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Portable version of NVDA starts very slowly and is unusable #16072

Closed irrah68 closed 8 months ago

irrah68 commented 9 months ago

When I try to start a portable copy of NVDA (I have used many Alpha and Beta versions since December 2023) it may start the first time, but when I exit the program and start it again, NVDA tries to start but this happens very slowly, and finally I have to boot the computer, if I don't manage to kill the NVDA process. Sometimes I can't kill the NVDA process and reboot seems to be the only solution. NVDA doesn't react on key presses and my Braille display (Braillex EL 80c) is empty.

I have never used installed versions of NVDA, and everything has gone correctly until last December when I moved from 32 bit Windows 7 to 64 bit Windows 11 Pro. I am using the same setting files which I used in Windows 7. I put the portable copy to C:nvda (beta version) and C:\nvda2 (Alpha version) and copied the one userconfig folder to these NVDA folders. Is it possible that my problems have something to do with userconfig folder's content, normal text-based files?

Steps to reproduce:

Put the portable NVDA to a folder, i.e. C:\nvda, and start and quit it a few times.

Actual behavior:

NVDA starts very slowly, the speech synthesizer says "Starting NVDA. Please wait..." and nothing happens after this.

Expected behavior:

NVDA starts normally and it can be used normally.

NVDA logs, crash dumps and other attachments:

Here are some lines from the nvda.log file? Should I post the whole file? I'm not sure

Initializing MathPlayer WARNING - mathPres.initialize (08:06:34.408) - MainThread (12452): MathPlayer 4 not available DEBUGWARNING - core.main (08:06:34.408) - MainThread (12452): Slow starting core (10.44 sec) IO - speech.speech.speak (08:06:34.408) - MainThread (12452): Speaking ['Loading NVDA. Please wait...'] DEBUGWARNING - characterProcessing._getSpeechSymbolsForLocale (08:06:34.408) - MainThread (12452): No CLDR data for locale fi_FI DEBUGWARNING - characterProcessing._getSpeechSymbolsForLocale (08:06:34.408) - MainThread (12452): No symbol data for locale fi_FI INFO - core.main (08:06:34.497) - MainThread (12452): Using wx version 4.2.1 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets with six version 1.16.0 DEBUG - core.main (08:06:34.497) - MainThread (12452): Initializing braille input INFO - brailleInput.initialize (08:06:34.497) - MainThread (12452): Braille input initialized DEBUG - core.main (08:06:34.497) - MainThread (12452): Initializing braille INFO - braille.initialize (08:06:34.497) - MainThread (12452): Using liblouis version 3.28.0 INFO - braille.initialize (08:06:34.497) - MainThread (12452): Using pySerial version 3.5 DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (08:06:34.497) - MainThread (12452): registering pre_configSave action: <class 'brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver'> INFO - brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver.connectUSB (08:06:34.559) - MainThread (12452): connectUSB success INFO - brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver.init (08:06:34.617) - MainThread (12452): Found EL80c DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (08:06:34.617) - MainThread (12452): loading braille papenmeier INFO - braille.BrailleHandler._setDisplay (08:06:34.617) - MainThread (12452): Loaded braille display driver 'papenmeier', current display has 80 cells. DEBUG - core.main (08:06:34.617) - MainThread (12452): Initializing vision DEBUG - core.main (08:06:34.617) - MainThread (12452): Initializing displayModel DEBUG - core.main (08:06:34.617) - MainThread (12452): Initializing GUI DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (08:06:34.627) - MainThread (12452): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy.

System configuration

NVDA installed/portable/running from source:


NVDA version:


Windows version:

Microsoft Windows 11 Professional Version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.3007), System Type x64

Name and version of other software in use when reproducing the issue:

No other software

Other information about your system:

Lenovo ThinkStation P3 Tower with 16 GB RAM

Other questions

Does the issue still occur after restarting your computer?


Have you tried any other versions of NVDA? If so, please report their behaviors.

Alphas and Betas since December 2023 with same results

If NVDA add-ons are disabled, is your problem still occurring?


Does the issue still occur after you run the COM Registration Fixing Tool in NVDA's tools menu?


lukaszgo1 commented 9 months ago

Can you try the following:

Also uploading a full log at the debug level will be helpful.

irrah68 commented 9 months ago

Thanks for your reply @lukaszgo1. I tried 2023.3.1 and 2024.1beta4 with and without the Braille display, and it didn't have an influence on this problem. I then renamed beta4's userconfig to userconfig_old. NVDA began to start and quit normally, without any problems. Then I choosed a speech synthesizer I usually use, a Finnish software called Mikropuhe 5.4. It is a 32 bit software. The problem came back. Then I copien my original userconfig folder from NVDA 2024.1.beta4 to NVDA 2023.3.1. Althoug I now used the same userconfig and same setting files in both NVDA versions, version 2023.3.1 worked correctly. It didn't have the same problems that version 2024.1beta4 had and they are still present.

Here is the long version of the log file of beta4.

INFO - main (16:05:08.374) - MainThread (5524): Starting NVDA version 2024.1beta4 INFO - core.main (16:05:08.403) - MainThread (5524): Config dir: C:\NVDA\userConfig INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (16:05:08.403) - MainThread (5524): Loading config: C:\NVDA\userConfig\nvda.ini INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (16:05:08.419) - MainThread (5524): Config loaded (after upgrade, and in the state it will be used by NVDA): {'schemaVersion': '11', 'upgrade': {}, 'update': {'autoCheck': 'False', 'startupNotification': 'False', 'allowUsageStats': 'False', 'askedAllowUsageStats': 'True'}, 'general': {'language': 'en', 'saveConfigurationOnExit': 'False', 'askToExit': 'False', 'playStartAndExitSounds': 'True', 'loggingLevel': 'DEBUG', 'showWelcomeDialogAtStartup': 'False'}, 'speech': {'synth': 'sapi5', 'outputDevice': 'Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio)', 'autoLanguageSwitching': 'False', 'symbolLevel': '300', 'autoDialectSwitching': 'False', 'trustVoiceLanguage': 'True', 'includeCLDR': 'True', 'delayedCharacterDescriptions': 'False', 'excludedSpeechModes': ['1'], 'espeak': {'voice': 'fi', 'variant': 'max', 'rate': '30', 'pitch': '40', 'inflection': '75', 'volume': '100', 'rateBoost': 'False', 'capPitchChange': '30', 'sayCapForCapitals': 'False', 'beepForCapitals': 'False', 'useSpellingFunctionality': 'True'}, 'sapi5': {'voice': 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech\Voices\Tokens\MPPetteri 4.2', 'rate': '85', 'volume': '100', 'pitch': '45', 'capPitchChange': '10', 'sayCapForCapitals': 'False', 'beepForCapitals': 'False', 'useSpellingFunctionality': 'True'}, 'sapi4': {'voice': '{FC581A6E-B649-4A4A-ACE1-69D5EC71DD60}', 'pitch': '14', 'volume': '100', 'rate': '85'}}, 'braille': {'display': 'papenmeier', 'translationTable': 'fi-fi-8dot.ctb', 'inputTable': 'fi-fi-8dot.ctb', 'tetherTo': 'review', 'focusContextPresentation': 'scroll', 'showMessages': '0', 'routingReviewRoutesSystemCaret': 'ENABLED', 'messageTimeout': '5', 'showSelection': 'DISABLED', 'routeReviewCursorAndSystemCaret': 'ENABLED', 'routeSystemCaretAlongWithReviewCursor': 'ENABLED', 'reviewRoutingMovesSystemCaret': 'ALWAYS', 'expandAtCursor': 'True', 'showCursor': 'True', 'cursorBlink': 'True', 'cursorBlinkRate': '500', 'cursorShapeFocus': '192', 'cursorShapeReview': '128', 'readByParagraph': 'False', 'wordWrap': 'True', 'noBraille': {'port': ''}, 'brltty': {}, 'auto': {}, 'papenmeier': {}, 'albatross': {'port': 'COM3'}}, 'keyboard': {'alertForSpellingErrors': 'False', 'allowSkimReadingInSayAll': 'True', 'keyboardLayout': 'desktop', 'NVDAModifierKeys': '6', 'speakTypedCharacters': 'True', 'speakTypedWords': 'False', 'speechInterruptForCharacters': 'True', 'speechInterruptForEnter': 'True', 'beepForLowercaseWithCapslock': 'True', 'speakCommandKeys': 'False', 'handleInjectedKeys': 'True'}, 'presentation': {'reportTooltips': 'False', 'reportHelpBalloons': 