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SelectMenu `searchable` function executed on each key press in other `input` #1715

Closed toyi closed 3 weeks ago

toyi commented 3 weeks ago






There are two inputs in the reproduction.

One is a native input tag and the other a USelectMenu. Only the input is bound to a ref, in this case state.title.

On each key press inside this input, the searchable function gets executed (after the debounce delay). This can quickly leads to a large number of unnecessary executions, which are often backend calls to query a database.

This behavior can be observed with UInput or withing a UFormGroup as well, it doesn't matter: if a ref is updated somewhere, the searchable function is executed.

⚠️ This is a problem happening on the client side, you need to open the console to actually see those multiple console.log('searchable executed'); confirming the searchable function is executed when it should not.

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romhml commented 3 weeks ago

Defining your function outside of the template fixes the issue:

I'm not a 100% sure, but I think vue is redefining your function in the :searchable props when it re-renders, causing the prop to change and the component to re-execute it.