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How to render a component in a UModal? #2207

Open rowild opened 5 days ago

rowild commented 5 days ago


In this example

I try to implement UModal. I would like to render different components in that UModal, e.g. a Newsletter Form or a Three.js viewer.

It turns out that I must use markRaw isntead of resolveComponent, when I want a component to be rendered inside the UModal, otherwise there are warning about reactivity in the console. But as soon as I use markRaw, the input field of the e.g. Newsletter form is no longer rendered.

This is the Newsletter component:

  <div class="newsletter-form">
    <h2 class="text-xl font-semibold mb-4">Sign up for our newsletter</h2>
    <UForm :schema="schema" @submit="onSubmit">   // <== this part is no longer rendered
      <UFormGroup label="Email" name="email">
        <UInput v-model="" />
      <UButton type="submit" color="primary" class="mt-4">

<script setup>
const state = reactive({
  email: ''

const schema = {
  email: {
    type: 'string',
    required: true,
    email: true

const onSubmit = (event) => {
  // Handle form submission
  console.log('Form submitted:',;

Another component, the PointCloud.vue component, is not loaded at all, as it seems.

I am new to Nuxt and NuxtUi, so there still a lot to learn, but in this case I am stuck and would hope for your help!

rowild commented 5 days ago

EDIT: When importing the Newsletter with import Newsletter from '~/components/Newsletter.vue'; and changing call to the modal by removing any quotes (markRaw("Newsletter"); => markRaw(Newsletter);), the input field of the form suddenly works... (or is at least displayed)

benjamincanac commented 5 days ago

It might be easier to achieve what you want using the useModal composable: