nuxt / ui

A UI Library for Modern Web Apps, powered by Vue & Tailwind CSS.
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How to pass a reactive font size to a UTextarea ? #770

Closed mathieunicolas closed 9 months ago

mathieunicolas commented 9 months ago


Hello there,

With const fsize = ref(1) :

The following code gives a textarea with a responsive size :

<textarea :style="'font-size: '+fsize+'rem; line-height: '+fsize+'rem;'" />

The following code does not :

<UTextarea :style="'font-size: '+fsize+'rem; line-height: '+fsize+'rem;'" />

I don't understand why, and I don't understand how I should pass this reactive prop to set a reactive font size in UTextarea.

Thanks for you help !

benjamincanac commented 9 months ago

Why don't you use Tailwind CSS and the ui prop to achieve that? Font size and line height is already defined on the Textarea:

mathieunicolas commented 9 months ago

That's because I tried at first with the most big size, and didn't notice any change, thanks to your answer I see the "xl" size is actually the "base" font size. I tried with :ui, then :class (tailwind), then :style and my example was my last try.

I can't use the input presets because it doesn't cover my needs. Still, the following code don't work :

      <UButton @click="fsize++" label="+" />
      <UButton @click="fsize--" label="-" />
      <UTextarea class="font-mono" :class="'text-'+fsizee[fsize]" ref="editor" id="editor" v-model="text" @keyup.enter="newline" autoresize />

<script setup>
const fsize = ref(1)
const fsizee = ['2xs', 'xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl']

This line neither :

      <UTextarea class="font-mono" :ui="{ size: 'text-'+fsizee[fsize] }" ref="editor" id="editor" v-model="text" @keyup.enter="newline" autoresize />

Should I update the presets ?? I only need this resizing for one textarea.

mathieunicolas commented 9 months ago

Ok I finally understood what was wrong, I think I spent too much time on this yesterday and started making stupid things. After re-reading the docs and the examples, I :

And now it works. Thanks for taking the time to answer, and sorry for the stupid question !