nvaccess / nvda

NVDA, the free and open source Screen Reader for Microsoft Windows
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"nvda.exe" doesn't work - sandboxed by system - speech synth falls back to silence #13416

Closed christopherpross closed 2 years ago

christopherpross commented 2 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

On my system, I can reproduce this as follows (I know that works perfectly on other systems):

Actual behavior:

Expected behavior:

NVDA should start normally over nvda.exe

System configuration

NVDA installed/portable/running from source:

I have tried all of them, at this moment I write the issue with the nvda-alpha with uiaccess

NVDA version:

I had reproduced this issue with the stable version, latest alpha (NVDA version alpha-24843,3040444a) and from source.

Windows version:

Windows 10 21h1 64Bit on Dell Laditute 5520

Name and version of other software in use when reproducing the issue:

I thing it is something with the audio-component, I use the realtek-driver from dell.

Other information about your system:

I have reinstalled the audio-driver, narrator is working fine.

Other questions

Does the issue still occur after restarting your computer?

Yes, tried serial times

Have you tried any other versions of NVDA? If so, please report their behaviors.


All versions have this issue

If NVDA add-ons are disabled, is your problem still occurring?

I have no add-ons installed, because I have tried to reinstall nvda.

Does the issue still occur after you run the COM Registration Fixing Tool in NVDA's tools menu?

Yes, no effect


nvda succesful start with "nvda_uiaccess.exe"

DEBUG - __main__ (09:15:07.319) - MainThread (13540):
Provided arguments: ['--debug-logging', '-r']
INFO - __main__ (09:15:07.319) - MainThread (13540):
Starting NVDA version alpha-24843,3040444a
DEBUG - __main__ (09:15:07.319) - MainThread (13540):
Debug level logging enabled
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.359) - MainThread (13540):
Core starting
DEBUG - config.getInstalledUserConfigPath (09:15:07.359) - MainThread (13540):
Installed user config is not in local app data
INFO - core.main (09:15:07.362) - MainThread (13540):
Config dir: C:\Users\cpross\AppData\Roaming\nvda
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.362) - MainThread (13540):
loading config
INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (09:15:07.362) - MainThread (13540):
Loading config: C:\Users\cpross\AppData\Roaming\nvda\nvda.ini
DEBUG - config.profileUpgrader.upgrade (09:15:07.362) - MainThread (13540):
Current config schema version: 4, latest: 4
DEBUG - fileUtils.FaultTolerantFile (09:15:07.366) - MainThread (13540):
INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (09:15:07.369) - MainThread (13540):
Config loaded (after upgrade, and in the state it will be used by NVDA):
{'schemaVersion': '4', 'development': {}, 'general': {'language': 'Windows', 'saveConfigurationOnExit': 'True', 'askToExit': 'True', 'playStartAndExitSounds': 'True', 'loggingLevel': 'INFO', 'showWelcomeDialogAtStartup': 'False'}, 'upgrade': {}, 'update': {'autoCheck': 'True', 'startupNotification': 'True', 'allowUsageStats': 'True', 'askedAllowUsageStats': 'True'}, 'speech': {'synth': 'oneCore', 'outputDevice': 'Microsoft Sound-Mapper', 'oneCore': {'voice': 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Speech_OneCore\\Voices\\Tokens\\MSTTS_V110_deDE_StefanM', 'volume': '100'}}, 'braille': {'translationTable': 'de-de-comp8.ctb', 'inputTable': 'de-de-comp8.ctb', 'noBraille': {}, 'handyTech': {}}, 'vision': {'NVDAHighlighter': {'highlightFocus': 'False', 'highlightNavigator': 'False', 'highlightBrowseMode': 'False'}, 'screenCurtain': {}}, 'keyboard': {'useCapsLockAsNVDAModifierKey': 'True'}}
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.389) - MainThread (13540):
setting language to Windows
DEBUG - languageHandler.setLocale (09:15:07.389) - MainThread (13540):
Win32 locale string from locale code is German_Germany.1252
DEBUG - languageHandler._setPythonLocale (09:15:07.389) - MainThread (13540):
set python locale to German_Germany.1252
INFO - core.main (09:15:07.389) - MainThread (13540):
Windows version: Windows 10 21H1 (10.0.19043) workstation
INFO - core.main (09:15:07.389) - MainThread (13540):
Using Python version 3.7.9 (tags/v3.7.9:13c94747c7, Aug 17 2020, 18:01:55) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)]
INFO - core.main (09:15:07.389) - MainThread (13540):
Using comtypes version 1.1.8
INFO - core.main (09:15:07.389) - MainThread (13540):
Using configobj version 5.1.0 with validate version 1.0.1
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.389) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing add-ons system
DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (09:15:07.398) - MainThread (13540):
Listing add-ons from C:\Users\cpross\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.510) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing appModule Handler
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.511) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing NVDAHelper
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.528) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing tones
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.534) - MainThread (13540):
Speech Dictionary processing
DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (09:15:07.534) - MainThread (13540):
Loading speech dictionary 'C:\Users\cpross\AppData\Roaming\nvda\speechDicts\default.dic'...
DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (09:15:07.534) - MainThread (13540):
file 'C:\Users\cpross\AppData\Roaming\nvda\speechDicts\default.dic' not found.
DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (09:15:07.534) - MainThread (13540):
Loading speech dictionary 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NVDA\builtin.dic'...
DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (09:15:07.535) - MainThread (13540):
3 loaded records.
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.535) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing speech
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (09:15:07.535) - MainThread (13540):
registering pre_configSave action: <class 'synthDrivers.oneCore.SynthDriver'>
DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (09:15:07.579) - MainThread (13540):
Loading speech dictionary 'C:\Users\cpross\AppData\Roaming\nvda\speechDicts\voiceDicts.v1\oneCore\oneCore-Microsoft Stefan.dic'...
DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (09:15:07.579) - MainThread (13540):
file 'C:\Users\cpross\AppData\Roaming\nvda\speechDicts\voiceDicts.v1\oneCore\oneCore-Microsoft Stefan.dic' not found.
DEBUG - synthDriverHandler.SynthDriver.loadSettings (09:15:07.579) - MainThread (13540):
Loaded settings for SynthDriver oneCore
INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (09:15:07.579) - MainThread (13540):
Loaded synthDriver oneCore
DEBUG - speech.sayAll.initialize (09:15:07.579) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing sayAllHandler
INFO - core.main (09:15:07.579) - MainThread (13540):
Using wx version 4.1.1 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets 3.1.5 with six version 1.16.0
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.579) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing braille input
INFO - brailleInput.initialize (09:15:07.579) - MainThread (13540):
Braille input initialized
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.579) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing braille
INFO - braille.initialize (09:15:07.579) - MainThread (13540):
Using liblouis version 3.20.0
INFO - braille.initialize (09:15:07.579) - MainThread (13540):
Using pySerial version 3.5
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (09:15:07.584) - MainThread (13540):
registering pre_configSave action: <class 'brailleDisplayDrivers.noBraille.BrailleDisplayDriver'>
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (09:15:07.589) - MainThread (13540):
loading braille noBraille
INFO - braille.BrailleHandler.setDisplayByName (09:15:07.589) - MainThread (13540):
Loaded braille display driver noBraille, current display has 0 cells.
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.589) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing vision
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.589) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing displayModel
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.589) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing GUI
DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (09:15:07.609) - MainThread (13540):
CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 1312710
DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (09:15:07.609) - MainThread (13540):
CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 1312710
DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (09:15:07.609) - MainThread (13540):
CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 1312710
DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (09:15:07.609) - MainThread (13540):
CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 1312710
DEBUG - languageHandler.setLocale (09:15:07.629) - MainThread (13540):
Win32 locale string from locale code is German_Germany.1252
DEBUG - languageHandler._setPythonLocale (09:15:07.629) - MainThread (13540):
