nuxt / ui

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How to remove third-party auto-fill control in UInput #634

Closed stlbucket closed 8 months ago

stlbucket commented 8 months ago

is there a way to disallow third-parties to affect UInput?

Here, you can see the 1Password icon, and it gives suggestions.

        <UFormGroup name="name" label="Name">
          <UInput placeholder="name your todo" v-model="" type="text"/>
madebyfabian commented 8 months ago

Hi! This is just due to the fact that nuxt/ui is using the native html input field. You can disable certain 3rd parties by adding autocomplete="off" to the<UInput> (see but it's not guaranteed, as it's within the scope of those 3rd parties to respect this prop.

jduartea commented 8 months ago

You can use the data-1p-ignore attribute.

<UInput placeholder="name your todo" v-model="" type="text" data-1p-ignore />


stlbucket commented 8 months ago

OK - that works, but seems a bit inelegant.

What about other tools? Is there a big list of these ignore directives?

I assume this is an issue that is kinda out of direct Nuxt-UI control?

benjamincanac commented 8 months ago

This is indeed not related to Nuxt UI, it's up to the user to configure its <input> the way they want.

some-user123 commented 8 months ago

Using autocomplete="off" causes a typescript error when using vueCompilerOptions.strictTemplates = true. Any chance to change this?

madebyfabian commented 8 months ago

@some-user123 Where do you set vueCompilerOptions.strictTemplates?

Could be caused by not having this explicitly defined as a prop. Wdyt @benjamincanac can I add a PR to add it as a possible prop?

some-user123 commented 8 months ago

Where do you set vueCompilerOptions.strictTemplates?

In my tsconfig.json

benjamincanac commented 8 months ago

I intentionally removed all the props that don't have any impact on the component logic. What about the other 20+ attributes possible on the HTML <input>

some-user123 commented 8 months ago

vueCompilerOptions.strictTemplates is of great help to identify wrong use of components in templates, e.g., typos, unsupported props, etc. Much like typescript in the script.

From my point of view, props that are allowed on <input> should also be allowed on <UInput> (if they are passed down). If not, you are preventing proper usage of type checking and/or restricting the functionality of the component...

madebyfabian commented 8 months ago

@benjamincanac I am currently looking for a way. With defineProps<InputProps>(), you can just do something like

type InputProps = HTMLInputElement & {
  customStuff: string

But I am not sure this could be done via the defineComponent the library is using. I mean it would be great to have these html props typed, but I don't think it would be good to add them all manually, especially because there are not only parameters, but also a lot of on listeners which would then be missing.

benjamincanac commented 8 months ago

Indeed we cannot define props with TypeScript as we're using defineComponent. Does the behaviour you describe work when using a normal <input>?

some-user123 commented 8 months ago

Does the behaviour you describe work when using a normal <input>?

You mean whether autocomplete property can be validated? Yes:



You can see, autocomplete is valid on <input>, foo is not.

benjamincanac commented 8 months ago

@some-user123 Same as