'True', 'reportKeyboardShortcuts': 'True', 'reportObjectPositionInformation': 'True', 'guessObjectPositionInformationWhenUnavailable': 'False', 'reportObjectDescriptions': 'True', 'reportDynamicContentChanges': 'True', 'reportAutoSuggestionsWithSound': 'True', 'progressBarUpdates': {'reportBackgroundProgressBars': 'False', 'progressBarOutputMode': 'beep'}}, 'virtualBuffers': {'useScreenLayout': 'False', 'autoSayAllOnPageLoad': 'False', 'autoPassThroughOnFocusChange': 'False', 'maxLineLength': '250', 'linesPerPage': '25', 'enableOnPageLoad': 'True', 'autoPassThroughOnCaretMove': 'False', 'passThroughAudioIndication': 'True', 'trapNonCommandGestures': 'True', 'autoFocusFocusableElements': 'False'}, 'documentFormatting': {'reportSpellingErrors': 'False', 'reportLists': 'False', 'reportClickable': 'False', 'reportTableHeaders': '0', 'reportTableCellCoords': 'False', 'reportTables': 'False', 'reportGroupings': 'False', 'reportGraphics': 'False', 'reportArticles': 'True', 'reportFrames': 'True', 'autoLanguageSwitching': 'False', 'includeLayoutTables': 'False', 'detectFormatAfterCursor': 'False', 'reportFontName': 'False', 'reportFontSize': 'False', 'reportFontAttributes': 'False', 'reportSuperscriptsAndSubscripts': 'False', 'reportColor': 'False', 'reportComments': 'True', 'reportBookmarks': 'True', 'reportRevisions': 'True', 'reportEmphasis': 'False', 'reportHighlight': 'True', 'reportAlignment': 'False', 'reportStyle': 'False', 'reportPage': 'True', 'reportLineNumber': 'False', 'reportLineIndentation': '0', 'reportParagraphIndentation': 'False', 'reportLineSpacing': 'False', 'reportCellBorders': '0', 'reportLinks': 'True', 'reportHeadings': 'True', 'reportBlockQuotes': 'True', 'reportLandmarks': 'True', 'ignoreBlankLinesForRLI': 'False'}, 'brailleExtender': {'lastCheckUpdate': '1557416939.04', 'lastNVDAVersion': '2020.4', 'autoCheckUpdate': 'False', 'attributes': {'invalid-spelling': 'none', 'bold': 'none'}}, 'development': {'enableScratchpadDir': 'False'}, 'vision': {'NVDAHighlighter': {'highlightFocus': 'False', 'highlightNavigator': 'False', 'highlightBrowseMode': 'False'}, 'screenCurtain': {'warnOnLoad': 'True', 'playToggleSounds': 'True'}}, 'reviewCursor': {'followCaret': 'True', 'followFocus': 'True', 'followMouse': 'False', 'simpleReviewMode': 'True'}, 'brailleViewer': {'showBrailleViewerAtStartup': 'False', 'x': '50', 'y': '50', 'displays': ['(1280, 960)'], 'autoPositionWindow': 'False'}, 'documentNavigation': {'paragraphStyle': 'SINGLE_LINE_BREAK'}, 'mouse': {'reportMouseShapeChanges': 'False', 'enableMouseTracking': 'True', 'mouseTextUnit': 'paragraph', 'reportObjectRoleOnMouseEnter': 'False', 'audioCoordinatesOnMouseMove': 'False', 'audioCoordinates_detectBrightness': 'False', 'ignoreInjectedMouseInput': 'False'}, 'inputComposition': {'autoReportAllCandidates': 'True', 'announceSelectedCandidate': 'True', 'alwaysIncludeShortCharacterDescriptionInCandidateName': 'True', 'reportReadingStringChanges': 'True', 'reportCompositionStringChanges': 'True'}, 'tesseractOCR': {'language': 'fin+eng', 'docType': '1', 'askPassword': 'False', 'device': 'No scanner found', 'dpi': '300'}, 'addonStore': {'showWarning': 'False'}, 'audio': {'soundVolumeFollowsVoice': 'False', 'soundVolume': '100'}, 'uwpOcr': {'language': 'en-US', 'autoRefresh': 'False'}} INFO - core.main (16:05:18.616) - MainThread (5524): Windows version: Windows 11 23H2 (10.0.22631) workstation AMD64 INFO - core.main (16:05:18.616) - MainThread (5524): Using Python version 3.11.6 (tags/v3.11.6:8b6ee5b, Oct 2 2023, 14:40:55) [MSC v.1935 32 bit (Intel)] INFO - core.main (16:05:18.616) - MainThread (5524): Using comtypes version 1.2.0 INFO - core.main (16:05:18.616) - MainThread (5524): Using configobj version 5.1.0 with validate version 1.0.1 DEBUG - core.main (16:05:18.616) - MainThread (5524): Initializing add-ons system DEBUG - addonStore.dataManager.initialize (16:05:18.692) - MainThread (5524): initializing addonStore data manager DEBUG - addonHandler.AddonsState.load (16:05:18.697) - MainThread (5524): BACK_COMPAT_TO API version for manual compatibility overrides has changed. NVDA API has been upgraded: from 2023.1.0 to (2024, 1, 0) DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (16:05:18.697) - MainThread (5524): Listing add-ons from C:\NVDA\userConfig\addons DEBUG - core.main (16:05:18.697) - MainThread (5524): Initializing appModule Handler DEBUG - core.main (16:05:18.697) - MainThread (5524): initializing background i/o DEBUG - core.main (16:05:18.697) - MainThread (5524): Initializing background braille display detection DEBUG - core.main (16:05:18.732) - MainThread (5524): Initializing tones DEBUG - core.main (16:05:18.742) - MainThread (5524): Speech Dictionary processing DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (16:05:18.742) - MainThread (5524): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\NVDA\userConfig\speechDicts\default.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (16:05:18.742) - MainThread (5524): 1 loaded records. DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (16:05:18.742) - MainThread (5524): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\NVDA\builtin.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (16:05:18.747) - MainThread (5524): 3 loaded records. DEBUG - core.main (16:05:18.747) - MainThread (5524): Initializing speech DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (16:05:18.748) - MainThread (5524): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy. DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (16:05:18.817) - MainThread (5524): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\NVDA\userConfig\speechDicts\voiceDicts.v1\sapi5\sapi5-Mikropuhe 5.4 32b - Petteri 4.2.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (16:05:18.817) - MainThread (5524): 1 loaded records. DEBUG - synthDriverHandler.SynthDriver.loadSettings (16:05:18.817) - MainThread (5524): Loaded settings for SynthDriver sapi5 INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (16:05:18.817) - MainThread (5524): Loaded synthDriver sapi5 DEBUG - speech.sayAll.initialize (16:05:18.817) - MainThread (5524): Initializing sayAllHandler DEBUG - core.main (16:05:18.817) - MainThread (5524): Initializing MathPlayer WARNING - mathPres.initialize (16:05:18.828) - MainThread (5524): MathPlayer 4 not available DEBUGWARNING - core.main (16:05:18.828) - MainThread (5524): Slow starting core (10.49 sec) IO - speech.speech.speak (16:05:18.828) - MainThread (5524): Speaking ['Loading NVDA. Please wait...'] DEBUGWARNING - characterProcessing._getSpeechSymbolsForLocale (16:05:18.828) - MainThread (5524): No CLDR data for locale fi_FI DEBUGWARNING - characterProcessing._getSpeechSymbolsForLocale (16:05:18.828) - MainThread (5524): No symbol data for locale fi_FI INFO - core.main (16:05:18.907) - MainThread (5524): Using wx version 4.2.1 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets with six version 1.16.0 DEBUG - core.main (16:05:18.908) - MainThread (5524): Initializing braille input INFO - brailleInput.initialize (16:05:18.908) - MainThread (5524): Braille input initialized DEBUG - core.main (16:05:18.908) - MainThread (5524): Initializing braille INFO - braille.initialize (16:05:18.908) - MainThread (5524): Using liblouis version 3.28.0 INFO - braille.initialize (16:05:18.908) - MainThread (5524): Using pySerial version 3.5 DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (16:05:18.908) - MainThread (5524): registering pre_configSave action: <class 'brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver'> INFO - brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver.connectUSB (16:05:19.017) - MainThread (5524): connectUSB success INFO - brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver.init (16:05:19.069) - MainThread (5524): Found EL80c DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (16:05:19.071) - MainThread (5524): loading braille papenmeier INFO - braille.BrailleHandler._setDisplay (16:05:19.071) - MainThread (5524): Loaded braille display driver 'papenmeier', current display has 80 cells. DEBUG - core.main (16:05:19.071) - MainThread (5524): Initializing vision DEBUG - core.main (16:05:19.071) - MainThread (5524): Initializing displayModel DEBUG - core.main (16:05:19.071) - MainThread (5524): Initializing GUI DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (16:05:19.079) - MainThread (5524): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy.