set python locale to German_Germany.1252
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.629) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing garbageHandler
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.630) - MainThread (13540):
initializing Java Access Bridge support
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (09:15:07.689) - braille._BgThread (10640):
registering pre_configSave action: <class 'brailleDisplayDrivers.handyTech.BrailleDisplayDriver'>
DEBUG - brailleDisplayDrivers.handyTech.AtcMixin.postInit (09:15:07.729) - braille._BgThread (10640):
Enabling ATC
INFO - brailleDisplayDrivers.handyTech.BrailleDisplayDriver.__init__ (09:15:07.729) - braille._BgThread (10640):
Found Modular Evolution 88 connected via serial (COM6)
DEBUG - braille.BrailleHandler.setDisplayByName (09:15:07.729) - braille._BgThread (10640):
Switching braille display from noBraille to handyTech
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (09:15:07.730) - braille._BgThread (10640):
loading braille handyTech
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (09:15:07.730) - braille._BgThread (10640):
Loaded settings for BrailleDisplayDriver
INFO - braille.BrailleHandler.setDisplayByName (09:15:07.730) - braille._BgThread (10640):
Loaded braille display driver handyTech, current display has 88 cells.
INFO - core.main (09:15:07.743) - MainThread (13540):
Java Access Bridge support initialized
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.744) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing legacy winConsole support
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.789) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing UIA support
INFO - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThreadFunc (09:15:07.794) - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThread (11952):
UIAutomation: IUIAutomation6
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.861) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing IAccessible support
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.861) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing input core
DEBUGWARNING - inputCore.InputManager.loadUserGestureMap (09:15:07.861) - MainThread (13540):
No user gesture map
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.861) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing keyboard handler
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.861) - MainThread (13540):
initializing mouse handler
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.874) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing touchHandler
DEBUGWARNING - touchHandler.touchSupported (09:15:07.874) - MainThread (13540):
No touch devices found
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.874) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing global plugin handler
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:07.879) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['NVDA ist bereit']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:07.879) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 13457 12367 1457 17 - 24 234 2345 - 12 15 1235 15 24 2345
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.879) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing core pump
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.879) - MainThread (13540):
Initializing watchdog
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.879) - MainThread (13540):
initializing updateCheck
INFO - core.main (09:15:07.879) - MainThread (13540):
NVDA initialized
DEBUG - core.main (09:15:07.879) - MainThread (13540):
entering wx application main loop
DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (09:15:07.885) - MainThread (13540):
CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 919352
DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (09:15:07.885) - MainThread (13540):
CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 919352
DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (09:15:07.885) - MainThread (13540):
CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 919352
DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (09:15:07.885) - MainThread (13540):
CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 919352
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (09:15:07.889) - MainThread (13540):
Potential unimplemented child class: <NVDAObjects.window.Desktop object at 0x05D2D530>
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:07.889) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Desktop fst']
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (09:15:07.889) - MainThread (13540):
registering pre_configSave action: <class 'visionEnhancementProviders.NVDAHighlighter.NVDAHighlighterSettings'>
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (09:15:07.894) - MainThread (13540):
loading vision NVDAHighlighter
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (09:15:07.894) - MainThread (13540):
Loaded settings for NVDAHighlighterSettings
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (09:15:07.894) - MainThread (13540):
registering pre_configSave action: <class 'visionEnhancementProviders.screenCurtain.ScreenCurtainSettings'>
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (09:15:07.900) - MainThread (13540):
loading vision screenCurtain
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (09:15:07.900) - MainThread (13540):
Loaded settings for ScreenCurtainSettings
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:07.900) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Desktop fst']
DEBUG - core._doPostNvdaStartupAction (09:15:07.900) - MainThread (13540):
Notify of postNvdaStartup action
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:07.909) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe', 'Eingabeaufforderung', CancellableSpeech (still valid), 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\NVDA>                                                                                            ']
DEBUGWARNING - characterProcessing._getSpeechSymbolsForLocale (09:15:07.909) - MainThread (13540):
No CLDR data for locale de_DE
WARNING - characterProcessing.SpeechSymbols.load (09:15:07.944) - MainThread (13540):
Invalid line in file C:\Program Files (x86)\NVDA\locale\de\symbols.dic: Tausendertrennzeichen       
WARNING - characterProcessing.SpeechSymbolProcessor.__init__ (09:15:07.983) - MainThread (13540):
Replacement not defined in locale de for symbol: Tausendertrennzeichen
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (09:15:08.017) - MainThread (13540):
Potential unimplemented child class: <NVDAObjects.IAccessible.winConsole.EnhancedLegacyWinConsole object at 0x04973950>
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:08.017) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\NVDA>                                                                                             ']
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:11.656) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):windows+control+enter
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:11.874) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 147 25 347 12347 1235 135 1245 1235 1 134 - 1247 24 123 15 234 - 236 1346 1256 1246 356 347 13457 12367 1457 17 45 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:13.807) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):alt+tab
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:13.869) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Temp', 'Reihe 1', 'Spalte 2', CancellableSpeech (still valid)]
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (09:15:13.869) - MainThread (13540):
Potential unimplemented child class: <NVDAObjects.Dynamic_MultitaskingViewFrameListItemListItemUIA object at 0x094B15B0>
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:13.869) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Temp']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:13.869) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 23457 15 134 1234
DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.behaviors._delayedDetection (09:15:13.903) - MainThread (13540):
Error fetching formatting for last character of previous word
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "NVDAObjects\behaviors.pyc", line 202, in _delayedDetection
  File "winConsoleHandler.pyc", line 239, in getTextWithFields
  File "winConsoleHandler.pyc", line 185, in _consoleCoordFromOffset
  File "baseObject.pyc", line 42, in __get__
  File "baseObject.pyc", line 146, in _getPropertyViaCache
  File "winConsoleHandler.pyc", line 175, in _get_consoleScreenBufferInfo
  File "wincon.pyc", line 77, in GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo
OSError: [WinError 6] Das Handle ist ungültig.
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:15.062) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Temp', 'Fenster', CancellableSpeech (still valid)]
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:15.062) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Elementansicht', 'Liste', CancellableSpeech (still valid)]
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (09:15:15.062) - MainThread (13540):
Potential unimplemented child class: <NVDAObjects.UIA.UIA object at 0x0949E5D0>
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (09:15:15.062) - MainThread (13540):
Potential unimplemented child class: <NVDAObjects.IAccessible.List object at 0x03C731F0>
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:15.062) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Temp fst ', 'Elementansicht lst']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:15.062) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 23457 15 134 1234 - 124 234 2345 - 157 123 15 134 15 1345 2345 1 1345 234 24 14 125 2345 - 123 234 2345
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:17.257) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+leftArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:17.292) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Stimme Microsoft Stefan']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:17.292) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Stimme Microsoft Stefan']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:17.292) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 2347 2345 24 134 134 15 - 1347 24 14 1235 135 234 135 124 2345 - 2347 2345 15 124 1 1345
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:17.652) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+rightArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:17.673) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 50']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:17.673) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 50']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:17.673) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 156 346
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:18.822) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:18.843) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 55']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:18.843) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 55']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:18.843) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 156 156
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:19.002) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:19.022) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 60']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:19.022) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 60']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:19.022) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 1246 346
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:19.182) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:19.222) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 65']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:19.222) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 65']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:19.222) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 1246 156
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:19.362) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:19.382) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 70']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:19.382) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 70']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:19.382) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 12456 346
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:19.522) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:19.562) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 75']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:19.567) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 75']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:19.567) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 12456 156
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:19.672) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:19.702) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 80']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:19.702) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 80']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:19.707) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 1256 346
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:19.852) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:19.882) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 85']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:19.882) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 85']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:19.882) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 1256 156
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:20.012) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:20.042) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 90']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:20.042) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 90']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:20.047) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 246 346
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:20.202) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:20.242) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 95']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:20.242) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 95']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:20.242) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 246 156
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:21.372) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:21.392) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:21.392) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:21.392) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 16 346 346
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:21.883) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:21.912) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:21.912) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:21.912) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 16 346 346
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:21.922) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:21.922) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:21.923) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:21.923) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 16 346 346
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:21.942) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:21.972) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:21.972) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:21.972) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 16 346 346
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:21.982) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:21.982) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:21.982) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:21.982) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 16 346 346
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:22.017) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:22.042) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:22.042) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:22.042) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 16 346 346
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:22.052) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:22.072) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:22.082) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:22.082) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:22.082) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 16 346 346
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:22.082) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:22.082) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:22.082) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 16 346 346
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:22.108) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:22.132) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:22.132) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:22.132) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 16 346 346
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:22.142) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:22.172) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:22.172) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:22.172) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 16 346 346
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:22.182) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:22.212) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:22.212) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:22.212) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 16 346 346
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:22.222) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:22.242) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+control+upArrow
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:22.252) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:22.252) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:22.252) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 16 346 346
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:22.252) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:22.252) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Geschwindigkeit 100']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:22.252) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12457 15 234 14 125 2456 24 1345 145 24 1245 13 15 24 2345 - 16 346 346
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:22.932) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):upArrow
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:23.426) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):downArrow
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:26.246) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 23457 15 134 1234 - 124 234 2345 - 157 123 15 134 15 1345 2345 1 1345 234 24 14 125 2345 - 123 234 2345
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:26.981) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):downArrow
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:28.501) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):tab
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:29.286) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):shift+tab
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:29.872) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):shift+tab
DEBUG - appModuleHandler.cleanup (09:15:29.915) - MainThread (13540):
application egui closed
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:29.960) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Baumansicht', CancellableSpeech (still valid)]
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:29.960) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Ebene 0', 'Schnellzugriff', 'erweitert', '1 von 2', CancellableSpeech (still valid)]
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (09:15:29.960) - MainThread (13540):
Potential unimplemented child class: <NVDAObjects.IAccessible.sysTreeView32.TreeView object at 0x05D2D430>
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (09:15:29.960) - MainThread (13540):
Potential unimplemented child class: <NVDAObjects.Dynamic_TreeViewItemOutlineItemIAccessible object at 0x0994F210>
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:29.960) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Temp fst ', 'ba ', 'Schnellzugriff - 1 von 2 E0']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:29.960) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 12 1 - 2347 14 125 1345 15 123 123 1356 136 1245 1235 24 124 124 - 36 - 16 - 1236 135 1345 - 126 - 157 346
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:31.200) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):tab
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:31.257) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'Elementansicht', 'Liste', CancellableSpeech (still valid)]
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (09:15:31.265) - MainThread (13540):
Potential unimplemented child class: <NVDAObjects.IAccessible.List object at 0x012D2210>
IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (09:15:31.265) - MainThread (13540):
Braille regions text: ['Temp fst ', 'Elementansicht lst']
IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (09:15:31.265) - MainThread (13540):
Braille window dots: 157 123 15 134 15 1345 2345 1 1345 234 24 14 125 2345 - 123 234 2345
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:33.275) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):downArrow
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:34.008) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):home
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:34.477) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):n
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:34.514) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [CharacterModeCommand(True), LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'n', EndUtteranceCommand()]
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:37.151) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):n
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:37.202) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [CharacterModeCommand(True), LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'n', EndUtteranceCommand()]
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:37.242) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):v
IO - speech.speech.speak (09:15:37.292) - MainThread (13540):
Speaking [CharacterModeCommand(True), LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), 'v', EndUtteranceCommand()]
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (09:15:39.032) - winInputHook (5496):
Input: kb(desktop):enter
IO - speech.speech.speakTypedCharacters (09:15:39.049) - MainThread (13540):
typed word: nnv

nvda start failure over normal launcher

DEBUG - __main__ (09:06:50.252) - MainThread (708):
Provided arguments: ['--debug-logging']
INFO - __main__ (09:06:50.252) - MainThread (708):
Starting NVDA version alpha-24843,3040444a
DEBUG - __main__ (09:06:50.252) - MainThread (708):
Debug level logging enabled
DEBUG - core.main (09:06:50.312) - MainThread (708):
Core starting
DEBUG - config.getInstalledUserConfigPath (09:06:50.327) - MainThread (708):
Installed user config is not in local app data
INFO - core.main (09:06:50.366) - MainThread (708):
Config dir: C:\Users\cpross\AppData\Roaming\nvda
DEBUG - core.main (09:06:50.367) - MainThread (708):
loading config
INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (09:06:50.367) - MainThread (708):
Loading config: C:\Users\cpross\AppData\Roaming\nvda\nvda.ini
DEBUG - config.profileUpgrader.upgrade (09:06:50.367) - MainThread (708):
Current config schema version: 4, latest: 4
DEBUG - fileUtils.FaultTolerantFile (09:06:50.374) - MainThread (708):
INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (09:06:50.376) - MainThread (708):
Config loaded (after upgrade, and in the state it will be used by NVDA):
{'schemaVersion': '4', 'development': {}, 'general': {'language': 'Windows', 'saveConfigurationOnExit': 'True', 'askToExit': 'True', 'playStartAndExitSounds': 'True', 'loggingLevel': 'INFO', 'showWelcomeDialogAtStartup': 'False'}, 'upgrade': {}, 'update': {'autoCheck': 'True', 'startupNotification': 'True', 'allowUsageStats': 'True', 'askedAllowUsageStats': 'True'}, 'speech': {'synth': 'oneCore', 'outputDevice': 'Microsoft Sound-Mapper', 'oneCore': {'voice': 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Speech_OneCore\\Voices\\Tokens\\MSTTS_V110_deDE_StefanM', 'volume': '100'}}, 'braille': {'translationTable': 'de-de-comp8.ctb', 'inputTable': 'de-de-comp8.ctb', 'noBraille': {}, 'handyTech': {}}, 'vision': {'NVDAHighlighter': {'highlightFocus': 'False', 'highlightNavigator': 'False', 'highlightBrowseMode': 'False'}, 'screenCurtain': {}}, 'keyboard': {'useCapsLockAsNVDAModifierKey': 'True'}}
DEBUG - core.main (09:06:50.881) - MainThread (708):
setting language to Windows
DEBUG - languageHandler.setLocale (09:06:50.887) - MainThread (708):
Win32 locale string from locale code is German_Germany.1252
DEBUG - languageHandler._setPythonLocale (09:06:50.887) - MainThread (708):
set python locale to German_Germany.1252
INFO - core.main (09:06:50.887) - MainThread (708):
Windows version: Windows 11 21H1 (12.2.20043) workstation
INFO - core.main (09:06:50.887) - MainThread (708):
Using Python version 3.7.9 (tags/v3.7.9:13c94747c7, Aug 17 2020, 18:01:55) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)]
INFO - core.main (09:06:50.887) - MainThread (708):
Using comtypes version 1.1.8
INFO - core.main (09:06:50.887) - MainThread (708):
Using configobj version 5.1.0 with validate version 1.0.1
DEBUG - core.main (09:06:51.038) - MainThread (708):
Initializing add-ons system
DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (09:06:51.047) - MainThread (708):
Listing add-ons from C:\Users\cpross\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons
DEBUG - core.main (09:06:51.267) - MainThread (708):
Initializing appModule Handler
DEBUG - core.main (09:06:51.267) - MainThread (708):
Initializing NVDAHelper
DEBUG - core.main (09:06:51.537) - MainThread (708):
Initializing tones
DEBUG - core.main (09:06:51.602) - MainThread (708):
Speech Dictionary processing
DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (09:06:51.602) - MainThread (708):
Loading speech dictionary 'C:\Users\cpross\AppData\Roaming\nvda\speechDicts\default.dic'...
DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (09:06:51.602) - MainThread (708):
file 'C:\Users\cpross\AppData\Roaming\nvda\speechDicts\default.dic' not found.
DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (09:06:51.602) - MainThread (708):
Loading speech dictionary 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NVDA\builtin.dic'...
DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (09:06:51.606) - MainThread (708):
3 loaded records.
DEBUG - core.main (09:06:51.606) - MainThread (708):
Initializing speech
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (09:06:51.606) - MainThread (708):
registering pre_configSave action: <class 'synthDrivers.oneCore.SynthDriver'>
ERROR - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (09:06:52.032) - MainThread (708):
setSynth failed for oneCore
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "synthDriverHandler.pyc", line 462, in setSynth
  File "synthDriverHandler.pyc", line 428, in getSynthInstance
  File "synthDrivers\oneCore.pyc", line 176, in __init__
OSError: [WinError -529697949] Windows Error 0xe06d7363
INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (09:06:52.458) - MainThread (708):
Searching for next synthDriver
INFO - synthDriverHandler.findAndSetNextSynth (09:06:52.458) - MainThread (708):
Falling back to next synthDriver espeak
ERROR - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (09:06:52.458) - MainThread (708):
setSynth failed for espeak
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "synthDriverHandler.pyc", line 462, in setSynth
  File "synthDriverHandler.pyc", line 428, in getSynthInstance
  File "synthDriverHandler.pyc", line 392, in _getSynthDriver
  File "importlib\__init__.pyc", line 127, in import_module
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1006, in _gcd_import
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 983, in _find_and_load
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 967, in _find_and_load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 668, in _load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 638, in _load_backward_compatible
  File "synthDrivers\espeak.pyc", line 10, in <module>
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 983, in _find_and_load
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 967, in _find_and_load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 668, in _load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 638, in _load_backward_compatible
INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (09:06:52.987) - MainThread (708):
Searching for next synthDriver
INFO - synthDriverHandler.findAndSetNextSynth (09:06:52.987) - MainThread (708):
Falling back to next synthDriver silence
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (09:06:52.987) - MainThread (708):
registering pre_configSave action: <class 'synthDrivers.silence.SynthDriver'>
DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (09:06:53.006) - MainThread (708):
Loading speech dictionary 'C:\Users\cpross\AppData\Roaming\nvda\speechDicts\voiceDicts.v1\silence\silence.dic'...
DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (09:06:53.007) - MainThread (708):
file 'C:\Users\cpross\AppData\Roaming\nvda\speechDicts\voiceDicts.v1\silence\silence.dic' not found.
INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (09:06:53.007) - MainThread (708):
Loaded synthDriver silence
DEBUG - speech.sayAll.initialize (09:06:53.007) - MainThread (708):
Initializing sayAllHandler
INFO - core.main (09:06:53.007) - MainThread (708):
Using wx version 4.1.1 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets 3.1.5 with six version 1.16.0
seanbudd commented 2 years ago

