nuxt / ui

A UI Library for Modern Web Apps, powered by Vue & Tailwind CSS.
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add an emit "scroll" event for USelectMenu #2793

Open ItsNotMyFault opened 1 week ago

ItsNotMyFault commented 1 week ago

For what version of Nuxt UI are you suggesting this?



Hi I would like to have within the component UselectMenu emit the event "scroll" with the following properties:

  target: HTMLElement, 
  currentTarget: HTMLElement, 
  scrollTop: number,
  scrollHeight: number, 
  clientHeight: number, 

to dynamically remote search items through an api and append it dynamically to my USelectMenu to create an infinite scroll.

This feature would be great in both version :)

Additional context

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masyoudi commented 2 days ago

also the same issue 1167