Closed dowdiness closed 5 years ago
@dowdiness Please consider not exposing apiKey
in a public repository.
Can you please share the link of your deployment? Logs are accessible with /_logs
As I figured out, this error caused by importing submodule in second line:
import { firebase } from '@firebase/app'
import '@firebase/firestore'
Temporary way to solve this might be importing firebase-admin for SSR and submodules for Client Side. But I haven't tested it yet.
Having the same issue
I have fixed it by adding firebase packages into webpack externals as CommonJS modules in nuxt.config file for SSR bundle:
build: {
extend ( config, { isDev, isClient, isServer } ) {
if ( isServer ) {
config.externals = {
'@firebase/app': 'commonjs @firebase/app',
'@firebase/firestore': 'commonjs @firebase/firestore',
So glad I finally managed it out. Hope it will help anyone else
Same issue here.
@MarvinMiles can you elaborate on your solution? It doesn't work for me but if I'm able to understand it, I might be able to come up with something myself. What exactly is the issue here? Is it Firebase? Or Nuxt? (or even ZEIT?) What causes that Problem?
Thank you for any hints!
@Atinux I think this issue should be reopened. Using firebase breaks nuxt on ZEIT v2 and it doesn't seem there is an easy fix 🤔.
I've switched to spa
-mode for now until I find a solution. Can anyone tell me what the problem actually is?
This is the output from ZEIT when a request is made:
START RequestId: a18d2768-e654-4db7-960a-2d158e8fe660 Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: a18d2768-e654-4db7-960a-2d158e8fe660
REPORT RequestId: a18d2768-e654-4db7-960a-2d158e8fe660
Duration: 9.00 ms Billed Duration: 100 ms Memory Size: 3008 MB Max Memory Used: 138 MB
START RequestId: 6b173cbb-2cf3-44a6-9b73-c52707ea1c76 Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: 6b173cbb-2cf3-44a6-9b73-c52707ea1c76
REPORT RequestId: 6b173cbb-2cf3-44a6-9b73-c52707ea1c76
Duration: 3.39 ms Billed Duration: 100 ms Memory Size: 3008 MB Max Memory Used: 138 MB
Failing Deployment example (private):
Was there a resolution to this issue?
@vimota resolves your issue.
@danielroe that doesn't fix the issue for me at least.
@codeofsumit It fixes your repro for me.
Hm, will check again thank you!
It did indeed resolve my issues as well! Just curious, is that a bug or expected behaviour? I don't totally get why we have to add it to the externals config.
I think this might be a reasonable explanation. for why firebase and lambda can cause problems.
Hey guys,
Are you guys using the now.json version 2? I got this message from the vercel build log:
Warning: Due to builds existing in your configuration file, the Build and Development Settings defined in your Project Settings will not apply. Learn More:
So, it looks like the @MarvinMiles didn't apply.
Anyway, I'm still getting the error here.
14:00:58.006 Cloning (Branch: master, Commit: 15c7069)
14:00:59.104 Cloning completed in 1098ms
14:00:59.104 Analyzing source code...
14:00:59.105 Warning: Due to `builds` existing in your configuration file, the Build and Development Settings defined in your Project Settings will not apply. Learn More:
14:01:00.116 Installing build runtime...
14:01:02.673 Build runtime installed: 2556.706ms
14:01:03.565 ----------------- Prepare build -----------------
14:01:03.565 Downloading files...