There seems that there is a lot going wrong here. In the first log, the Windows version is reported as Windows 10 21H1 (10.0.19043) Do you have any idea why NVDA is reporting the Windows version as Windows 11 21H1 (12.2.20043) in the normal launcher log? This Windows Version is unreleased and doesn't make sense. Can you run the normal launcher again to confirm what Windows version is reported, and upload the log?

christopherpross commented 2 years ago

@seanbudd Ok, here are some log-files from starting the normal nvda-launcher. Multible starts because the traceback is diffenrent sometimes. Also I attach a export of the reg values of the path I found in Source/winversion.py. I hope this helps. I have also executed sys.getwindowsversion() it displays: `Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19043.1503] (c) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

C:\Users\cpross>python Python 3.7.9 (tags/v3.7.9:13c94747c7, Aug 17 2020, 18:58:18) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

import sys sys.getwindowsversion() sys.getwindowsversion(major=10, minor=0, build=19043, platform=2, service_pack='') `


nvda.log nvda1.log nvda2.log nvda3.log nvda4.log



tobyfitch commented 2 years ago

I have the same issue, except I tried all of the launching options. It runs, I see it in the system tray / task manager, but I'm unable to launch the GUI to turn on speech viewer. Would it be possible that its only launching the win11 builds on a win10 machine?

@christopherpross @seanbudd

christopherpross commented 2 years ago

Hey, any suggestions how we can we investigate this further? In this moment I can not work with nvda on this machine. Maybe I can provide more infos or debugging stuff?

seanbudd commented 2 years ago

There's a reported problem with Dell machines causing a memory leak https://support.freedomscientific.com/Support/TechnicalSupport/Bulletin/1786

Do both @tobyfitch and @christopherpross use a Dell machine? Is this a potential cause?

christopherpross commented 2 years ago

Yeah, I use a dell Maschine. Is this book fixable?

seanbudd commented 2 years ago

Try following the steps in the above article to disable "Waves MaxxAudio Service Application" to see if this fixes the issue

christopherpross commented 2 years ago

@seanbudd nope, the issue persits and the MaxxAudioServices was already disabled. Sorry, but that was not the issue. I am frustated because on my private computer, is nvda working fine. Narator and Jaws working too on this system with the issue.

christopherpross commented 2 years ago

@seanbudd nvda-debugdata.zip I have here now a current package for you with 2 minidumps from nvda (installed and portable) both with the crash. In the package is also the logs to the crashes and one log with the working nvda, which I can only start over nvda_uiaccess.exe The MaxxAudioService is completly disabled and when I start normal nvda, don't matter portable or installed, I hear serial error sounds on multible Soundoutputs. Yeah, also tried it that nvda should only find one Audiooutput, this changed nothing. When I can try something or provide some other data, please say it, I am ready to do all, that we find the issue.

tobyfitch commented 2 years ago

@seanbudd - I run a custom built Win10 machine and no, it's not a Dell. This machine isn't eligible for an upgrade to Win11 due to the specs.

NVDA works fine on my work machine that runs the latest Win11.

lukaszgo1 commented 2 years ago

@tobyfitch Could you please upload your NVDA log? It can be found in %temp% folder as nvda.log and nvda-old.log. It seems to me that your issue is different to what @christopherpross is experiencing.

tobyfitch commented 2 years ago

@tobyfitch Could you please upload your NVDA log? It can be found in %temp% folder as nvda.log and nvda-old.log. It seems to me that your issue is different to what @christopherpross is experiencing.