lukaszgo1 commented 9 months ago

Is the Mikropuhe synthesizer you're using the one from https://www.nakovammaistenliitto.fi/fi/mikropuhe? If so I have installed it, set it as default, but this is not reproducible on my machine. Unfortunately I don't have access to Windows 11 22H2, so this may make a difference. Sadly your debug log is not complete - setting the logging level from the GUI does not result in logging before config is fully parsed. Could you upload another log of the frozen NVDA by starting it wit the --debug-logging command line parameter? One more thing to try would be to start NVDA with your normal config, but speech synthesizer set to eSpeak, just to make sure Mikropuhe is the only culprit here.

irrah68 commented 9 months ago

Is the Mikropuhe synthesizer you're using the one from https://www.nakovammaistenliitto.fi/fi/mikropuhe? If so I have installed it, set it as default, but this is not reproducible on my machine.

Yes, it is this synthesizer. I have set it as default voice.

I tested with eSpeak NG, but everything was OK. Here is the log after --debug-logging command line and Mikropuhe 5.4 in use.

DEBUG - main (23:21:58.178) - MainThread (3616): Provided arguments: ['--debug-logging'] INFO - main (23:21:58.178) - MainThread (3616): Starting NVDA version 2024.1beta4 DEBUG - main (23:21:58.178) - MainThread (3616): Debug level logging enabled DEBUG - easeOfAccess.isRegistered (23:21:58.191) - MainThread (3616): Unable to find AT registry key DEBUG - core.main (23:21:58.199) - MainThread (3616): Core starting DEBUG - config.getInstalledUserConfigPath (23:21:58.200) - MainThread (3616): Could not find nvda registry key, NVDA is not currently installed INFO - core.main (23:21:58.200) - MainThread (3616): Config dir: C:\nvda\userConfig DEBUG - core.main (23:21:58.200) - MainThread (3616): loading config INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Loading config: C:\nvda\userConfig\nvda.ini DEBUG - config.profileUpgrader.upgrade (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Current config schema version: 11, latest: 11 DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: ReviewRoutingMovesSystemCaretFlag, behaviorOfDefault: NEVER DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Validating feature flag: ALWAYS, optionsEnum: ReviewRoutingMovesSystemCaretFlag, behaviorOfDefault: NEVER DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Validating feature flag: DISABLED, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: ParagraphNavigationFlag, behaviorOfDefault: APPLICATION DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Validating feature flag: SINGLE_LINE_BREAK, optionsEnum: ParagraphNavigationFlag, behaviorOfDefault: APPLICATION DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: WindowsTerminalStrategyFlag, behaviorOfDefault: DIFFING DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: WindowsTerminalStrategyFlag, behaviorOfDefault: DIFFING DEBUG - fileUtils.FaultTolerantFile (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): C:\nvda\userConfig\nvda.inic2p03194.tmp INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Config loaded (after upgrade, and in the state it will be used by NVDA): {'schemaVersion': '11', 'upgrade': {}, 'update': {'autoCheck': 'False', 'startupNotification': 'False', 'allowUsageStats': 'False', 'askedAllowUsageStats': 'True'}, 'general': {'language': 'en', 'saveConfigurationOnExit': 'False', 'askToExit': 'False', 'playStartAndExitSounds': 'True', 'loggingLevel': 'DEBUG', 'showWelcomeDialogAtStartup': 'False'}, 'speech': {'synth': 'sapi5', 'outputDevice': 'Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio)', 'autoLanguageSwitching': 'False', 'symbolLevel': '300', 'autoDialectSwitching': 'False', 'trustVoiceLanguage': 'True', 'includeCLDR': 'True', 'delayedCharacterDescriptions': 'False', 'excludedSpeechModes': ['1'], 'espeak': {'voice': 'fi', 'variant': 'max', 'rate': '30', 'pitch': '40', 'inflection': '75', 'volume': '100', 'rateBoost': 'False', 'capPitchChange': '30', 'sayCapForCapitals': 'False', 'beepForCapitals': 'False', 'useSpellingFunctionality': 'True'}, 'sapi5': {'voice': 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech\Voices\Tokens\MPPetteri 4.2', 'rate': '85', 'volume': '100', 'pitch': '45', 'capPitchChange': '10', 'sayCapForCapitals': 'False', 'beepForCapitals': 'False', 'useSpellingFunctionality': 'True'}, 'sapi4': {'voice': '{FC581A6E-B649-4A4A-ACE1-69D5EC71DD60}', 'pitch': '14', 'volume': '100', 'rate': '85'}}, 'braille': {'display': 'papenmeier', 'translationTable': 'fi-fi-8dot.ctb', 'inputTable': 'fi-fi-8dot.ctb', 'tetherTo': 'review', 'focusContextPresentation': 'scroll', 'showMessages': '0', 'routingReviewRoutesSystemCaret': 'ENABLED', 'messageTimeout': '5', 'showSelection': 'DISABLED', 'routeReviewCursorAndSystemCaret': 'ENABLED', 'routeSystemCaretAlongWithReviewCursor': 'ENABLED', 'reviewRoutingMovesSystemCaret': 'ALWAYS', 'expandAtCursor': 'True', 'showCursor': 'True', 'cursorBlink': 'True', 'cursorBlinkRate': '500', 'cursorShapeFocus': '192', 'cursorShapeReview': '128', 'readByParagraph': 'False', 'wordWrap': 'True', 'noBraille': {'port': ''}, 'brltty': {}, 'auto': {}, 'papenmeier': {}, 'albatross': {'port': 'COM3'}}, 'keyboard': {'alertForSpellingErrors': 'False', 'allowSkimReadingInSayAll': 'True', 'keyboardLayout': 'desktop', 'NVDAModifierKeys': '6', 'speakTypedCharacters': 'True', 'speakTypedWords': 'False', 'speechInterruptForCharacters': 'True', 'speechInterruptForEnter': 'True', 'beepForLowercaseWithCapslock': 'True', 'speakCommandKeys': 'False', 'handleInjectedKeys': 'True'}, 'presentation': {'reportTooltips': 'False', 'reportHelpBalloons': 'True', 'reportKeyboardShortcuts': 'True', 'reportObjectPositionInformation': 'True', 'guessObjectPositionInformationWhenUnavailable': 'False', 'reportObjectDescriptions': 'True', 'reportDynamicContentChanges': 'True', 'reportAutoSuggestionsWithSound': 'True', 'progressBarUpdates': {'reportBackgroundProgressBars': 'False', 'progressBarOutputMode': 'beep'}}, 'virtualBuffers': {'useScreenLayout': 'False', 'autoSayAllOnPageLoad': 'False', 'autoPassThroughOnFocusChange': 'False', 'maxLineLength': '250', 'linesPerPage': '25', 'enableOnPageLoad': 'True', 'autoPassThroughOnCaretMove': 'False', 'passThroughAudioIndication': 'True', 'trapNonCommandGestures': 'True', 'autoFocusFocusableElements': 'False'}, 'documentFormatting': {'reportSpellingErrors': 'False', 'reportLists': 'False', 'reportClickable': 'False', 'reportTableHeaders': '0', 'reportTableCellCoords': 'False', 'reportTables': 'False', 'reportGroupings': 'False', 'reportGraphics': 'False', 'reportArticles': 'True', 'reportFrames': 'True', 'autoLanguageSwitching': 'False', 'includeLayoutTables': 'False', 'detectFormatAfterCursor': 'False', 'reportFontName': 'False', 'reportFontSize': 'False', 'reportFontAttributes': 'False', 'reportSuperscriptsAndSubscripts': 'False', 'reportColor': 'False', 'reportComments': 'True', 'reportBookmarks': 'True', 'reportRevisions': 'True', 'reportEmphasis': 'False', 'reportHighlight': 'True', 'reportAlignment': 'False', 'reportStyle': 'False', 'reportPage': 'True', 'reportLineNumber': 'False', 'reportLineIndentation': '0', 'reportParagraphIndentation': 'False', 'reportLineSpacing': 'False', 'reportCellBorders': '0', 'reportLinks': 'True', 'reportHeadings': 'True', 'reportBlockQuotes': 'True', 'reportLandmarks': 'True', 'ignoreBlankLinesForRLI': 'False'}, 'brailleExtender': {'lastCheckUpdate': '1557416939.04', 'lastNVDAVersion': '2020.4', 'autoCheckUpdate': 'False', 'attributes': {'invalid-spelling': 'none', 'bold': 'none'}}, 'development': {'enableScratchpadDir': 'False'}, 'vision': {'NVDAHighlighter': {'highlightFocus': 'False', 'highlightNavigator': 'False', 'highlightBrowseMode': 'False'}, 'screenCurtain': {'warnOnLoad': 'True', 'playToggleSounds': 'True'}}, 'reviewCursor': {'followCaret': 'True', 'followFocus': 'True', 'followMouse': 'False', 'simpleReviewMode': 'True'}, 'brailleViewer': {'showBrailleViewerAtStartup': 'False', 'x': '50', 'y': '50', 'displays': ['(1280, 960)'], 'autoPositionWindow': 'False'}, 'documentNavigation': {'paragraphStyle': 'SINGLE_LINE_BREAK'}, 'mouse': {'reportMouseShapeChanges': 'False', 'enableMouseTracking': 'True', 'mouseTextUnit': 'paragraph', 'reportObjectRoleOnMouseEnter': 'False', 'audioCoordinatesOnMouseMove': 'False', 'audioCoordinates_detectBrightness': 'False', 'ignoreInjectedMouseInput': 'False'}, 'inputComposition': {'autoReportAllCandidates': 'True', 'announceSelectedCandidate': 'True', 'alwaysIncludeShortCharacterDescriptionInCandidateName': 'True', 'reportReadingStringChanges': 'True', 'reportCompositionStringChanges': 'True'}, 'tesseractOCR': {'language': 'fin+eng', 'docType': '1', 'askPassword': 'False', 'device': 'No scanner found', 'dpi': '300'}, 'addonStore': {'showWarning': 'False'}, 'audio': {'soundVolumeFollowsVoice': 'False', 'soundVolume': '100'}, 'uwpOcr': {'language': 'en-US', 'autoRefresh': 'False'}} DEBUG - core.main (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): setting language to en DEBUG - languageHandler.setLocale (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): Win32 locale string from locale code is English_United States.1252 DEBUG - languageHandler._setPythonLocale (23:21:58.208) - MainThread (3616): set python locale to English_United States.1252 DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (23:21:58.293) - MainThread (3616): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy. DEBUG - core.main (23:21:58.309) - MainThread (3616): Initializing NVDAHelper DEBUG - NVDAHelper._RemoteLoader.init (23:22:08.317) - MainThread (3616): Starting C:\nvda\lib64\2024.1beta4\nvdaHelperRemoteLoader.exe DEBUG - core.main (23:22:08.333) - MainThread (3616): initializing nvwave DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (23:22:08.333) - MainThread (3616): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED INFO - core.main (23:22:08.414) - MainThread (3616): Windows version: Windows 11 23H2 (10.0.22631) workstation AMD64 INFO - core.main (23:22:08.414) - MainThread (3616): Using Python version 3.11.6 (tags/v3.11.6:8b6ee5b, Oct 2 2023, 14:40:55) [MSC v.1935 32 bit (Intel)] INFO - core.main (23:22:08.414) - MainThread (3616): Using comtypes version 1.2.0 INFO - core.main (23:22:08.414) - MainThread (3616): Using configobj version 5.1.0 with validate version 1.0.1 DEBUG - core.main (23:22:08.414) - MainThread (3616): Initializing add-ons system DEBUG - addonStore.dataManager.initialize (23:22:08.465) - MainThread (3616): initializing addonStore data manager DEBUG - addonHandler.AddonsState.load (23:22:08.465) - MainThread (3616): BACK_COMPAT_TO API version for manual compatibility overrides has changed. NVDA API has been upgraded: from 2023.1.0 to (2024, 1, 0) DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (23:22:08.465) - MainThread (3616): Listing add-ons from C:\nvda\userConfig\addons DEBUG - core.main (23:22:08.465) - MainThread (3616): Initializing appModule Handler DEBUG - core.main (23:22:08.465) - MainThread (3616): initializing background i/o DEBUG - core.main (23:22:08.465) - MainThread (3616): Initializing background braille display detection DEBUG - core.main (23:22:08.506) - MainThread (3616): Initializing tones DEBUG - core.main (23:22:08.522) - MainThread (3616): Speech Dictionary processing DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (23:22:08.522) - MainThread (3616): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\nvda\userConfig\speechDicts\default.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (23:22:08.525) - MainThread (3616): 1 loaded records. DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (23:22:08.525) - MainThread (3616): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\nvda\builtin.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (23:22:08.525) - MainThread (3616): 3 loaded records. DEBUG - core.main (23:22:08.525) - MainThread (3616): Initializing speech DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (23:22:08.525) - MainThread (3616): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy. DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (23:22:08.605) - MainThread (3616): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\nvda\userConfig\speechDicts\voiceDicts.v1\sapi5\sapi5-Mikropuhe 5.4 32b - Petteri 4.2.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (23:22:08.605) - MainThread (3616): 1 loaded records. DEBUG - synthDriverHandler.SynthDriver.loadSettings (23:22:08.605) - MainThread (3616): Loaded settings for SynthDriver sapi5 INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (23:22:08.605) - MainThread (3616): Loaded synthDriver sapi5 DEBUG - speech.sayAll.initialize (23:22:08.605) - MainThread (3616): Initializing sayAllHandler DEBUG - core.main (23:22:08.610) - MainThread (3616): Initializing MathPlayer WARNING - mathPres.initialize (23:22:08.615) - MainThread (3616): MathPlayer 4 not available DEBUGWARNING - core.main (23:22:08.615) - MainThread (3616): Slow starting core (10.47 sec) IO - speech.speech.speak (23:22:08.615) - MainThread (3616): Speaking ['Loading NVDA. Please wait...'] DEBUGWARNING - characterProcessing._getSpeechSymbolsForLocale (23:22:08.615) - MainThread (3616): No CLDR data for locale fi_FI DEBUGWARNING - characterProcessing._getSpeechSymbolsForLocale (23:22:08.615) - MainThread (3616): No symbol data for locale fi_FI INFO - core.main (23:22:08.695) - MainThread (3616): Using wx version 4.2.1 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets with six version 1.16.0 DEBUG - core.main (23:22:08.697) - MainThread (3616): Initializing braille input INFO - brailleInput.initialize (23:22:08.697) - MainThread (3616): Braille input initialized DEBUG - core.main (23:22:08.697) - MainThread (3616): Initializing braille INFO - braille.initialize (23:22:08.697) - MainThread (3616): Using liblouis version 3.28.0 INFO - braille.initialize (23:22:08.697) - MainThread (3616): Using pySerial version 3.5 DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (23:22:08.697) - MainThread (3616): registering pre_configSave action: <class 'brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver'> INFO - brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver.connectUSB (23:22:08.795) - MainThread (3616): connectUSB success INFO - brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver.init (23:22:08.850) - MainThread (3616): Found EL80c DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (23:22:08.850) - MainThread (3616): loading braille papenmeier INFO - braille.BrailleHandler._setDisplay (23:22:08.850) - MainThread (3616): Loaded braille display driver 'papenmeier', current display has 80 cells. DEBUG - core.main (23:22:08.850) - MainThread (3616): Initializing vision DEBUG - core.main (23:22:08.850) - MainThread (3616): Initializing displayModel DEBUG - core.main (23:22:08.855) - MainThread (3616): Initializing GUI DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (23:22:08.860) - MainThread (3616): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy.

lukaszgo1 commented 9 months ago

Thanks for your persistence with this @irrah68! Since this is not reproducible on my machine debugging it will require some back and forth sadly. From your latest log most of the slowness when starting up occurs when initializing NVDAHelper a C++ internal component. The strange thing here is that it is initialized before SAPI5 is even loaded, so used synthesizer should not have any influence here. Could you upload another log from Beta 4 with --debug-logging parameter and synthesizer set to eSpeak - it will allow us to compare the correct and incorrect startup sequences. Also to establish if this can be bisected it would be most helpful if you will try to run this Alpha snapshot with the Mikropuhe synthesizer and report back how it behaves.

irrah68 commented 9 months ago

Here is a log from 2024.1beta4 with eSpeak.

