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[CVPR 2023 Highlight] Neural Kernel Surface Reconstruction
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How to save the mesh instead of showing on line? #3

Closed rockywind closed 1 year ago

rockywind commented 1 year ago

Hi, thank you for sharing the code. I run the code on the server so I haven't the monitor to show the result. image

heiwang1997 commented 1 year ago

Here is the thing you can do! :)

vis.to_file(vis.mesh(mesh.v, mesh.f), "a.ply")
rockywind commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much!

rockywind commented 1 year ago

Hi, Can you sharing the waymo-pcd.ply? image

heiwang1997 commented 1 year ago

Oops sorry for making a mistake in the common script! I've pushed a fix. Feel free to pull and check again. The file should be automatically downloaded.

rockywind commented 1 year ago

Hi, I want to run the code on my own data, my data style is the same as Kitti. Can you give me some tutorial. image

heiwang1997 commented 1 year ago

We haven't tested on KITTI dataset yet. But it should be easy! Some pseudo-code look like:

xyz_list = []
sensor_list = []
for frame_idx in range(1000):
    xyz = load_kitti_lidar(frame_idx)
    pose = load_kitti_pose(frame_idx)
    sensor_list.append(pose.transform([[0,0,0] for _ in range(xyz.shape[0])]))
xyz = np.concatenate(xyz_list)
sensor = np.concatenate(sensor_list)

Hope this helps!

rockywind commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much!

rockywind commented 1 year ago

How to add the color to the mesh on waymo dataset? image

rockywind commented 1 year ago

@heiwang1997 Hi, I confuse with the setting of sensor on kitti dataset. I think the xyz is in world coordinate and the sensor is velo_to_world's translation. The value of sensor is the same for all point clouds. image

The below is the reconstruction of kitti dataset. image

heiwang1997 commented 1 year ago

Hi thanks for the questions.

  1. In the paper we didn't really show the color of the mesh, instead what we showed is the normal map, where the RGB color is actually the XYZ component of the normals. We use Open3D to visualize our mesh, and if you press Ctrl+9 on your keyboard, you should be able to see the normal map we've drawn on the paper.
  2. Do you mean base_pose is the same for all input frames? That means your car is static I guess. Could you maybe visualize the positions of the sensors as well as the points just for debugging purposes?


rockywind commented 1 year ago

@heiwang1997 您好,感谢您的解答。我用中文提问会更清晰。

  1. 自车是运动的,senseor(base_pose)值是取第0帧的velo_to_world的translation(矩阵的第4列),对所有的输入帧base_pose的值是一样的。 因为我把第一帧当做世界坐标的原点。
  2. 另一个思路是,senseor(base_pose)值取每个输入帧的velo_to_world的translation(矩阵的第4列)。对所有的输入帧base_pose的值是不一样的,每一帧的sensor值是其对应的velo_to_world的translation(矩阵的第四列)。 下图是采用第一种(1)做法的结果 image 下图是采用第二种(2)方法的结果 image
heiwang1997 commented 1 year ago


另外,KITTI数据集噪声比较大,可以尝试提升一下Normal estimation knn的值~

rockywind commented 1 year ago

您好,之前描述有错误,已经修改了。 您觉得这两种做法有什么问题吗?

heiwang1997 commented 1 year ago

好的,谢谢! 我觉得第二种做法应该是没问题的,如果觉得噪声比较大,可以尝试两种方案:

  1. 提升一下Normal estimation knn的值,就是 get_estimate_normal_preprocess_fn的第一个参数;
  2. 另一个trick是吧sensor的位置全局调高一些,然后每一帧crop掉距离较远的点。
rockywind commented 1 year ago


  1. 如果velo_to_world的矩阵的第一帧是单位矩阵,就是每帧的velo_to_world左乘第一帧的velo_to_world的逆矩阵,把第一帧为全局坐标的参考,这样做可以吗。[inverse(velo_to_world[0]) @ velo_to_world[i] for i in range(velo_to_world)]
  2. repo里面的waymo-pcd.ply的重建效果很好,想问一下是单帧点云的效果,还是多帧点云合并的,如果是多帧合并,大概是几帧合并的?
heiwang1997 commented 1 year ago


  1. 我不太清楚 velo_to_world 矩阵具体是pose还是pose的逆,只要能将激光雷达局部坐标系的点云变换到世界坐标系下即可,变换后尽可能Z轴朝上,因为我们的默认模型训练数据都是Z轴朝上的;
  2. waymo是多帧点云合并的效果,我们总共使用了150帧左右的waymo数据(但中间有跳帧,每隔2帧选一帧)
rockywind commented 1 year ago


  1. velo_to_world是激光雷达坐标系转世界坐标系:point_in_world = velo_to_world(44) @ point_in_lidar(4N)。
  2. 我们把第一帧的pose当做参考帧,[inverse(velo_to_world[0]) @ velo_to_world[i] for i in range(velo_to_world)]
YuePanEdward commented 1 year ago

I've got some quite good results on KITTI and Newer College datasets using NKSR and the reconstruction is also super fast (in about 10 seconds) Screenshot from 2023-06-12 15-04-28 Screenshot from 2023-06-12 15-08-02

rockywind commented 1 year ago

@YuePanEdward Hi, Can you share the code on KITTI dataset?

YuePanEdward commented 1 year ago

You can try to add this to common.py.

And then replace xyz_np, sensor_np = load_waymo_example() with xyz_np, sensor_np = load_kitti_like_data(pc_folder, pose_file, calib_file, every_n_frame=1, begin_frame=0, end_frame=100) and provide the correct path to your dataset.

For the visualization, you may use open3d:

import open3d as o3d
mesh_v, mesh_f = mesh.v.detach().cpu().numpy(), mesh.f.detach().cpu().numpy()
mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh(o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(mesh_v), o3d.utility.Vector3iVector(mesh_f))
o3d.io.write_triangle_mesh(your_mesh_path, mesh)
qpc001 commented 1 year ago

I've got some quite good results on KITTI and Newer College datasets using NKSR and the reconstruction is also super fast (in about 10 seconds) Screenshot from 2023-06-12 15-04-28 Screenshot from 2023-06-12 15-08-02 I wonder if the nksr lib will also be made open-source? The marching cubes algorithm implemented there seems to be super fast.

How can you reconstruct large scale like kitti without CUDA out of Memory?

fwilliams commented 1 year ago

Hey wow @YuePanEdward these look amazing!

Any chance you want to send a PR with an example script for these datasets? This would be greatly appreciated by the community!

Also if you want to win a free GPU, feel free to upload anything cool you do here for the contest: nvda.ws/3NkPYs5

rockywind commented 1 year ago

You can try to add this to common.py.

And then replace xyz_np, sensor_np = load_waymo_example() with xyz_np, sensor_np = load_kitti_like_data(pc_folder, pose_file, calib_file, every_n_frame=1, begin_frame=0, end_frame=100) and provide the correct path to your dataset.

For the visualization, you may use open3d:

import open3d as o3d
mesh_v, mesh_f = mesh.v.detach().cpu().numpy(), mesh.f.detach().cpu().numpy()
mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh(o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(mesh_v), o3d.utility.Vector3iVector(mesh_f))
o3d.io.write_triangle_mesh(your_mesh_path, mesh)


np.matmul(Tr_inv, np.matmul(pose, Tr))
)  # lidar pose in world frame
YuePanEdward commented 1 year ago

You can try to add this to common.py. And then replace xyz_np, sensor_np = load_waymo_example() with xyz_np, sensor_np = load_kitti_like_data(pc_folder, pose_file, calib_file, every_n_frame=1, begin_frame=0, end_frame=100) and provide the correct path to your dataset. For the visualization, you may use open3d:

import open3d as o3d
mesh_v, mesh_f = mesh.v.detach().cpu().numpy(), mesh.f.detach().cpu().numpy()
mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh(o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(mesh_v), o3d.utility.Vector3iVector(mesh_f))
o3d.io.write_triangle_mesh(your_mesh_path, mesh)


            np.matmul(Tr_inv, np.matmul(pose, Tr))
        )  # lidar pose in world frame

You may check the explanation here: https://github.com/PRBonn/kiss-icp/issues/156#issuecomment-1551695713, which should be similar to the issue here.

heiwang1997 commented 1 year ago

@YuePanEdward The results look amazing! For the marching cubes implementation, please refer to the code here. Thank you! 🍉

rockywind commented 1 year ago

Hi, @heiwang1997 How to use the marching cubes implemention? Have a example code? The below is my own data result. How can I improve it? image

heiwang1997 commented 1 year ago

Yes, you can check out here for example code.

Have you tried out the tricks that we talked about in the previous messages? What does the input point cloud look like?

rockywind commented 1 year ago

Hi, This is my setting.

image image The below is my new result. image My dataset is paking data. Can I finetune the model on my own data? The performance of reconstruction can improve when I finetune?

heiwang1997 commented 1 year ago

Hey I'm not sure if everything is correctly set up here, and from your result it seems that parts of the ground are flipped. This could either be because your sensor positions are not accurate, or your point cloud contains too much noise, so our model fails to handle such cases. To fine-tune the model, you will need ground-truth geometry and we use the CARLA dataset for that -- it's available in the README. Feel free to check that out. Have you tried out the tricks that we talked about in the previous messages? What does the input point cloud look like?

zgojcic commented 1 year ago

Hi rockywind

Considering that this is parking data, the point cloud on the ground is probably very sparse because the ego-car doesn't move at all or only slightly. In such cases, you are left with individual scan lines on the ground, for which it is very hard to estimate the normals correctly. Could you maybe visualize the input point cloud?

rockywind commented 1 year ago

Hi,all This is the visualization of the input point cloud. image image

rockywind commented 1 year ago

Hi, @heiwang1997 当我调大sensor的Z+2值时候,重建的mesh会往上补全。 image

heiwang1997 commented 1 year ago

Interesting... would you mind send me your file and let me investigate into it a bit? I think I will just need the XYZ + sensor array that you've generated

leslieburke commented 1 year ago

@heiwang1997 想请问一下sensor array里面给的是什么信息啊

heiwang1997 commented 1 year ago


leslieburke commented 1 year ago

@heiwang1997 再请教一下,我跑的时候报out of memory了,我有两张gpu,能不能用两张gpu来跑这个重建?另外参考readme里的内容,把 field.to_("cpu") reconstructor.network.to("cpu") 这两句话取消注释,会报错 RuntimeError: (*grid) and query are not on the same device!

heiwang1997 commented 1 year ago

如果要用两个GPU的话,需要把input事先切成两块,然后分别输入每个GPU对应的Reconstructor 关于第二个错误,能麻烦发下完整的代码吗?我测试一下

leslieburke commented 1 year ago

如果要用两个GPU的话,需要把input事先切成两块,然后分别输入每个GPU对应的Reconstructor 关于第二个错误,能麻烦发下完整的代码吗?我测试一下


device = torch.device("cuda:0")
reconstructor = nksr.Reconstructor(device)
reconstructor.chunk_tmp_device = torch.device("cpu")

input_xyz = torch.from_numpy(xyz_np).float().to(device)
input_sensor = torch.from_numpy(sensor_np).float().to(device)

field = reconstructor.reconstruct(
    input_xyz, sensor=input_sensor, detail_level=None,
    # Minor configs for better efficiency (not necessary)
    approx_kernel_grad=True, solver_tol=1e-4, fused_mode=True,
    # Chunked reconstruction (if OOM)
    preprocess_fn=nksr.get_estimate_normal_preprocess_fn(64, 85.0)

# (Optional) Convert to CPU for mesh extraction

mesh = field.extract_dual_mesh(mise_iter=1)
mesh = vis.mesh(mesh.v, mesh.f)
heiwang1997 commented 1 year ago


另外,如果直接运行 python examples/recons_waymo.py,我这里是不会报错的

leslieburke commented 1 year ago


另外,如果直接运行 python examples/recons_waymo.py,我这里是不会报错的


我把examples/reconswaymo.py中的 field.to("cpu") reconstructor.network.to("cpu") 取消注释的话,还是会报错

2023-07-06 10-33-55屏幕截图

heiwang1997 commented 1 year ago


leslieburke commented 1 year ago



heiwang1997 commented 1 year ago


pip install -U nksr -f https://nksr.huangjh.tech/whl/torch-2.0.0+cu118.html
jeremycp3 commented 1 year ago


YoushaaMurhij commented 1 year ago

You can try to add this to common.py.

And then replace xyz_np, sensor_np = load_waymo_example() with xyz_np, sensor_np = load_kitti_like_data(pc_folder, pose_file, calib_file, every_n_frame=1, begin_frame=0, end_frame=100) and provide the correct path to your dataset.

For the visualization, you may use open3d:

import open3d as o3d
mesh_v, mesh_f = mesh.v.detach().cpu().numpy(), mesh.f.detach().cpu().numpy()
mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh(o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(mesh_v), o3d.utility.Vector3iVector(mesh_f))
o3d.io.write_triangle_mesh(your_mesh_path, mesh)

@YuePanEdward @rockywind I tried this visualization script and got a gray mesh. Could you please tell me how to add the original intensity colors to the mesh or any other similar feature? Thanks

lxr319 commented 1 year ago


heiwang1997 commented 1 year ago

SFM points from COLMAP don't have normal information and could be too sparse. Alternatively you could take the oriented point cloud from a typical MVG pipeline (e.g. from https://github.com/openMVG/openMVG) and replace the Poisson reconstruction with NKSR :)

lxr319 commented 1 year ago

Alternatively you could take the oriented point cloud from a typical MVG pipeline

OK,Thank you for your reply, I'll try it.

hungdche commented 12 months ago

I've got some quite good results on KITTI and Newer College datasets using NKSR and the reconstruction is also super fast (in about 10 seconds) Screenshot from 2023-06-12 15-04-28 Screenshot from 2023-06-12 15-08-02

Hi @YuePanEdward, sorry for digging this up. I'm trying to run NKSR on KITTI seq 0 and for some reason mine does not look as good as yours


I'm just asking if you use the defaults parameter as followed

field = reconstructor.reconstruct(
        input_xyz, sensor=input_sensor, detail_level=None,
        # Minor configs for better efficiency (not necessary)
        approx_kernel_grad=True, solver_tol=1e-4, fused_mode=True,
        # Chunked reconstruction (if OOM)
        preprocess_fn=nksr.get_estimate_normal_preprocess_fn(64, 85.0)

Thanks in advance!