14:01:03.647 Working directory: /vercel/30aec542
14:01:03.649 Using npm
14:01:03.650 ℹ Prepare build took: 84.318644 ms
14:01:03.650 ----------------- Install devDependencies -----------------
14:01:03.651 Running npm install
14:01:40.665 > node-sass@4.14.1 install /vercel/30aec542/node_modules/node-sass
14:01:40.665 > node scripts/install.js
14:01:40.957 Downloading binary from
14:01:41.813 Download complete
14:01:41.817 Binary saved to /vercel/30aec542/node_modules_dev/node-sass/vendor/linux-x64-72/binding.node
14:01:41.852 Caching binary to /vercel/.npm/node-sass/4.14.1/linux-x64-72_binding.node
14:01:41.991 > core-js@3.6.5 postinstall /vercel/30aec542/node_modules/@firebase/polyfill/node_modules/core-js
14:01:41.991 > node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"
14:01:42.053 [96mThank you for using core-js ([94m [96m) for polyfilling JavaScript standard library![0m
14:01:42.054 [96mThe project needs your help! Please consider supporting of core-js on Open Collective or Patreon: [0m
14:01:42.054 [96m>[94m [0m
14:01:42.054 [96m>[94m [0m
14:01:42.054 [96mAlso, the author of core-js ([94m [96m) is looking for a good job -)[0m
14:01:42.149 > core-js@2.6.11 postinstall /vercel/30aec542/node_modules/core-js
14:01:42.149 > node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"
14:01:42.213 [96mThank you for using core-js ([94m [96m) for polyfilling JavaScript standard library![0m
14:01:42.213 [96mThe project needs your help! Please consider supporting of core-js on Open Collective or Patreon: [0m
14:01:42.213 [96m>[94m [0m
14:01:42.213 [96m>[94m [0m
14:01:42.213 [96mAlso, the author of core-js ([94m [96m) is looking for a good job -)[0m
14:01:42.242 > ejs@2.7.4 postinstall /vercel/30aec542/node_modules/ejs
14:01:42.242 > node ./postinstall.js
14:01:42.300 Thank you for installing [35mEJS[0m: built with the [32mJake[0m JavaScript build tool ([32m[0m)
14:01:42.544 > core-js@3.6.5 postinstall /vercel/30aec542/node_modules/plyr/node_modules/core-js
14:01:42.545 > node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"
14:01:42.609 [96mThank you for using core-js ([94m [96m) for polyfilling JavaScript standard library![0m
14:01:42.609 [96mThe project needs your help! Please consider supporting of core-js on Open Collective or Patreon: [0m
14:01:42.609 [96m>[94m [0m
14:01:42.609 [96m>[94m [0m
14:01:42.609 [96mAlso, the author of core-js ([94m [96m) is looking for a good job -)[0m
14:01:42.634 > protobufjs@6.9.0 postinstall /vercel/30aec542/node_modules/protobufjs
14:01:42.634 > node scripts/postinstall
14:01:43.076 > ant-design-vue@1.6.2 postinstall /vercel/30aec542/node_modules/ant-design-vue
14:01:43.076 > node scripts/postinstall || echo "ignore"
14:01:43.143 [96mThank you for using ant-design-vue ([94m [96m)![0m
14:01:43.144 [96mThe project needs your help! Please consider supporting of ant-design-vue on Open Collective or Patreon: 🙏[0m
14:01:43.144 [96m>[94m [0m
14:01:43.144 [96m>[94m [0m
14:01:43.144 [96m更多赞助方式(支付宝、微信、Paypal)请查看如下链接: 🙏[0m
14:01:43.144 [96m>[94m [0m
14:01:43.144 [96mAnt Design Vue 官方网站: [0m
14:01:43.144 [96m>[94m [0m
14:01:43.152 > node-sass@4.14.1 postinstall /vercel/30aec542/node_modules/node-sass
14:01:43.152 > node scripts/build.js
14:01:43.304 Binary found at /vercel/30aec542/node_modules_dev/node-sass/vendor/linux-x64-72/binding.node
14:01:43.304 Testing binary
14:01:43.404 Binary is fine
14:01:43.409 > nuxt@2.13.0 postinstall /vercel/30aec542/node_modules/nuxt
14:01:43.409 > opencollective || exit 0
14:01:43.603 :-:
14:01:43.603 .==-+:
14:01:43.603 .==. :+- .-=-
14:01:43.603 .==. :==++-+=.
14:01:43.603 :==. -**: :+=.
14:01:43.603 :+- :*+++. .++.
14:01:43.603 :+- -*= .++: .=+.
14:01:43.603 -+: =*- .+*: .=+:
14:01:43.603 -+: .=*- .=*- =+:
14:01:43.603 .==: .+*: -*- -+-
14:01:43.603 .=+:.....:+*-.........:=*=..=*-
14:01:43.603 .-=------=++============++====:
14:01:43.603 Thanks for installing nuxtjs
14:01:43.603 Please consider donating to our open collective
14:01:43.603 to help us maintain this package.