DEBUG - main (14:08:50.877) - MainThread (12064): Provided arguments: ['--debug-logging'] INFO - main (14:08:50.877) - MainThread (12064): Starting NVDA version 2024.1beta4 DEBUG - main (14:08:50.877) - MainThread (12064): Debug level logging enabled DEBUG - easeOfAccess.isRegistered (14:08:50.884) - MainThread (12064): Unable to find AT registry key DEBUG - core.main (14:08:50.892) - MainThread (12064): Core starting DEBUG - config.getInstalledUserConfigPath (14:08:50.892) - MainThread (12064): Could not find nvda registry key, NVDA is not currently installed INFO - core.main (14:08:50.892) - MainThread (12064): Config dir: C:\nvda\userConfig DEBUG - core.main (14:08:50.892) - MainThread (12064): loading config INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (14:08:50.901) - MainThread (12064): Loading config: C:\nvda\userConfig\nvda.ini DEBUG - config.profileUpgrader.upgrade (14:08:50.901) - MainThread (12064): Current config schema version: 11, latest: 11 DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: ReviewRoutingMovesSystemCaretFlag, behaviorOfDefault: NEVER DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): Validating feature flag: ALWAYS, optionsEnum: ReviewRoutingMovesSystemCaretFlag, behaviorOfDefault: NEVER DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): Validating feature flag: DISABLED, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: ParagraphNavigationFlag, behaviorOfDefault: APPLICATION DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): Validating feature flag: SINGLE_LINE_BREAK, optionsEnum: ParagraphNavigationFlag, behaviorOfDefault: APPLICATION DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: WindowsTerminalStrategyFlag, behaviorOfDefault: DIFFING DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: WindowsTerminalStrategyFlag, behaviorOfDefault: DIFFING DEBUG - fileUtils.FaultTolerantFile (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): C:\nvda\userConfig\nvda.ini_hvt_paw.tmp INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): Config loaded (after upgrade, and in the state it will be used by NVDA): {'schemaVersion': '11', 'upgrade': {}, 'update': {'autoCheck': 'False', 'startupNotification': 'False', 'allowUsageStats': 'False', 'askedAllowUsageStats': 'True'}, 'general': {'language': 'en', 'saveConfigurationOnExit': 'False', 'askToExit': 'False', 'playStartAndExitSounds': 'True', 'loggingLevel': 'DEBUG', 'showWelcomeDialogAtStartup': 'False'}, 'speech': {'synth': 'espeak', 'outputDevice': 'Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio)', 'autoLanguageSwitching': 'False', 'symbolLevel': '300', 'autoDialectSwitching': 'False', 'trustVoiceLanguage': 'True', 'includeCLDR': 'True', 'delayedCharacterDescriptions': 'False', 'excludedSpeechModes': ['1'], 'espeak': {'voice': 'fi', 'variant': 'max', 'rate': '30', 'pitch': '40', 'inflection': '75', 'volume': '100', 'rateBoost': 'False', 'capPitchChange': '30', 'sayCapForCapitals': 'False', 'beepForCapitals': 'False', 'useSpellingFunctionality': 'True'}, 'sapi5': {'voice': 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech\Voices\Tokens\MPPetteri 4.2', 'rate': '85', 'volume': '100', 'pitch': '45', 'capPitchChange': '10', 'sayCapForCapitals': 'False', 'beepForCapitals': 'False', 'useSpellingFunctionality': 'True'}, 'sapi4': {'voice': '{FC581A6E-B649-4A4A-ACE1-69D5EC71DD60}', 'pitch': '14', 'volume': '100', 'rate': '85'}}, 'braille': {'display': 'papenmeier', 'translationTable': 'fi-fi-8dot.ctb', 'inputTable': 'fi-fi-8dot.ctb', 'tetherTo': 'review', 'focusContextPresentation': 'scroll', 'showMessages': '0', 'routingReviewRoutesSystemCaret': 'ENABLED', 'messageTimeout': '5', 'showSelection': 'DISABLED', 'routeReviewCursorAndSystemCaret': 'ENABLED', 'routeSystemCaretAlongWithReviewCursor': 'ENABLED', 'reviewRoutingMovesSystemCaret': 'ALWAYS', 'expandAtCursor': 'True', 'showCursor': 'True', 'cursorBlink': 'True', 'cursorBlinkRate': '500', 'cursorShapeFocus': '192', 'cursorShapeReview': '128', 'readByParagraph': 'False', 'wordWrap': 'True', 'noBraille': {'port': ''}, 'brltty': {}, 'auto': {}, 'papenmeier': {}, 'albatross': {'port': 'COM3'}}, 'keyboard': {'alertForSpellingErrors': 'False', 'allowSkimReadingInSayAll': 'True', 'keyboardLayout': 'desktop', 'NVDAModifierKeys': '6', 'speakTypedCharacters': 'True', 'speakTypedWords': 'False', 'speechInterruptForCharacters': 'True', 'speechInterruptForEnter': 'True', 'beepForLowercaseWithCapslock': 'True', 'speakCommandKeys': 'False', 'handleInjectedKeys': 'True'}, 'presentation': {'reportTooltips': 'False', 'reportHelpBalloons': 'True', 'reportKeyboardShortcuts': 'True', 'reportObjectPositionInformation': 'True', 'guessObjectPositionInformationWhenUnavailable': 'False', 'reportObjectDescriptions': 'True', 'reportDynamicContentChanges': 'True', 'reportAutoSuggestionsWithSound': 'True', 'progressBarUpdates': {'reportBackgroundProgressBars': 'False', 'progressBarOutputMode': 'beep'}}, 'virtualBuffers': {'useScreenLayout': 'False', 'autoSayAllOnPageLoad': 'False', 'autoPassThroughOnFocusChange': 'False', 'maxLineLength': '250', 'linesPerPage': '25', 'enableOnPageLoad': 'True', 'autoPassThroughOnCaretMove': 'False', 'passThroughAudioIndication': 'True', 'trapNonCommandGestures': 'True', 'autoFocusFocusableElements': 'False'}, 'documentFormatting': {'reportSpellingErrors': 'False', 'reportLists': 'False', 'reportClickable': 'False', 'reportTableHeaders': '0', 'reportTableCellCoords': 'False', 'reportTables': 'False', 'reportGroupings': 'False', 'reportGraphics': 'False', 'reportArticles': 'True', 'reportFrames': 'True', 'autoLanguageSwitching': 'False', 'includeLayoutTables': 'False', 'detectFormatAfterCursor': 'False', 'reportFontName': 'False', 'reportFontSize': 'False', 'reportFontAttributes': 'False', 'reportSuperscriptsAndSubscripts': 'False', 'reportColor': 'False', 'reportComments': 'True', 'reportBookmarks': 'True', 'reportRevisions': 'True', 'reportEmphasis': 'False', 'reportHighlight': 'True', 'reportAlignment': 'False', 'reportStyle': 'False', 'reportPage': 'True', 'reportLineNumber': 'False', 'reportLineIndentation': '0', 'reportParagraphIndentation': 'False', 'reportLineSpacing': 'False', 'reportCellBorders': '0', 'reportLinks': 'True', 'reportHeadings': 'True', 'reportBlockQuotes': 'True', 'reportLandmarks': 'True', 'ignoreBlankLinesForRLI': 'False'}, 'brailleExtender': {'lastCheckUpdate': '1557416939.04', 'lastNVDAVersion': '2020.4', 'autoCheckUpdate': 'False', 'attributes': {'invalid-spelling': 'none', 'bold': 'none'}}, 'development': {'enableScratchpadDir': 'False'}, 'vision': {'NVDAHighlighter': {'highlightFocus': 'False', 'highlightNavigator': 'False', 'highlightBrowseMode': 'False'}, 'screenCurtain': {'warnOnLoad': 'True', 'playToggleSounds': 'True'}}, 'reviewCursor': {'followCaret': 'True', 'followFocus': 'True', 'followMouse': 'False', 'simpleReviewMode': 'True'}, 'brailleViewer': {'showBrailleViewerAtStartup': 'False', 'x': '50', 'y': '50', 'displays': ['(1280, 960)'], 'autoPositionWindow': 'False'}, 'documentNavigation': {'paragraphStyle': 'SINGLE_LINE_BREAK'}, 'mouse': {'reportMouseShapeChanges': 'False', 'enableMouseTracking': 'True', 'mouseTextUnit': 'paragraph', 'reportObjectRoleOnMouseEnter': 'False', 'audioCoordinatesOnMouseMove': 'False', 'audioCoordinates_detectBrightness': 'False', 'ignoreInjectedMouseInput': 'False'}, 'inputComposition': {'autoReportAllCandidates': 'True', 'announceSelectedCandidate': 'True', 'alwaysIncludeShortCharacterDescriptionInCandidateName': 'True', 'reportReadingStringChanges': 'True', 'reportCompositionStringChanges': 'True'}, 'tesseractOCR': {'language': 'fin+eng', 'docType': '1', 'askPassword': 'False', 'device': 'No scanner found', 'dpi': '300'}, 'addonStore': {'showWarning': 'False'}, 'audio': {'soundVolumeFollowsVoice': 'False', 'soundVolume': '100'}, 'uwpOcr': {'language': 'en-US', 'autoRefresh': 'False'}} DEBUG - core.main (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): setting language to en DEBUG - languageHandler.setLocale (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): Win32 locale string from locale code is English_United States.1252 DEBUG - languageHandler._setPythonLocale (14:08:50.906) - MainThread (12064): set python locale to English_United States.1252 DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (14:08:50.985) - MainThread (12064): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy. DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.003) - MainThread (12064): Initializing NVDAHelper DEBUG - NVDAHelper._RemoteLoader.init (14:08:51.009) - MainThread (12064): Starting C:\nvda\lib64\2024.1beta4\nvdaHelperRemoteLoader.exe DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.009) - MainThread (12064): initializing nvwave DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (14:08:51.009) - MainThread (12064): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED INFO - core.main (14:08:51.032) - MainThread (12064): Windows version: Windows 11 23H2 (10.0.22631) workstation AMD64 INFO - core.main (14:08:51.032) - MainThread (12064): Using Python version 3.11.6 (tags/v3.11.6:8b6ee5b, Oct 2 2023, 14:40:55) [MSC v.1935 32 bit (Intel)] INFO - core.main (14:08:51.032) - MainThread (12064): Using comtypes version 1.2.0 INFO - core.main (14:08:51.032) - MainThread (12064): Using configobj version 5.1.0 with validate version 1.0.1 DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.032) - MainThread (12064): Initializing add-ons system DEBUG - addonStore.dataManager.initialize (14:08:51.080) - MainThread (12064): initializing addonStore data manager DEBUG - addonHandler.AddonsState.load (14:08:51.083) - MainThread (12064): BACK_COMPAT_TO API version for manual compatibility overrides has changed. NVDA API has been upgraded: from 2023.1.0 to (2024, 1, 0) DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (14:08:51.083) - MainThread (12064): Listing add-ons from C:\nvda\userConfig\addons DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.083) - MainThread (12064): Initializing appModule Handler DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.083) - MainThread (12064): initializing background i/o DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.083) - MainThread (12064): Initializing background braille display detection DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.103) - MainThread (12064): Initializing tones DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.112) - MainThread (12064): Speech Dictionary processing DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (14:08:51.112) - MainThread (12064): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\nvda\userConfig\speechDicts\default.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (14:08:51.112) - MainThread (12064): 1 loaded records. DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (14:08:51.112) - MainThread (12064): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\nvda\builtin.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (14:08:51.112) - MainThread (12064): 3 loaded records. DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.112) - MainThread (12064): Initializing speech DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (14:08:51.123) - MainThread (12064): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy. INFO - synthDrivers.espeak.SynthDriver.init (14:08:51.128) - MainThread (12064): Using eSpeak NG version 1.52-dev 530bf0ab DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (14:08:51.153) - MainThread (12064): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\nvda\userConfig\speechDicts\voiceDicts.v1\espeak\espeak-Finnish.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (14:08:51.153) - MainThread (12064): file 'C:\nvda\userConfig\speechDicts\voiceDicts.v1\espeak\espeak-Finnish.dic' not found. DEBUG - synthDriverHandler.SynthDriver.loadSettings (14:08:51.153) - MainThread (12064): Loaded settings for SynthDriver espeak INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (14:08:51.153) - MainThread (12064): Loaded synthDriver espeak DEBUG - speech.sayAll.initialize (14:08:51.153) - MainThread (12064): Initializing sayAllHandler DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.153) - MainThread (12064): Initializing MathPlayer WARNING - mathPres.initialize (14:08:51.153) - MainThread (12064): MathPlayer 4 not available INFO - core.main (14:08:51.153) - MainThread (12064): Using wx version 4.2.1 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets with six version 1.16.0 DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.153) - MainThread (12064): Initializing braille input INFO - brailleInput.initialize (14:08:51.159) - MainThread (12064): Braille input initialized DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.159) - MainThread (12064): Initializing braille INFO - braille.initialize (14:08:51.159) - MainThread (12064): Using liblouis version 3.28.0 INFO - braille.initialize (14:08:51.159) - MainThread (12064): Using pySerial version 3.5 DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (14:08:51.159) - MainThread (12064): registering pre_configSave action: <class 'brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver'> INFO - brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver.connectUSB (14:08:51.223) - MainThread (12064): connectUSB success INFO - brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver.init (14:08:51.275) - MainThread (12064): Found EL80c DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (14:08:51.275) - MainThread (12064): loading braille papenmeier INFO - braille.BrailleHandler._setDisplay (14:08:51.275) - MainThread (12064): Loaded braille display driver 'papenmeier', current display has 80 cells. DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.275) - MainThread (12064): Initializing vision DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.275) - MainThread (12064): Initializing displayModel DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.275) - MainThread (12064): Initializing GUI DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (14:08:51.283) - MainThread (12064): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy. DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (14:08:51.303) - MainThread (12064): CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 1901208 DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (14:08:51.303) - MainThread (12064): CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 1901208 DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (14:08:51.303) - MainThread (12064): CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 1901208 DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (14:08:51.303) - MainThread (12064): CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 1901208 DEBUG - languageHandler.setLocale (14:08:51.303) - MainThread (12064): Win32 locale string from locale code is English_United States.1252 DEBUG - languageHandler._setPythonLocale (14:08:51.303) - MainThread (12064): set python locale to English_United States.1252 DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.303) - MainThread (12064): Initializing garbageHandler DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (14:08:51.303) - MainThread (12064): Potential unimplemented child class: <NVDAObjects.window.Desktop object at 0x061DFB10> IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (14:08:51.309) - MainThread (12064): Braille regions text: ['Desktop wnd'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (14:08:51.309) - MainThread (12064): Braille window dots: 1457 15 234 13 2345 135 1234 - 2456 1345 145 DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.323) - MainThread (12064): initializing Java Access Bridge support DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (14:08:51.323) - MainThread (12064): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy. INFO - core.main (14:08:51.366) - MainThread (12064): Java Access Bridge support initialized DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.366) - MainThread (12064): Initializing legacy winConsole support DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.393) - MainThread (12064): Initializing UIA support INFO - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThreadFunc (14:08:51.398) - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThread (12996): UIAutomation: IUIAutomation6 DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (14:08:51.406) - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThread (12996): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED INFO - NVDAHelperLocal (14:08:51.423) - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThread (12996): Thread 12996, build\x86\UIARemote\UIARemote.cpp, initialize, 145: Registered C:\nvda\lib\2024.1beta4\Microsoft.UI.UIAutomation.dll.manifest

