Closed aloky closed 1 week ago
I built this kind of component for my own project which uses Nuxt UI:
It has theses props:
length: number; // choose the number of digits
autoFocus: boolean;
autoValidation: boolean; // trigger a method automatically when all fields are filled
hide: boolean; // hide digits (like a password)
And it handles:
@benjamincanac are you interesting in merging this component if I make a PR? Any special recommendations? Thanks.
Not sure it makes sense to work on this now, after the radix-vue
migration we'll be able to use this:
@ddahan Do you have the source code for this component? I would love to try it out in my own Nuxt project!
You may want to test with https://[](
@ddahan is it possible to share this component.
@ddahan is it possible to share this component.
@emwadde @marcbejar @pierresigwalt @JoelHutchinson Sorry I did not receive notifications for this one. Here is the code if it can still help:
<div class="flex gap-2.5">
<div v-for="i in Array.from({ length: length }, (_, i) => i)" :key="i" class="w-12">
<div class="flex gap-1">
:ref="(el) => (uInputComponents[i] = el)"
:type="hide ? 'password' : 'text'"
:ui="{ base: 'text-center', size: { xl: 'text-lg' } }"
:autofocus="i === 0 && autoFocus"
@keydown.delete="handleBackspace(i, $event)"
<script setup lang="ts">
const props = withDefaults(
length?: number;
autoFocus?: boolean;
autoValidation?: boolean; // only applied on pasting for better UX
hide?: boolean;
{ length: 6, autoFocus: true, autoValidation: true, hide: false }
const emit = defineEmits(["update:modelValue", "otpAutoSubmit"]);
// State
const otp: Ref<string[]> = ref(Array(props.length).fill(""));
const uInputComponents: Ref<any[]> = ref(Array(props.length).fill(null));
// Send code string to the parent component
const code: Ref<string> = computed(() => Object.values(otp.value).join(""));
watch(code, (newCode) => {
emit("update:modelValue", newCode);
const autoTab = async (i: number) => {
/* auto-focus next input after typing */
await nextTick(); // wait until Vue completes the DOM updates.
if (i < props.length - 1 && otp.value[i]) {
const nextInput = uInputComponents.value[i + 1].input;
if (nextInput) {
const selectTextOnFocus = (i: number) => {
/* auto-select input content when focusing it */
const input = uInputComponents.value[i].input;;
const handlePaste = async (event: ClipboardEvent) => {
/* handle the case where the user paste the code (+ auto validation) */
const pastedText = event.clipboardData?.getData("text").trim();
// Paste is disabled if the text is not the right size
if (pastedText?.length === props.length) {
otp.value = [...pastedText].map((char, i) => char || "");
uInputComponents.value[props.length - 1].input.focus();
const allFieldsFilled = otp.value.every((x) => x.length === 1);
if (allFieldsFilled && props.autoValidation) {
await nextTick(); // prevent otpAutoSubmit to be called before code update
const handleBackspace = async (i: number, event: KeyboardEvent) => {
/* Inteligent erasing that goes to previous field after deletion */
event.preventDefault(); // avoid a race condition with the focus below
otp.value[i] = ""; // deletion
if (i > 0) {
uInputComponents.value[i - 1].input.focus();