14:01:43.603 Number of contributors: 229
14:01:43.603 Number of backers: 332
14:01:43.604 Annual budget: $71,867
14:01:43.604 Current balance: $23,135
14:01:43.604 Donate:
14:01:45.235 npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.13 (node_modules/watchpack-chokidar2/node_modules/fsevents):
14:01:45.235 npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.13: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})
14:01:45.235 npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@2.1.3 (node_modules/fsevents):
14:01:45.235 npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@2.1.3: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})
14:01:45.241 added 1998 packages from 957 contributors and audited 2002 packages in 41.177s
14:01:46.539 118 packages are looking for funding
14:01:46.539 run `npm fund` for details
14:01:46.540 found 0 vulnerabilities
14:01:46.576 ℹ Install devDependencies took: 42925.207772 ms
14:01:46.576 ----------------- Nuxt build -----------------
14:01:46.601 Running nuxt build --standalone --no-lock --config-file "nuxt.config.js"
14:01:48.321 ℹ Production build
14:01:48.321 ℹ Bundling for server and client side
14:01:48.322 ℹ Target: server
14:01:48.333 ✔ Builder initialized
14:01:48.384 ✔ Nuxt files generated
14:01:49.896 ℹ Compiling Client
14:02:17.329 ✔ Client: Compiled successfully in 27.43s
14:02:17.334 ℹ Compiling Server
14:02:23.185 ✔ Server: Compiled successfully in 5.85s
14:02:23.186 Hash: [1m90ac07cd3ad6b6862748[39m[22m
14:02:23.187 Version: webpack [1m4.43.0[39m[22m
14:02:23.187 Time: [1m27435[39m[22mms
14:02:23.187 Built at: 06/23/2020 [1m5:02:17 PM[39m[22m
14:02:23.187 [1mAsset[39m[22m [1mSize[39m[22m [1mChunks[39m[22m [1m[39m[22m [1m[39m[22m [1mChunk Names[39m[22m
14:02:23.187 [1m[32m../server/client.manifest.json[39m[22m 42.4 KiB [1m[39m[22m [1m[32m[emitted][39m[22m
14:02:23.187 [1m[33m5.4983c5e.js[39m[22m [1m[33m283 KiB[39m[22m [1m5[39m[22m [1m[32m[emitted] [immutable][39m[22m [1m[33m[big][39m[22m
14:02:23.187 [1m[32mLICENSES[39m[22m 4.66 KiB [1m[39m[22m [1m[32m[emitted][39m[22m
14:02:23.187 [1m[33mapp.ec921b7.js[39m[22m [1m[33m2.9 MiB[39m[22m [1m0[39m[22m [1m[32m[emitted] [immutable][39m[22m [1m[33m[big][39m[22m app
14:02:23.187 [1m[32mpages/index.e3591d2.js[39m[22m 2.01 KiB [1m1[39m[22m [1m[32m[emitted] [immutable][39m[22m pages/index
14:02:23.187 [1m[32mpages/livestream.af3d4e7.js[39m[22m 235 KiB [1m2[39m[22m [1m[32m[emitted] [immutable][39m[22m pages/livestream
14:02:23.187 [1m[32mpages/login.2da25e5.js[39m[22m 4.48 KiB [1m3[39m[22m [1m[32m[emitted] [immutable][39m[22m pages/login
14:02:23.187 [1m[32mruntime.c326a79.js[39m[22m 2.39 KiB [1m4[39m[22m [1m[32m[emitted] [immutable][39m[22m runtime
14:02:23.187 + 2 hidden assets
14:02:23.187 Entrypoint [1mapp[39m[22m [1m[33m[big][39m[22m = [1m[32mruntime.c326a79.js[39m[22m [1m[32mapp.ec921b7.js[39m[22m
14:02:23.187 [1m[33mWARNING in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
14:02:23.187 This can impact web performance.
14:02:23.187 Assets:
14:02:23.187 app.ec921b7.js (2.9 MiB)
14:02:23.187 5.4983c5e.js (283 KiB)[39m[22m
14:02:23.187 [1m[33mWARNING in entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (1000 KiB). This can impact web performance.
14:02:23.187 Entrypoints:
14:02:23.187 app (2.9 MiB)
14:02:23.187 runtime.c326a79.js
14:02:23.187 app.ec921b7.js
14:02:23.188 [39m[22m
14:02:23.188 Hash: [1m1f4bc8a097550a5414d8[39m[22m
14:02:23.188 Version: webpack [1m4.43.0[39m[22m
14:02:23.188 Time: [1m5851[39m[22mms
14:02:23.188 Built at: 06/23/2020 [1m5:02:23 PM[39m[22m
14:02:23.188 [1mAsset[39m[22m [1mSize[39m[22m [1mChunks[39m[22m [1m[39m[22m [1m[39m[22m[1mChunk Names[39m[22m
14:02:23.188 [1m[32m4.js[39m[22m 236 bytes [1m4[39m[22m [1m[32m[emitted][39m[22m
14:02:23.188 [1m[32mpages/index.js[39m[22m 7.14 KiB [1m1[39m[22m [1m[32m[emitted][39m[22m pages/index
14:02:23.188 [1m[32mpages/livestream.js[39m[22m 704 KiB [1m2[39m[22m [1m[32m[emitted][39m[22m pages/livestream
14:02:23.188 [1m[32mpages/login.js[39m[22m 20.8 KiB [1m3[39m[22m [1m[32m[emitted][39m[22m pages/login