INFO - NVDAHelperLocal (14:08:51.430) - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThread (12996): Thread 12996, build\x86\UIARemote\UIARemote.cpp, initialize, 150: Microsoft.UI.UIAutomation is available

DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.430) - MainThread (12064): Initializing IAccessible support DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.430) - MainThread (12064): Initializing input core DEBUGWARNING - inputCore.InputManager.loadLocaleGestureMap (14:08:51.430) - MainThread (12064): No locale gesture map for language en DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.430) - MainThread (12064): Initializing keyboard handler DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.430) - MainThread (12064): initializing mouse handler DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.446) - MainThread (12064): Initializing touchHandler DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (14:08:51.446) - MainThread (12064): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy. DEBUGWARNING - touchHandler.touchSupported (14:08:51.446) - MainThread (12064): Touch only supported on installed copies DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.446) - MainThread (12064): Initializing global plugin handler DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.446) - MainThread (12064): Initializing core pump DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.446) - MainThread (12064): Initializing watchdog DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.446) - MainThread (12064): initializing updateCheck INFO - core.main (14:08:51.446) - MainThread (12064): NVDA initialized DEBUG - core.main (14:08:51.446) - MainThread (12064): entering wx application main loop DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (14:08:51.463) - MainThread (12064): registering pre_configSave action: <class 'visionEnhancementProviders.NVDAHighlighter.NVDAHighlighterSettings'> DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (14:08:51.463) - MainThread (12064): loading vision NVDAHighlighter DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (14:08:51.463) - MainThread (12064): Loaded settings for NVDAHighlighterSettings DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (14:08:51.467) - MainThread (12064): registering pre_configSave action: <class 'visionEnhancementProviders.screenCurtain.ScreenCurtainSettings'> DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (14:08:51.467) - MainThread (12064): loading vision screenCurtain DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (14:08:51.467) - MainThread (12064): Loaded settings for ScreenCurtainSettings DEBUG - core._doPostNvdaStartupAction (14:08:51.473) - MainThread (12064): Notify of postNvdaStartup action DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (14:08:51.473) - MainThread (12064): Potential unimplemented child class: <NVDAObjects.Dynamic_SysListView32EmittingDuplicateFocusEventsListItemIAccessible object at 0x061DF270> IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (14:08:51.473) - MainThread (12064): Braille regions text: ['Tämä tietokone 1 of 19'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (14:08:51.473) - MainThread (12064): Braille window dots: 23457 345 134 345 - 2345 24 15 2345 135 13 135 1345 15 - 18 - 135 124 - 18 248 IO - speech.speech.speak (14:08:51.483) - MainThread (12064): Speaking ['Työpöytä', 'list', CancellableSpeech (still valid)] IO - speech.speech.speak (14:08:51.545) - MainThread (12064): Speaking ['Tämä tietokone', '1 of 19', CancellableSpeech (still valid)] IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (14:08:51.545) - MainThread (12064): Braille regions text: ['Tämä tietokone 1 of 19'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (14:08:51.545) - MainThread (12064): Braille window dots: 23457 345 134 345 - 2345 24 15 2345 135 13 135 1345 15 - 18 - 135 124 - 18 248 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:08:53.484) - winInputHook (2444): Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+q DEBUG - core.triggerNVDAExit (14:08:53.486) - MainThread (12064): _doShutdown has been queued DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.502) - MainThread (12064): Terminating updateCheck DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.502) - MainThread (12064): Terminating watchdog DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.502) - MainThread (12064): Terminating globalPluginHandler DEBUG - core._closeAllWindows (14:08:53.502) - MainThread (12064): destroying system tray icon and menu DEBUG - core._closeAllWindows (14:08:53.505) - MainThread (12064): destroying main frame during exit process INFO - core.main (14:08:53.505) - MainThread (12064): Exiting DEBUG - core.triggerNVDAExit (14:08:53.505) - MainThread (12064): NVDA has already been triggered to exit safely. DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.505) - MainThread (12064): Terminating gui DEBUG - core._doLoseFocus (14:08:53.505) - MainThread (12064): calling lose focus on object with focus DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.505) - MainThread (12064): Terminating treeInterceptorHandler DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.505) - MainThread (12064): Terminating IAccessible support DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.505) - MainThread (12064): Terminating UIA support DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.514) - MainThread (12064): Terminating Legacy winConsole support DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.514) - MainThread (12064): Terminating Java Access Bridge support DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.514) - MainThread (12064): Terminating app module handler DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.514) - MainThread (12064): Terminating tones DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.514) - MainThread (12064): Terminating touchHandler DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.514) - MainThread (12064): Terminating keyboard handler DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.514) - MainThread (12064): Terminating mouseHandler DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.514) - MainThread (12064): Terminating inputCore DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.514) - MainThread (12064): Terminating vision DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.514) - MainThread (12064): Terminating brailleInput DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.514) - MainThread (12064): Terminating braille DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.524) - MainThread (12064): Terminating speech DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.535) - MainThread (12064): Terminating bdDetect DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.535) - MainThread (12064): Terminating hwIo DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.535) - MainThread (12064): Terminating addonHandler DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.535) - MainThread (12064): Terminating nvwave DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:53.535) - MainThread (12064): Terminating garbageHandler DEBUG - core._terminate (14:08:54.615) - MainThread (12064): Terminating NVDAHelper DEBUG - core.main (14:08:54.619) - MainThread (12064): core done DEBUG - easeOfAccess.isRegistered (14:08:54.619) - MainThread (12064): Unable to find AT registry key INFO - main (14:08:54.619) - MainThread (12064): NVDA exit

irrah68 commented 9 months ago

Here ist a log file from alpha-29722,b67e7f46 with Mikropuhe 5.4 speech synthesizer. It worked correctly. I started this version tens of times without any problems.

