assertions` to `VISITOR_KEYS` ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-parser` - [#15667]( Mark `assert` attributes with `extra.deprecatedAssertSyntax` ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( ### [`v7.22.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :house: Internal - `babel-helper-validator-identifier` - [#15973]( Remove special-casing of U+200C and U+200D ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-plugin-transform-dotall-regex` - [#15974]( Update Unicode test fixtures ([@JLHwung]( ##### :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Revert - `babel-helper-remap-async-to-generator`, `babel-helper-wrap-function`, `babel-plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management`, `babel-plugin-proposal-function-sent`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator`, `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-preset-env` - [#15979]( Revert "Improve output when wrapping functions" ([@jjonescz]( ### [`v7.22.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-helper-validator-identifier` - [#15957]( Update identifier name definitions to Unicode 15.1 ([@JLHwung]( - `babel-helper-module-transforms`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-amd`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-umd` - [#15898]( Fix transform of named import with shadowed namespace import ([@dhlolo]( ##### :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Revert - [#15965]( Revert Node.js 20.6.0 bug workaround ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( ### [`v7.22.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :rocket: New Feature - `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-transform-typescript` - [#15497]( \[ts] Support `import ... =` and `export =` in scripts ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-compat-data`, `babel-core`, `babel-plugin-proposal-unicode-sets-regex`, `babel-plugin-transform-unicode-sets-regex`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-standalone` - [#15636]( Add `unicode-sets-regex` transform to `preset-env` ([@JLHwung]( - `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`, `babel-standalone` - [#15633]( Implement transform support for `using` declarations ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-plugin-proposal-import-attributes-to-assertions` - [#15620]( Create `@babel/plugin-proposal-import-attributes-to-assertions` ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-core`, `babel-generator`, `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-syntax-import-attributes`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-standalone`, `babel-types` - [#15536]( Add support for the updated import attributes proposal ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-generator`, `babel-parser`, `babel-traverse`, `babel-types` - [#15520]( Parse `await using` declarations ([@JLHwung]( - `babel-core`, `babel-helper-create-regexp-features-plugin`, `babel-parser` - [#15638]( Enable regexp unicode sets parsing by default ([@JLHwung]( - `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-syntax-decorators`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime` - [#15570]( Add decorators version `2023-05` ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( ##### :nail_care: Polish - `babel-plugin-transform-react-constant-elements`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx`, `babel-traverse`, `babel-types` - [#15549]( Improve type definitions for validators ([@liuxingbaoyu]( ##### :house: Internal - `babel-parser` - [#15630]( Unify parsing of import/export modifiers (type/typeof/module) ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-compat-data`, `babel-helper-transform-fixture-test-runner`, `babel-node`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-duplicate-named-capturing-groups-regex`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-runtime-corejs3` - [#15531]( Allow polyfill providers to specify custom `@babel/runtime` pkg ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-core`, `babel-plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-static-block`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-dynamic-import`, `babel-plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from`, `babel-plugin-proposal-function-sent`, `babel-plugin-proposal-json-strings`, `babel-plugin-proposal-logical-assignment-operators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator`, `babel-plugin-proposal-numeric-separator`, `babel-plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread`, `babel-plugin-proposal-optional-catch-binding`, `babel-plugin-proposal-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator`, `babel-plugin-proposal-private-methods`, `babel-plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object`, `babel-plugin-proposal-unicode-property-regex`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-standalone` - [#15614]( Rename `-proposal-`s that became standard to `-transform-` ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( ### [`v7.21.5`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance - `babel-generator`, `babel-parser`, `babel-types` - [#15539]( fix: Remove `mixins` and `implements` for `DeclareInterface` and `InterfaceDeclaration` ([@liuxingbaoyu]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-core`, `babel-generator`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx` - [#15515]( fix: `)` position with `createParenthesizedExpressions` ([@liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-preset-env` - [#15580]( Add syntax import meta to preset env ([@JLHwung]( ##### :nail_care: Polish - `babel-types` - [#15546]( Improve the layout of generated validators ([@liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-core` - [#15535]( Use `lt` instead of `lte` to check TS version for .cts config ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( ##### :house: Internal - `babel-core` - [#15575]( Use synchronous `import.meta.resolve` ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-helper-fixtures`, `babel-preset-typescript` - [#15568]( Handle `.overrides` and `.env` when resolving plugins/presets from fixture options ([@JLHwung]( - `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helper-create-regexp-features-plugin` - [#15548]( Use `semver` package to compare versions ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( ### [`v7.21.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-core`, `babel-helper-module-imports`, `babel-preset-typescript` - [#15478]( Fix support for `import/export` in `.cts` files ([@liuxingbaoyu]( - `babel-generator` - [#15496]( Fix compact printing of non-null assertion operators ([@rtsao]( ##### :nail_care: Polish - `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`, `babel-traverse` - [#15427]( Fix moving comments of removed nodes ([@nicolo-ribaudo]( ##### :house: Internal - Other - [#15519]( Update Prettier integration test ([@fisker]( - `babel-parser` - [#15510]( refactor: introduce `lookaheadInLineCharCode` ([@JLHwung]( - `babel-code-frame`, `babel-highlight` - [#15499]( Polish babel-code-frame highlight test ([@JLHwung]( (nuxt)
### [`v2.17.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### 👉 Changelog [compare changes]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **types:** Prevent overwriting vue types in template ([#22802]( - **types:** Don't pin webpack types to exact version ([#23531]( - Remove md4 patch now that `webpack` has it in core ([#23703]( ##### 🤖 CI - Add script to update changelog for 2.x releases ([#23031]( - Revert to codecov-action v3 ([e66e44803]( - Remove node version from matrix ([#23706]( - Use node 18 for ci jobs ([#23701]( ##### ❤️ Contributors - Daniel Roe ([@danielroe]( - Rafał Chłodnicki ([@rchl]( ### [`v2.17.1`]( [Compare Source]( > 2.17.1 is the next patch release for Nuxt 2. #### 👉 Changelog [compare changes]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **webpack:** Downgrade dev-middleware to fix peer dep issue ([#21626]( - **webpack:** Pin webpack-dev-middleware to 5.0.0 ([#21804]( ##### ❤️ Contributors - Daniel Roe ([@danielroe]( - Lehoczky Zoltán ([@Lehoczky]( ### [`v2.17.0`]( [Compare Source]( > 2.17.0 is the next minor release for Nuxt 2. #### ✨ Highlights Nuxt 2.17 comes with a few new features, including better support for new Vue 2.7 types, and supporting passing postcss config as a function. It also includes support for Node 20+ and a fix for a dependency issue with the Babel preset that affected new installs. #### 👉 Changelog [compare changes]( ##### 🚀 Enhancements - **types:** Support nuxt types for defineComponent ([#19789]( - **csp:** Support generating nonce for scripts and links in ssr ([#9621]( - **webpack:** Support passing function as postcssOptions ([#19495]( ##### 🔥 Performance - **config:** Avoid recursive md4 patching ([7fab95252]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - Relax node engines upper constraint ([010b539ed]( - **utils:** Respect patterns within paths when sorting routes ([#20669]( - **vue-app:** Skip page render early on error or navigation ([#20719]( - **babel-preset-app:** Add explicit dep on used babel plugin ([#21488]( ##### 🏡 Chore - Reenable publishing 🙈 ([4ce8b118e]( - Exclude yaml exception vulnerability (build-time dep) ([c8ed87a26]( - Bump jest dependencies ([#20506]( - Remove resolved advisories ([98cd35665]( - Skip publishing node_modules folder ([8799cfacc]( - Remove obsolete useWorkspaces option ([27e450119]( ##### ✅ Tests - Add catchall path to route generation test ([71c359516]( - Update windows snapshot ([4ec274ae2]( - Update jest snapshots to remove escaped quotes ([f93411c7c]( ##### 🤖 CI - Run tests in node 16 ([#20644]( - Pin actions by hash and use corepack ([#21356]( ##### ❤️ Contributors - Olga Bulat ([@obulat]( - Daniel Roe ([@danielroe]( - Xin Du (Clark) ([@clarkdo]( - Rafał Chłodnicki ([@rchl]( - Marcelo Botega Fontana ([@marcelobotega]( ### [`v2.16.3`]( [Compare Source]( > **2.16.3** is a patch release with bug fixes. #### 👉 Changelog [compare changes]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **types:** Add return type for `error()` ([#19044]( - **types:** Bring types from `less` into namespace ([#19738]( - **types:** Sync vue type augmentations with Vue 2.7 ([#19526]( - **config:** Move `preset` to inner `postcssOptions` ([#19518]( - **webpack:** Add `node-fetch-native` to externals list ([#19755]( ##### 🏡 Chore - Release all packages with latest tag except `nuxt` ([4e9dcddcb]( - **examples:** Use `2.x` version of nuxt instead of latest ([#19737]( - Lint package files ([6ca842e36]( ##### ❤️ Contributors - Daniel Roe - [@danielroe]( - Olga Bulat - [@obulat]( - Rafał Chłodnicki - [@rchl]( ### [`v2.16.2`]( [Compare Source]( > **2.16.2** is a patch release with bug fixes. #### ✨ Highlights The main change in this patch release is that we now patch the `crypto` node built-in during build to allow Nuxt 2 to be used on Node versions greater than Node 16, which should ease the pressure users feel after Node 16 reaches its own EOL this year. > **Warning** > This should not be taken for an endorsement of continuing to run with Webpack 4, which is out of date and has a number of dependencies with issues. I expect that number to continue to grow, and we will not be able to resolve all of them. I would strongly urge migrating to Nuxt 3 if possible and the team will do our best to make this possible over the course of the year ❤️ #### 👉 Changelog [compare changes]( ##### 🚀 Enhancements - **types:** Add basic types for Nuxt interface ([#9772]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **vue-renderer:** Insert `charset` before `title` ([#18998]( - **types:** Remove non-existent properties from context ([#19021]( - Add minimum node 14.18 version constraint ([#19112]( - **config:** Upgrade md4 -> md5 on node > 16 ([#19108]( - **vue-app:** Handle promise rejection from `asyncData` ([#18585]( ##### 🏡 Chore - Update tag name ([`15787a2`]( - Fix version merge ([`49ea657`]( - Add `@types/jest` ([`d48efa6`]( ##### ❤️ Contributors - Rafał Chłodnicki ([@rchl]( - Daniel Roe ([@danielroe ]( - Pooya Parsa ([@pi0]( - Harlan Wilton ([@harlan-zw]( ### [`v2.16.1`]( [Compare Source]( > Nuxt 2.16.1 is a patch release with a couple of small bugfixes to last week's 2.16.0 release. #### v2.16.0...v2.16.1 ##### 🩹 Fixes - **deps:** Downgrade `@types` packages depending on webpack 5 ([#18827]( - **config:** Let webpack merge postcss plugins ([#18839]( - **types:** Import `Location` from `vue-router` ([#18908]( ##### 🏡 Chore - Tag 2.x releases appropriately ([`aba93e9`]( - Revert node types to v16 ([`3d034a3`]( - Remove stub type definitions ([`daed62a`]( ##### ❤️ Contributors - H-kishi - Daniel Roevuejs/vue (vue-server-renderer)
### [`v2.7.15`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **compiler-sfc:** add semicolon after `defineProps` statement ([#12879]( ([51fef2c]( - **compiler-sfc:** fix macro usage in multi-variable declaration ([#12873]( ([d27c128]( - **compiler-sfc:** Optimize the value of emitIdentifier ([#12851]( ([bb59751]( - **compiler-sfc:** Resolve object expression parsing errors in `v-on` ([#12862]( ([b8c8b3f]( - **lifecycle:** scope might changed when call hook ([#13070]( ([74ca5a1]( - **patch:** clone insert hooks to avoid being mutated during iteration ([#12905]( ([c223634]( - **types/sfc:** improve the type inference using `withDefaults` ([#12872]( ([099401e]( - **types:** correct serverPrefetch this type ([#13068]( ([67c1d26](, closes [#12488](
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