14:02:23.188 [1m[32mserver.js[39m[22m 5.27 MiB [1m0[39m[22m [1m[32m[emitted][39m[22m app
14:02:23.188 [1m[32mserver.manifest.json[39m[22m 439 bytes [1m[39m[22m [1m[32m[emitted][39m[22m
14:02:23.188 + 5 hidden assets
14:02:23.188 Entrypoint [1mapp[39m[22m = [1m[32mserver.js[39m[22m [1m[[39m[22m
14:02:23.188 [1m[33mWARNING in ./node_modules_dev/component-classes/index.js
14:02:23.188 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'indexof' in '/vercel/30aec542/node_modules_dev/component-classes'
14:02:23.188 @ ./node_modules_dev/component-classes/index.js
14:02:23.188 @ ./node_modules_dev/ant-design-vue/lib/_util/css-animation/index.js
14:02:23.188 @ ./node_modules_dev/ant-design-vue/lib/_util/getTransitionProps.js
14:02:23.188 @ ./node_modules_dev/ant-design-vue/lib/alert/index.js
14:02:23.188 @ ./node_modules_dev/ant-design-vue/lib/index.js
14:02:23.188 @ ./plugins/antd-ui.js
14:02:23.188 @ ./.nuxt/index.js
14:02:23.188 @ ./.nuxt/server.js
14:02:23.188 @ multi ./node_modules_dev/@nuxt/components/lib/installComponents.js ./.nuxt/server.js[39m[22m
14:02:23.188 ℹ Ready to run nuxt start
14:02:23.718 ℹ Nuxt build took: 37141.950478 ms
14:02:23.718 ----------------- Install dependencies -----------------
14:02:23.720 Running npm install
14:02:34.813 > core-js@3.6.5 postinstall /vercel/30aec542/node_modules/@firebase/polyfill/node_modules/core-js
14:02:34.813 > node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"
14:02:34.869 [96mThank you for using core-js ([94m [96m) for polyfilling JavaScript standard library![0m
14:02:34.869 [96mThe project needs your help! Please consider supporting of core-js on Open Collective or Patreon: [0m
14:02:34.869 [96m>[94m [0m
14:02:34.869 [96m>[94m [0m
14:02:34.869 [96mAlso, the author of core-js ([94m [96m) is looking for a good job -)[0m
14:02:34.898 > core-js@3.6.5 postinstall /vercel/30aec542/node_modules/plyr/node_modules/core-js
14:02:34.898 > node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"
14:02:34.954 [96mThank you for using core-js ([94m [96m) for polyfilling JavaScript standard library![0m
14:02:34.954 [96mThe project needs your help! Please consider supporting of core-js on Open Collective or Patreon: [0m
14:02:34.954 [96m>[94m [0m
14:02:34.954 [96m>[94m [0m
14:02:34.954 [96mAlso, the author of core-js ([94m [96m) is looking for a good job -)[0m
14:02:34.958 > protobufjs@6.9.0 postinstall /vercel/30aec542/node_modules/protobufjs
14:02:34.958 > node scripts/postinstall
14:02:35.242 added 368 packages from 348 contributors and audited 368 packages in 11.124s
14:02:35.349 34 packages are looking for funding
14:02:35.349 run `npm fund` for details
14:02:35.349 found 0 vulnerabilities
14:02:35.369 ℹ Install dependencies took: 11650.396354 ms
14:02:35.369 ----------------- Collect artifacts -----------------
14:02:44.769 ℹ Collect artifacts took: 9395.286763 ms
14:02:45.005 Uploading build outputs...
14:02:48.319 Build completed. Populating build cache...
14:02:48.321 ----------------- Collect cache -----------------
14:02:48.325 ℹ 0 files collected from .now_cache
14:02:51.191 ℹ 46904 files collected from node_modules_dev
14:02:51.813 ℹ 10671 files collected from node_modules_prod
14:02:51.820 ℹ Collect cache took: 3498.353262 ms
14:03:08.001 Uploading build cache [67.34 MB]...
14:03:09.066 Build cache uploaded: 1064.256ms
14:03:09.083 Done with "nuxt.config.js"
I'm still having this issue. Any update?
@alexkasongo Check your Vercel logs for the cause and consider/try explanations above ☝️
Everything is fine when I work in locally but in production I get Nuxt.js Internal Server Error.
I found some threads about this issue with Next.js and it seems if you only import submodules of firebase in Next.js, it works fine.
Firebase + Next.JS
How to get a next.js / firestore project to deploy on Zeit 2.0?
Actually, I only import submodules but still doesn't work properly.
This is my commit added firebase into project
This project uses nuxt v2.6.3 and firebase v6.0.1.
Anyone has an idea to solve this issue?