I'll have to circle back. Do you have a tutorial / instructions where I can navigate to the temp folder?

lukaszgo1 commented 2 years ago

You can just paste %temp% to the run dialog invoked with Windows+r

christopherpross commented 2 years ago

Hey, are there any updates? Any ideas how this could crash? The disabling of the Wave MaxxAudio Service doesn't have a effect. Sometimes I can see in the log that the nvwave module can not find or access a device but this log message is not good reproducable. In 99% of the cases I get a memoryError in the log or nothing, after braille initialization, that means nvda is very extremly crashed.

In the time, where we try to fix that, should I use uiaccess or nouiaccess? Because I have to work with this computer and without nvda that is not possible.

tobyfitch commented 2 years ago

@christopherpross Sorry, been MIA --- I hope this is what you're looking for. I updated to the new version but still same issues. I can't right click on the icon in the task bar to bring up a contextual menu, nor am I able to launch the GUI for me to check my settings.


feerrenrut commented 2 years ago

@tobyfitch This log is at info level. Please use logging at debug level when reporting issues.

seanbudd commented 2 years ago

While we investigate this further, can you try:

tobyfitch commented 2 years ago

@tobyfitch This log is at info level. Please use logging at debug level when reporting issues.

@seanbudd @feerrenrut - The problem is I can't even access any menu / GUI of NVDA, and I am deaf -- so navigating NVDA without a GUI is impossible for me. I use the Speech Viewer to find my way around NVDA. If you can give me step by step of what to do since I can't access the menu to change the log level.

seanbudd commented 2 years ago

For debug level logging, you can start NVDA from a Windows terminal with the CLI parameter --debug--logging.

christopherpross commented 2 years ago

@seanbudd I have disabled anti-virus software completly and in the following logs, in the first line you can see what I have done. The Wave Maxx-Audio service is deactivated and only nvda_uiaccess.exe is working. In fact no improvement, but see youself in the log. If I can try some other things, just say that. nvda-changed-audiodevice.log nvda-changed-audiodevice-2.log nvda-changed-audiodevice-3.log nvda-changed-audiodriver-to-microsoft.log nvda-changed-audiodriver-to-microsoft-2.log

seanbudd commented 2 years ago

Have you spoken with your system administrator / organisational IT support? It seems like NVDA is being sandboxed somehow. nvda.exe is a copy of nvda_uiaccess.exe for an installed copy of NVDA. Your system is preventing it from reading files (in AppData) and accessing synthesizer dlls. There is something going on with your system that is changing the access privileges of NVDA. I'd encourage completely uninstalling and reinstalling and checking to make sure compatibility mode isn't set.

Could you provide screenshots of each tab for the file properties of nvda.exe?

christopherpross commented 2 years ago

@seanbudd interesting, so far I know no sandboxing is done on my system. I will speak with my systemadministrator, maybe we should try to completly reinstall the os and make sure no sandboxing is enabled. I have checked the security tab of the file properties, no strange values I have seen. I will report back what the admin says and will provide screenshots of the file properties, but its german I hope that is ok. Thank you for your support.

seanbudd commented 2 years ago

Thanks @christopherpross That should be fine, I can use OCR and google translate to translate.

christopherpross commented 2 years ago

@seanbudd here the screenshots that have you requested. I had searched on my system for a sandbox or similar, but I haven't found such a mechinism. If my Systemadmin says me, that we have a sandbox or something I will that note it here, but I thing not. 1 2 3 4 5 6

christopherpross commented 2 years ago

@seanbudd yeah, my systemadmin confirms that we not have a sandbox solution or something. I am the local admin on my system too.

seanbudd commented 2 years ago

Does renaming nvda.exe to nvda_back.exe fix the problem?

christopherpross commented 2 years ago

ähm, yeah, that fix the problem. Strange. But I would have to rename this on every update and nvda_slave doesn't know about the changed name... It is a workaround, but no solution, great idea.

seanbudd commented 2 years ago

I think given this information, there is a problem with your system not with NVDA. Something is causing nvda.exe specifically to be blocked by Windows. I'm not sure what we are able to do about this.

seanbudd commented 2 years ago

As a guess, there is a problem with your registry. I would suggest a last ditch solution of running the COM registration tool with NVDA 2022.1 / the latest alpha and then restarting.

seanbudd commented 2 years ago

Hi @christopherpross - given the nature of the issue, there is nothing we can do to fix this. If you find a solution (e.g. reinstalling Windows), please let us know in case others run into the same problem with their system.

seanbudd commented 2 years ago

Some thing that might point towards the issue is searching the registry for "nvda.exe".