DEBUG - main (16:05:41.880) - MainThread (3588): Provided arguments: ['--debug-logging'] INFO - main (16:05:41.880) - MainThread (3588): Starting NVDA version alpha-29722,b67e7f46 DEBUG - main (16:05:41.880) - MainThread (3588): Debug level logging enabled DEBUG - easeOfAccess.isRegistered (16:05:41.895) - MainThread (3588): Unable to find AT registry key DEBUG - core.main (16:05:41.895) - MainThread (3588): Core starting DEBUG - config.getInstalledUserConfigPath (16:05:41.895) - MainThread (3588): Could not find nvda registry key, NVDA is not currently installed INFO - core.main (16:05:41.895) - MainThread (3588): Config dir: C:\nvda2\userConfig DEBUG - core.main (16:05:41.895) - MainThread (3588): loading config INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (16:05:41.895) - MainThread (3588): Loading config: C:\nvda2\userConfig\nvda.ini DEBUG - config.profileUpgrader.upgrade (16:05:41.895) - MainThread (3588): Current config schema version: 11, latest: 11 DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: ReviewRoutingMovesSystemCaretFlag, behaviorOfDefault: NEVER DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): Validating feature flag: ALWAYS, optionsEnum: ReviewRoutingMovesSystemCaretFlag, behaviorOfDefault: NEVER DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): Validating feature flag: DISABLED, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: ParagraphNavigationFlag, behaviorOfDefault: APPLICATION DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): Validating feature flag: SINGLE_LINE_BREAK, optionsEnum: ParagraphNavigationFlag, behaviorOfDefault: APPLICATION DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: WindowsTerminalStrategyFlag, behaviorOfDefault: DIFFING DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: WindowsTerminalStrategyFlag, behaviorOfDefault: DIFFING DEBUG - fileUtils.FaultTolerantFile (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): C:\nvda2\userConfig\nvda.iniodjoczhb.tmp INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): Config loaded (after upgrade, and in the state it will be used by NVDA): {'schemaVersion': '11', 'upgrade': {}, 'update': {'autoCheck': 'False', 'startupNotification': 'False', 'allowUsageStats': 'False', 'askedAllowUsageStats': 'True'}, 'general': {'language': 'en', 'saveConfigurationOnExit': 'False', 'askToExit': 'False', 'playStartAndExitSounds': 'True', 'loggingLevel': 'OFF', 'showWelcomeDialogAtStartup': 'False'}, 'speech': {'synth': 'sapi5', 'outputDevice': 'Microsoft Sound Mapper', 'autoLanguageSwitching': 'False', 'symbolLevel': '300', 'autoDialectSwitching': 'False', 'trustVoiceLanguage': 'True', 'includeCLDR': 'True', 'delayedCharacterDescriptions': 'False', 'excludedSpeechModes': ['1'], 'espeak': {'voice': 'fi', 'variant': 'max', 'rate': '30', 'pitch': '40', 'inflection': '75', 'volume': '100', 'rateBoost': 'False', 'capPitchChange': '30', 'sayCapForCapitals': 'False', 'beepForCapitals': 'False', 'useSpellingFunctionality': 'True'}, 'sapi5': {'voice': 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech\Voices\Tokens\MPPetteri 4.2', 'rate': '85', 'volume': '100', 'pitch': '45', 'capPitchChange': '10', 'sayCapForCapitals': 'False', 'beepForCapitals': 'False', 'useSpellingFunctionality': 'True'}, 'sapi4': {'voice': '{FC581A6E-B649-4A4A-ACE1-69D5EC71DD60}', 'pitch': '14', 'volume': '100', 'rate': '85'}, 'oneCore': {'voice': 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech_OneCore\Voices\Tokens\MSTTS_V110_fiFI_Heidi', 'rate': '50', 'rateBoost': 'False', 'pitch': '45', 'volume': '100', 'capPitchChange': '30', 'sayCapForCapitals': 'False', 'beepForCapitals': 'False', 'useSpellingFunctionality': 'True'}}, 'braille': {'display': 'papenmeier', 'translationTable': 'fi-fi-8dot.ctb', 'inputTable': 'fi-fi-8dot.ctb', 'tetherTo': 'review', 'focusContextPresentation': 'scroll', 'showMessages': '0', 'routingReviewRoutesSystemCaret': 'ENABLED', 'messageTimeout': '5', 'showSelection': 'DISABLED', 'routeReviewCursorAndSystemCaret': 'ENABLED', 'routeSystemCaretAlongWithReviewCursor': 'ENABLED', 'reviewRoutingMovesSystemCaret': 'ALWAYS', 'expandAtCursor': 'True', 'showCursor': 'True', 'cursorBlink': 'True', 'cursorBlinkRate': '500', 'cursorShapeFocus': '192', 'cursorShapeReview': '128', 'readByParagraph': 'False', 'wordWrap': 'True', 'noBraille': {'port': ''}, 'brltty': {}, 'auto': {}, 'papenmeier': {}, 'albatross': {'port': 'COM3'}}, 'keyboard': {'alertForSpellingErrors': 'False', 'allowSkimReadingInSayAll': 'True', 'keyboardLayout': 'desktop', 'NVDAModifierKeys': '6', 'speakTypedCharacters': 'True', 'speakTypedWords': 'False', 'speechInterruptForCharacters': 'True', 'speechInterruptForEnter': 'True', 'beepForLowercaseWithCapslock': 'True', 'speakCommandKeys': 'False', 'handleInjectedKeys': 'True'}, 'presentation': {'reportTooltips': 'False', 'reportHelpBalloons': 'True', 'reportKeyboardShortcuts': 'True', 'reportObjectPositionInformation': 'True', 'guessObjectPositionInformationWhenUnavailable': 'False', 'reportObjectDescriptions': 'True', 'reportDynamicContentChanges': 'True', 'reportAutoSuggestionsWithSound': 'True', 'progressBarUpdates': {'reportBackgroundProgressBars': 'False', 'progressBarOutputMode': 'beep'}}, 'virtualBuffers': {'useScreenLayout': 'False', 'autoSayAllOnPageLoad': 'False', 'autoPassThroughOnFocusChange': 'False', 'maxLineLength': '250', 'linesPerPage': '25', 'enableOnPageLoad': 'True', 'autoPassThroughOnCaretMove': 'False', 'passThroughAudioIndication': 'True', 'trapNonCommandGestures': 'True', 'autoFocusFocusableElements': 'False'}, 'documentFormatting': {'reportSpellingErrors': 'False', 'reportLists': 'False', 'reportClickable': 'False', 'reportTableHeaders': '0', 'reportTableCellCoords': 'False', 'reportTables': 'False', 'reportGroupings': 'False', 'reportGraphics': 'False', 'reportArticles': 'True', 'reportFrames': 'True', 'autoLanguageSwitching': 'False', 'includeLayoutTables': 'False', 'detectFormatAfterCursor': 'False', 'reportFontName': 'False', 'reportFontSize': 'False', 'reportFontAttributes': 'False', 'reportSuperscriptsAndSubscripts': 'False', 'reportColor': 'False', 'reportComments': 'True', 'reportBookmarks': 'True', 'reportRevisions': 'True', 'reportEmphasis': 'False', 'reportHighlight': 'True', 'reportAlignment': 'False', 'reportStyle': 'False', 'reportPage': 'True', 'reportLineNumber': 'False', 'reportLineIndentation': '0', 'reportParagraphIndentation': 'False', 'reportLineSpacing': 'False', 'reportCellBorders': '0', 'reportLinks': 'True', 'reportHeadings': 'True', 'reportBlockQuotes': 'True', 'reportLandmarks': 'True', 'ignoreBlankLinesForRLI': 'False'}, 'brailleExtender': {'lastCheckUpdate': '1557416939.04', 'lastNVDAVersion': '2020.4', 'autoCheckUpdate': 'False', 'attributes': {'invalid-spelling': 'none', 'bold': 'none'}}, 'development': {'enableScratchpadDir': 'False'}, 'vision': {'NVDAHighlighter': {'highlightFocus': 'False', 'highlightNavigator': 'False', 'highlightBrowseMode': 'False'}, 'screenCurtain': {'warnOnLoad': 'True', 'playToggleSounds': 'True'}}, 'reviewCursor': {'followCaret': 'True', 'followFocus': 'True', 'followMouse': 'False', 'simpleReviewMode': 'True'}, 'brailleViewer': {'showBrailleViewerAtStartup': 'False', 'x': '50', 'y': '50', 'displays': ['(1280, 960)'], 'autoPositionWindow': 'False'}, 'documentNavigation': {'paragraphStyle': 'SINGLE_LINE_BREAK'}, 'mouse': {'reportMouseShapeChanges': 'False', 'enableMouseTracking': 'True', 'mouseTextUnit': 'paragraph', 'reportObjectRoleOnMouseEnter': 'False', 'audioCoordinatesOnMouseMove': 'False', 'audioCoordinates_detectBrightness': 'False', 'ignoreInjectedMouseInput': 'False'}, 'inputComposition': {'autoReportAllCandidates': 'True', 'announceSelectedCandidate': 'True', 'alwaysIncludeShortCharacterDescriptionInCandidateName': 'True', 'reportReadingStringChanges': 'True', 'reportCompositionStringChanges': 'True'}, 'tesseractOCR': {'language': 'fin+eng', 'docType': '1', 'askPassword': 'False', 'device': 'No scanner found', 'dpi': '300'}, 'addonStore': {'showWarning': 'False'}, 'audio': {'soundVolumeFollowsVoice': 'False', 'soundVolume': '100'}, 'uwpOcr': {'language': 'en-US', 'autoRefresh': 'False'}} DEBUG - core.main (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): setting language to en DEBUG - languageHandler.setLocale (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): Win32 locale string from locale code is English_United States.1252 DEBUG - languageHandler._setPythonLocale (16:05:41.911) - MainThread (3588): set python locale to English_United States.1252 DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (16:05:41.989) - MainThread (3588): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy. DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.005) - MainThread (3588): Initializing NVDAHelper DEBUG - NVDAHelper._RemoteLoader.init (16:05:42.005) - MainThread (3588): Starting C:\nvda2\lib64\alpha-29722,b67e7f46\nvdaHelperRemoteLoader.exe DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.005) - MainThread (3588): initializing nvwave DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (16:05:42.005) - MainThread (3588): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED INFO - core.main (16:05:42.040) - MainThread (3588): Windows version: Windows 11 23H2 (10.0.22631) workstation AMD64 INFO - core.main (16:05:42.040) - MainThread (3588): Using Python version 3.11.5 (tags/v3.11.5:cce6ba9, Aug 24 2023, 14:21:31) [MSC v.1936 32 bit (Intel)] INFO - core.main (16:05:42.040) - MainThread (3588): Using comtypes version 1.2.0 INFO - core.main (16:05:42.040) - MainThread (3588): Using configobj version 5.1.0 with validate version 1.0.1 DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.040) - MainThread (3588): Initializing add-ons system DEBUG - _addonStore.dataManager.initialize (16:05:42.080) - MainThread (3588): initializing addonStore data manager DEBUG - addonHandler.AddonsState.load (16:05:42.085) - MainThread (3588): BACK_COMPAT_TO API version for manual compatibility overrides has changed. NVDA API has been upgraded: from 2023.1.0 to (2024, 1, 0) DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (16:05:42.085) - MainThread (3588): Listing add-ons from C:\nvda2\userConfig\addons DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.085) - MainThread (3588): Initializing appModule Handler DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.085) - MainThread (3588): initializing background i/o DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.085) - MainThread (3588): Initializing background braille display detection DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.105) - MainThread (3588): Initializing tones DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.110) - MainThread (3588): Speech Dictionary processing DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (16:05:42.110) - MainThread (3588): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\nvda2\userConfig\speechDicts\default.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (16:05:42.110) - MainThread (3588): 1 loaded records. DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (16:05:42.110) - MainThread (3588): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\nvda2\builtin.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (16:05:42.110) - MainThread (3588): 3 loaded records. DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.110) - MainThread (3588): Initializing speech DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (16:05:42.115) - MainThread (3588): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy. DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (16:05:42.155) - MainThread (3588): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\nvda2\userConfig\speechDicts\voiceDicts.v1\sapi5\sapi5-Mikropuhe 5.4 32b - Petteri 4.2.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (16:05:42.155) - MainThread (3588): 1 loaded records. DEBUG - synthDriverHandler.SynthDriver.loadSettings (16:05:42.155) - MainThread (3588): Loaded settings for SynthDriver sapi5 INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (16:05:42.155) - MainThread (3588): Loaded synthDriver sapi5 DEBUG - speech.sayAll.initialize (16:05:42.155) - MainThread (3588): Initializing sayAllHandler DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.155) - MainThread (3588): Initializing MathPlayer WARNING - mathPres.initialize (16:05:42.155) - MainThread (3588): MathPlayer 4 not available INFO - core.main (16:05:42.155) - MainThread (3588): Using wx version 4.2.1 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets with six version 1.16.0 DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.155) - MainThread (3588): Initializing braille input INFO - brailleInput.initialize (16:05:42.155) - MainThread (3588): Braille input initialized DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.155) - MainThread (3588): Initializing braille INFO - braille.initialize (16:05:42.155) - MainThread (3588): Using liblouis version 3.26.0 INFO - braille.initialize (16:05:42.155) - MainThread (3588): Using pySerial version 3.5 DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (16:05:42.155) - MainThread (3588): registering pre_configSave action: <class 'brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver'> INFO - brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver.connectUSB (16:05:42.227) - MainThread (3588): connectUSB success INFO - brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver.init (16:05:42.279) - MainThread (3588): Found EL80c DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (16:05:42.279) - MainThread (3588): loading braille papenmeier INFO - braille.BrailleHandler._setDisplay (16:05:42.279) - MainThread (3588): Loaded braille display driver 'papenmeier', current display has 80 cells. DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.279) - MainThread (3588): Initializing vision DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.279) - MainThread (3588): Initializing displayModel DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.279) - MainThread (3588): Initializing GUI DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (16:05:42.285) - MainThread (3588): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy. DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (16:05:42.304) - MainThread (3588): CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 2818872 DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (16:05:42.304) - MainThread (3588): CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 2818872 DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (16:05:42.304) - MainThread (3588): CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 2818872 DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (16:05:42.305) - MainThread (3588): CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 2818872 DEBUG - languageHandler.setLocale (16:05:42.315) - MainThread (3588): Win32 locale string from locale code is English_United States.1252 DEBUG - languageHandler._setPythonLocale (16:05:42.315) - MainThread (3588): set python locale to English_United States.1252 DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.315) - MainThread (3588): Initializing garbageHandler DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (16:05:42.315) - MainThread (3588): Potential unimplemented child class: <NVDAObjects.window.Desktop object at 0x066118B0> IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (16:05:42.320) - MainThread (3588): Braille regions text: ['Desktop wnd'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (16:05:42.320) - MainThread (3588): Braille window dots: 1457 15 234 13 2345 135 1234 - 2456 1345 145 DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.330) - MainThread (3588): initializing Java Access Bridge support DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (16:05:42.335) - MainThread (3588): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy. INFO - core.main (16:05:42.380) - MainThread (3588): Java Access Bridge support initialized DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.380) - MainThread (3588): Initializing legacy winConsole support DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.405) - MainThread (3588): Initializing UIA support INFO - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThreadFunc (16:05:42.415) - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThread (11040): UIAutomation: IUIAutomation6 INFO - NVDAHelperLocal (16:05:42.435) - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThread (11040): Thread 11040, build\x86\UIARemote\UIARemote.cpp, initialize, 145: Registered C:\nvda2\lib\alpha-29722,b67e7f46\Microsoft.UI.UIAutomation.dll.manifest

INFO - NVDAHelperLocal (16:05:42.435) - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThread (11040): Thread 11040, build\x86\UIARemote\UIARemote.cpp, initialize, 150: Microsoft.UI.UIAutomation is available

DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.435) - MainThread (3588): Initializing IAccessible support DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.435) - MainThread (3588): Initializing input core DEBUGWARNING - inputCore.InputManager.loadLocaleGestureMap (16:05:42.435) - MainThread (3588): No locale gesture map for language en DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.435) - MainThread (3588): Initializing keyboard handler DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.435) - MainThread (3588): initializing mouse handler DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.455) - MainThread (3588): Initializing touchHandler DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (16:05:42.455) - MainThread (3588): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy. DEBUGWARNING - touchHandler.touchSupported (16:05:42.455) - MainThread (3588): Touch only supported on installed copies DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.455) - MainThread (3588): Initializing global plugin handler DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.455) - MainThread (3588): Initializing core pump DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.455) - MainThread (3588): Initializing watchdog DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.455) - MainThread (3588): initializing updateCheck INFO - core.main (16:05:42.455) - MainThread (3588): NVDA initialized DEBUG - core.main (16:05:42.455) - MainThread (3588): entering wx application main loop DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (16:05:42.465) - MainThread (3588): registering pre_configSave action: <class 'visionEnhancementProviders.NVDAHighlighter.NVDAHighlighterSettings'> DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (16:05:42.465) - MainThread (3588): loading vision NVDAHighlighter DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (16:05:42.465) - MainThread (3588): Loaded settings for NVDAHighlighterSettings DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (16:05:42.470) - MainThread (3588): registering pre_configSave action: <class 'visionEnhancementProviders.screenCurtain.ScreenCurtainSettings'> DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (16:05:42.470) - MainThread (3588): loading vision screenCurtain DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (16:05:42.470) - MainThread (3588): Loaded settings for ScreenCurtainSettings DEBUG - core._doPostNvdaStartupAction (16:05:42.475) - MainThread (3588): Notify of postNvdaStartup action DEBUG - NVDAObjects.NVDAObject._get_placeholder (16:05:42.475) - MainThread (3588): Potential unimplemented child class: <NVDAObjects.Dynamic_SysListView32EmittingDuplicateFocusEventsListItemIAccessible object at 0x0660BFD0> IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (16:05:42.475) - MainThread (3588): Braille regions text: ['Tämä tietokone 1 of 19'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (16:05:42.475) - MainThread (3588): Braille window dots: 23457 345 134 345 - 2345 24 15 2345 135 13 135 1345 15 - 18 - 135 124 - 18 248 IO - speech.speech.speak (16:05:42.485) - MainThread (3588): Speaking ['Työpöytä', 'list', CancellableSpeech (still valid)] DEBUGWARNING - characterProcessing._getSpeechSymbolsForLocale (16:05:42.485) - MainThread (3588): No CLDR data for locale fi_FI DEBUGWARNING - characterProcessing._getSpeechSymbolsForLocale (16:05:42.485) - MainThread (3588): No symbol data for locale fi_FI IO - speech.speech.speak (16:05:42.565) - MainThread (3588): Speaking ['Tämä tietokone', '1 of 19', CancellableSpeech (still valid)] IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (16:05:42.565) - MainThread (3588): Braille regions text: ['Tämä tietokone 1 of 19'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (16:05:42.565) - MainThread (3588): Braille window dots: 23457 345 134 345 - 2345 24 15 2345 135 13 135 1345 15 - 18 - 135 124 - 18 248 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (16:05:44.236) - winInputHook (11904): Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+q DEBUG - core.triggerNVDAExit (16:05:44.236) - MainThread (3588): _doShutdown has been queued DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.250) - MainThread (3588): Terminating updateCheck DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.250) - MainThread (3588): Terminating watchdog DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.250) - MainThread (3588): Terminating globalPluginHandler DEBUG - core._closeAllWindows (16:05:44.250) - MainThread (3588): destroying system tray icon and menu DEBUG - core._closeAllWindows (16:05:44.250) - MainThread (3588): destroying main frame during exit process INFO - core.main (16:05:44.250) - MainThread (3588): Exiting DEBUG - core.triggerNVDAExit (16:05:44.250) - MainThread (3588): NVDA has already been triggered to exit safely. DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.250) - MainThread (3588): Terminating gui DEBUG - core._doLoseFocus (16:05:44.250) - MainThread (3588): calling lose focus on object with focus DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.250) - MainThread (3588): Terminating treeInterceptorHandler DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.250) - MainThread (3588): Terminating IAccessible support DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.250) - MainThread (3588): Terminating UIA support DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.250) - MainThread (3588): Terminating Legacy winConsole support DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.250) - MainThread (3588): Terminating Java Access Bridge support DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.250) - MainThread (3588): Terminating app module handler DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.250) - MainThread (3588): Terminating tones DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.264) - MainThread (3588): Terminating touchHandler DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.264) - MainThread (3588): Terminating keyboard handler DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.264) - MainThread (3588): Terminating mouseHandler DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.264) - MainThread (3588): Terminating inputCore DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.264) - MainThread (3588): Terminating vision DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.264) - MainThread (3588): Terminating brailleInput DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.264) - MainThread (3588): Terminating braille DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.272) - MainThread (3588): Terminating speech DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.297) - MainThread (3588): Terminating bdDetect DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.297) - MainThread (3588): Terminating hwIo DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.297) - MainThread (3588): Terminating addonHandler DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:44.297) - MainThread (3588): Terminating garbageHandler DEBUG - core._terminate (16:05:45.384) - MainThread (3588): Terminating NVDAHelper DEBUG - core.main (16:05:45.388) - MainThread (3588): core done DEBUG - easeOfAccess.isRegistered (16:05:45.390) - MainThread (3588): Unable to find AT registry key INFO - main (16:05:45.396) - MainThread (3588): NVDA exit

lukaszgo1 commented 9 months ago

It is only an educated guess, but looking at the symptoms this maybe caused by update to Detours (a library were using for hooking). To verify if this is the case could you try this Alpha version which should work correctly and this Alpha build which should not? If they will behave identically the only remaining course of action will be to try to bisect in which Alpha build the issue was introduced by splitting the list in halves, but that is going to be pretty tedious.

irrah68 commented 9 months ago

I started 20 times both alpha-29805,8b90ece4 and alpha-29812,da446b38 and they seemed to work. The only thing I noticed was that the starting process took some more time with both versions but this happened only two or three times. NVDA finally started and was available for normal use.

lukaszgo1 commented 9 months ago

cc @seanbudd @michaelDCurran This looks like a pretty serious regression in 2024.1 development cycle. To determine where it was introduced it should be possible to test each of the snapshots from https://www.nvaccess.org/files/nvda/snapshots/ one by one, that is going to be pretty time consuming. Since this is not reproducible on my machine I cannot do a standard git bisect. If someone running Windows 11 23H2 is able to reproduce the issue with Mikropuhe, has time and necessary skills to do a proper bisect that would certainly be welcome.

lukaszgo1 commented 9 months ago

@irrah68 Is the bisect test I have described in my latest comment something you have time / patience for?

irrah68 commented 9 months ago

I'll try to test alpha versions one by one. I try to find the first version which has this problem with Mikropuhe speech synthesizer. This will beis quite a time consuming operation. Let's see if I find something interesting.

irrah68 commented 9 months ago

Today I tested 17 alpha versions. I started each version 40 times: 20 times from the Run command window and 20 times from the NVDA shortcut from Desktop.

Alpha-30035,709c3d9c is the last one that works normally. Alpha-30080,dd8a44cf has the problem we've been talking about.

It seems that this problem occurs more often when NVDA is started from the Run command window, but sometimes it can be reproduced also from the shortcut.

There is also a difference in the way where NVDA goes after start. When started from the Run command window it goes to the Desktop and when started from the shortcut it goes to the Taskbar. I don't know if this means someting essential.

During the test NVDA was always in the C:\nvda4 folder.

Here is the log from Alpha-30080,dd8a44cf. When the synthesizer said "Loading NVDA" and nothin happened I started JAWS and killed NVDA process in the Taskmanager.

