nuxt / ui

A UI Library for Modern Web Apps, powered by Vue & Tailwind CSS.
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Dependency Dashboard #6

Open renovate[bot] opened 2 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.


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Detected dependencies

.github/workflows/ci-dev.yml - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/cache v4` - `dorny/paths-filter v3`
.github/workflows/ci.yml - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/cache v4` - `EndBug/version-check v2`
docs/package.json - `@iconify-json/heroicons ^1.1.21` - `@iconify-json/simple-icons ^1.1.101` - `@nuxt/content ^2.12.1` - `@nuxt/eslint-config ^0.3.10` - `@nuxt/fonts ^0.7.0` - `@nuxt/image ^1.7.0` - `@nuxt/ui-pro 1.2.0-28584828.9fd6689` - `@nuxtjs/plausible ^1.0.0` - `@octokit/rest ^20.1.1` - `@vueuse/nuxt ^10.9.0` - `date-fns ^3.6.0` - `eslint ^8.57.0` - `joi ^17.13.1` - `nuxt ^3.11.2` - `nuxt-cloudflare-analytics ^1.0.8` - `nuxt-component-meta ^0.6.4` - `nuxt-og-image ^2.2.4` - `prettier ^3.2.5` - `typescript ^5.4.5` - `ufo ^1.5.3` - `v-calendar ^3.1.2` - `valibot ^0.30.0` - `yup ^1.4.0` - `zod ^3.23.6`
package.json - `@egoist/tailwindcss-icons ^1.8.0` - `@headlessui/tailwindcss ^0.2.0` - `@headlessui/vue ^1.7.22` - `@iconify-json/heroicons ^1.1.21` - `@nuxt/kit ^3.11.2` - `@nuxtjs/color-mode ^3.4.1` - `@nuxtjs/tailwindcss ^6.12.0` - `@popperjs/core ^2.11.8` - `@tailwindcss/aspect-ratio ^0.4.2` - `@tailwindcss/container-queries ^0.1.1` - `@tailwindcss/forms ^0.5.7` - `@tailwindcss/typography ^0.5.13` - `@vueuse/core ^10.9.0` - `@vueuse/integrations ^10.9.0` - `@vueuse/math ^10.9.0` - `defu ^6.1.4` - `fuse.js ^6.6.2` - `nuxt-icon ^0.6.10` - `ohash ^1.1.3` - `pathe ^1.1.2` - `scule ^1.3.0` - `tailwind-merge ^2.3.0` - `tailwindcss ^3.4.3` - `@nuxt/eslint-config ^0.3.10` - `@nuxt/module-builder ^0.5.5` - `@nuxt/test-utils ^3.12.1` - `@release-it/conventional-changelog ^8.0.1` - `@vue/test-utils ^2.4.6` - `eslint ^8.57.0` - `happy-dom ^14.10.1` - `joi ^17.13.1` - `nuxt ^3.11.2` - `release-it ^17.2.1` - `typescript ^5.4.5` - `unbuild ^2.0.0` - `valibot ^0.30.0` - `vitest ^1.6.0` - `vitest-environment-nuxt ^1.0.0` - `vue-tsc ^2.0.16` - `yup ^1.4.0` - `zod ^3.23.6` - `node >=v16.20.2` - `@nuxt/module-builder 0.5.5` - `pnpm 9.1.1`
playground/package.json - `nuxt ^3.11.2`