DEBUG - main (21:09:55.741) - MainThread (5944): Provided arguments: ['--debug-logging'] INFO - main (21:09:55.741) - MainThread (5944): Starting NVDA version alpha-30080,dd8a44cf DEBUG - main (21:09:55.741) - MainThread (5944): Debug level logging enabled DEBUG - easeOfAccess.isRegistered (21:09:55.741) - MainThread (5944): Unable to find AT registry key DEBUG - core.main (21:09:55.755) - MainThread (5944): Core starting DEBUG - config.getInstalledUserConfigPath (21:09:55.755) - MainThread (5944): Could not find nvda registry key, NVDA is not currently installed INFO - core.main (21:09:55.755) - MainThread (5944): Config dir: C:\nvda4\userConfig DEBUG - core.main (21:09:55.755) - MainThread (5944): loading config INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Loading config: C:\nvda4\userConfig\nvda.ini DEBUG - config.profileUpgrader.upgrade (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Current config schema version: 11, latest: 11 DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: ReviewRoutingMovesSystemCaretFlag, behaviorOfDefault: NEVER DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Validating feature flag: ALWAYS, optionsEnum: ReviewRoutingMovesSystemCaretFlag, behaviorOfDefault: NEVER DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Validating feature flag: DISABLED, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: ParagraphNavigationFlag, behaviorOfDefault: APPLICATION DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Validating feature flag: SINGLE_LINE_BREAK, optionsEnum: ParagraphNavigationFlag, behaviorOfDefault: APPLICATION DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: WindowsTerminalStrategyFlag, behaviorOfDefault: DIFFING DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: WindowsTerminalStrategyFlag, behaviorOfDefault: DIFFING DEBUG - fileUtils.FaultTolerantFile (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): C:\nvda4\userConfig\nvda.ini5auab2t7.tmp INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Config loaded (after upgrade, and in the state it will be used by NVDA): {'schemaVersion': '11', 'upgrade': {}, 'update': {'autoCheck': 'False', 'startupNotification': 'False', 'allowUsageStats': 'False', 'askedAllowUsageStats': 'True'}, 'general': {'language': 'en', 'saveConfigurationOnExit': 'False', 'askToExit': 'False', 'playStartAndExitSounds': 'True', 'loggingLevel': 'OFF', 'showWelcomeDialogAtStartup': 'False'}, 'speech': {'synth': 'sapi5', 'outputDevice': 'Microsoft Sound Mapper', 'autoLanguageSwitching': 'False', 'symbolLevel': '300', 'autoDialectSwitching': 'False', 'trustVoiceLanguage': 'True', 'includeCLDR': 'True', 'delayedCharacterDescriptions': 'False', 'excludedSpeechModes': ['1'], 'espeak': {'voice': 'fi', 'variant': 'max', 'rate': '30', 'pitch': '40', 'inflection': '75', 'volume': '100', 'rateBoost': 'False', 'capPitchChange': '30', 'sayCapForCapitals': 'False', 'beepForCapitals': 'False', 'useSpellingFunctionality': 'True'}, 'sapi5': {'voice': 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech\Voices\Tokens\MPPetteri 4.2', 'rate': '85', 'volume': '100', 'pitch': '45', 'capPitchChange': '10', 'sayCapForCapitals': 'False', 'beepForCapitals': 'False', 'useSpellingFunctionality': 'True'}, 'sapi4': {'voice': '{FC581A6E-B649-4A4A-ACE1-69D5EC71DD60}', 'pitch': '14', 'volume': '100', 'rate': '85'}, 'oneCore': {'voice': 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech_OneCore\Voices\Tokens\MSTTS_V110_fiFI_Heidi', 'rate': '50', 'rateBoost': 'False', 'pitch': '45', 'volume': '100', 'capPitchChange': '30', 'sayCapForCapitals': 'False', 'beepForCapitals': 'False', 'useSpellingFunctionality': 'True'}}, 'braille': {'display': 'papenmeier', 'translationTable': 'fi-fi-8dot.ctb', 'inputTable': 'fi-fi-8dot.ctb', 'tetherTo': 'review', 'focusContextPresentation': 'scroll', 'showMessages': '0', 'routingReviewRoutesSystemCaret': 'ENABLED', 'messageTimeout': '5', 'showSelection': 'DISABLED', 'routeReviewCursorAndSystemCaret': 'ENABLED', 'routeSystemCaretAlongWithReviewCursor': 'ENABLED', 'reviewRoutingMovesSystemCaret': 'ALWAYS', 'expandAtCursor': 'True', 'showCursor': 'True', 'cursorBlink': 'True', 'cursorBlinkRate': '500', 'cursorShapeFocus': '192', 'cursorShapeReview': '128', 'readByParagraph': 'False', 'wordWrap': 'True', 'noBraille': {'port': ''}, 'brltty': {}, 'auto': {}, 'papenmeier': {}, 'albatross': {'port': 'COM3'}}, 'keyboard': {'alertForSpellingErrors': 'False', 'allowSkimReadingInSayAll': 'True', 'keyboardLayout': 'desktop', 'NVDAModifierKeys': '6', 'speakTypedCharacters': 'True', 'speakTypedWords': 'False', 'speechInterruptForCharacters': 'True', 'speechInterruptForEnter': 'True', 'beepForLowercaseWithCapslock': 'True', 'speakCommandKeys': 'False', 'handleInjectedKeys': 'True'}, 'presentation': {'reportTooltips': 'False', 'reportHelpBalloons': 'True', 'reportKeyboardShortcuts': 'True', 'reportObjectPositionInformation': 'True', 'guessObjectPositionInformationWhenUnavailable': 'False', 'reportObjectDescriptions': 'True', 'reportDynamicContentChanges': 'True', 'reportAutoSuggestionsWithSound': 'True', 'progressBarUpdates': {'reportBackgroundProgressBars': 'False', 'progressBarOutputMode': 'beep'}}, 'virtualBuffers': {'useScreenLayout': 'False', 'autoSayAllOnPageLoad': 'False', 'autoPassThroughOnFocusChange': 'False', 'maxLineLength': '250', 'linesPerPage': '25', 'enableOnPageLoad': 'True', 'autoPassThroughOnCaretMove': 'False', 'passThroughAudioIndication': 'True', 'trapNonCommandGestures': 'True', 'autoFocusFocusableElements': 'False'}, 'documentFormatting': {'reportSpellingErrors': 'False', 'reportLists': 'False', 'reportClickable': 'False', 'reportTableHeaders': '0', 'reportTableCellCoords': 'False', 'reportTables': 'False', 'reportGroupings': 'False', 'reportGraphics': 'False', 'reportArticles': 'True', 'reportFrames': 'True', 'autoLanguageSwitching': 'False', 'includeLayoutTables': 'False', 'detectFormatAfterCursor': 'False', 'reportFontName': 'False', 'reportFontSize': 'False', 'reportFontAttributes': 'False', 'reportSuperscriptsAndSubscripts': 'False', 'reportColor': 'False', 'reportComments': 'True', 'reportBookmarks': 'True', 'reportRevisions': 'True', 'reportEmphasis': 'False', 'reportHighlight': 'True', 'reportAlignment': 'False', 'reportStyle': 'False', 'reportPage': 'True', 'reportLineNumber': 'False', 'reportLineIndentation': '0', 'reportParagraphIndentation': 'False', 'reportLineSpacing': 'False', 'reportCellBorders': '0', 'reportLinks': 'True', 'reportHeadings': 'True', 'reportBlockQuotes': 'True', 'reportLandmarks': 'True', 'ignoreBlankLinesForRLI': 'False'}, 'brailleExtender': {'lastCheckUpdate': '1557416939.04', 'lastNVDAVersion': '2020.4', 'autoCheckUpdate': 'False', 'attributes': {'invalid-spelling': 'none', 'bold': 'none'}}, 'development': {'enableScratchpadDir': 'False'}, 'vision': {'NVDAHighlighter': {'highlightFocus': 'False', 'highlightNavigator': 'False', 'highlightBrowseMode': 'False'}, 'screenCurtain': {'warnOnLoad': 'True', 'playToggleSounds': 'True'}}, 'reviewCursor': {'followCaret': 'True', 'followFocus': 'True', 'followMouse': 'False', 'simpleReviewMode': 'True'}, 'brailleViewer': {'showBrailleViewerAtStartup': 'False', 'x': '50', 'y': '50', 'displays': ['(1280, 960)'], 'autoPositionWindow': 'False'}, 'documentNavigation': {'paragraphStyle': 'SINGLE_LINE_BREAK'}, 'mouse': {'reportMouseShapeChanges': 'False', 'enableMouseTracking': 'True', 'mouseTextUnit': 'paragraph', 'reportObjectRoleOnMouseEnter': 'False', 'audioCoordinatesOnMouseMove': 'False', 'audioCoordinates_detectBrightness': 'False', 'ignoreInjectedMouseInput': 'False'}, 'inputComposition': {'autoReportAllCandidates': 'True', 'announceSelectedCandidate': 'True', 'alwaysIncludeShortCharacterDescriptionInCandidateName': 'True', 'reportReadingStringChanges': 'True', 'reportCompositionStringChanges': 'True'}, 'tesseractOCR': {'language': 'fin+eng', 'docType': '1', 'askPassword': 'False', 'device': 'No scanner found', 'dpi': '300'}, 'addonStore': {'showWarning': 'False'}, 'audio': {'soundVolumeFollowsVoice': 'False', 'soundVolume': '100'}, 'uwpOcr': {'language': 'en-US', 'autoRefresh': 'False'}} DEBUG - core.main (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): setting language to en DEBUG - languageHandler.setLocale (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): Win32 locale string from locale code is English_United States.1252 DEBUG - languageHandler._setPythonLocale (21:09:55.771) - MainThread (5944): set python locale to English_United States.1252 DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (21:09:55.849) - MainThread (5944): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy. DEBUG - core.main (21:09:55.865) - MainThread (5944): Initializing NVDAHelper DEBUG - NVDAHelper._RemoteLoader.init (21:10:05.874) - MainThread (5944): Starting C:\nvda4\lib64\alpha-30080,dd8a44cf\nvdaHelperRemoteLoader.exe DEBUG - core.main (21:10:05.874) - MainThread (5944): initializing nvwave DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (21:10:05.874) - MainThread (5944): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED INFO - core.main (21:10:05.953) - MainThread (5944): Windows version: Windows 11 23H2 (10.0.22631) workstation AMD64 INFO - core.main (21:10:05.953) - MainThread (5944): Using Python version 3.11.6 (tags/v3.11.6:8b6ee5b, Oct 2 2023, 14:40:55) [MSC v.1935 32 bit (Intel)] INFO - core.main (21:10:05.954) - MainThread (5944): Using comtypes version 1.2.0 INFO - core.main (21:10:05.954) - MainThread (5944): Using configobj version 5.1.0 with validate version 1.0.1 DEBUG - core.main (21:10:05.954) - MainThread (5944): Initializing add-ons system DEBUG - addonStore.dataManager.initialize (21:10:06.034) - MainThread (5944): initializing addonStore data manager DEBUG - addonHandler.AddonsState.load (21:10:06.039) - MainThread (5944): BACK_COMPAT_TO API version for manual compatibility overrides has changed. NVDA API has been upgraded: from 2023.1.0 to (2024, 1, 0) DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (21:10:06.039) - MainThread (5944): Listing add-ons from C:\nvda4\userConfig\addons DEBUG - core.main (21:10:06.039) - MainThread (5944): Initializing appModule Handler DEBUG - core.main (21:10:06.039) - MainThread (5944): initializing background i/o DEBUG - core.main (21:10:06.039) - MainThread (5944): Initializing background braille display detection DEBUG - core.main (21:10:06.079) - MainThread (5944): Initializing tones DEBUG - core.main (21:10:06.090) - MainThread (5944): Speech Dictionary processing DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (21:10:06.090) - MainThread (5944): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\nvda4\userConfig\speechDicts\default.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (21:10:06.090) - MainThread (5944): 1 loaded records. DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (21:10:06.090) - MainThread (5944): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\nvda4\builtin.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (21:10:06.090) - MainThread (5944): 3 loaded records. DEBUG - core.main (21:10:06.090) - MainThread (5944): Initializing speech DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (21:10:06.090) - MainThread (5944): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy. DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (21:10:06.239) - MainThread (5944): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\nvda4\userConfig\speechDicts\voiceDicts.v1\sapi5\sapi5-Mikropuhe 5.4 32b - Petteri 4.2.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (21:10:06.239) - MainThread (5944): 1 loaded records. DEBUG - synthDriverHandler.SynthDriver.loadSettings (21:10:06.239) - MainThread (5944): Loaded settings for SynthDriver sapi5 INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (21:10:06.239) - MainThread (5944): Loaded synthDriver sapi5 DEBUG - speech.sayAll.initialize (21:10:06.239) - MainThread (5944): Initializing sayAllHandler DEBUG - core.main (21:10:06.244) - MainThread (5944): Initializing MathPlayer WARNING - mathPres.initialize (21:10:06.289) - MainThread (5944): MathPlayer 4 not available DEBUGWARNING - core.main (21:10:06.289) - MainThread (5944): Slow starting core (10.58 sec) IO - speech.speech.speak (21:10:06.289) - MainThread (5944): Speaking ['Loading NVDA. Please wait...'] DEBUGWARNING - characterProcessing._getSpeechSymbolsForLocale (21:10:06.289) - MainThread (5944): No CLDR data for locale fi_FI DEBUGWARNING - characterProcessing._getSpeechSymbolsForLocale (21:10:06.289) - MainThread (5944): No symbol data for locale fi_FI INFO - core.main (21:10:06.389) - MainThread (5944): Using wx version 4.2.1 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets with six version 1.16.0 DEBUG - core.main (21:10:06.389) - MainThread (5944): Initializing braille input INFO - brailleInput.initialize (21:10:06.389) - MainThread (5944): Braille input initialized DEBUG - core.main (21:10:06.389) - MainThread (5944): Initializing braille INFO - braille.initialize (21:10:06.389) - MainThread (5944): Using liblouis version 3.26.0 INFO - braille.initialize (21:10:06.389) - MainThread (5944): Using pySerial version 3.5 DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (21:10:06.389) - MainThread (5944): registering pre_configSave action: <class 'brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver'> INFO - brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver.connectUSB (21:10:06.461) - MainThread (5944): connectUSB success INFO - brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver.init (21:10:06.514) - MainThread (5944): Found EL80c DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (21:10:06.519) - MainThread (5944): loading braille papenmeier INFO - braille.BrailleHandler._setDisplay (21:10:06.519) - MainThread (5944): Loaded braille display driver 'papenmeier', current display has 80 cells. DEBUG - core.main (21:10:06.519) - MainThread (5944): Initializing vision DEBUG - core.main (21:10:06.519) - MainThread (5944): Initializing displayModel DEBUG - core.main (21:10:06.519) - MainThread (5944): Initializing GUI DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (21:10:06.540) - MainThread (5944): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy.

lukaszgo1 commented 9 months ago

Okay, so this regressed in #14888. What happens if you'll try to set 'Use enhanced event processing (requires restart)' to 'Disabled' in advanced settings and restart with the Mikropuhe synthesizer? Also how is NVDA behaving when started with eSpeak, and then synthesizer is switched to Mikropuhe during usage? FYI: @michaelDCurran as this regressed with your PR.

michaelDCurran commented 9 months ago

Can someone please provide a direct link to download the synthesizer? Technical: My first guess is that the synthesizer quickly produces a UI (or an invisible UI) on startup, which causes UI Automation events to be fired. If the core was very busy starting, It might be possible for the event limitor thread to fill with thousands of events, slowing down event queuing. But this surely would have always been a problem in that scenario. Another possibility is that somehow the event limitor flusher thread through emmitting an event, causes NvDA to call an API function that some how pumps the Windows UIA core to cause some UI Automation events to be executed directly within the flusher event thread. This scenario I would think is fine, but I never specifically tested re-entrancy like that. the flusher thread only acquires locks to swap in the current state of the event queue. The actual iterating over and emitting is done deliberately outside of any locks.
I will only be able to investigate more if I can run NVDA with that synthesizer and reproduce the issue.

irrah68 commented 9 months ago

Okay, so this regressed in #14888. What happens if you'll try to set 'Use enhanced event processing (requires restart)' to 'Disabled' in advanced settings and restart with the Mikropuhe synthesizer?

It didn't make a difference. The first start succeeded but the second one caused the same situation as before.

Also how is NVDA behaving when started with eSpeak, and then synthesizer is switched to Mikropuhe during usage?

Unfortunately, when I changed to eSpeak and saved settings and then restarted NVDA with eSpeak, I got the same error situation. This is interesting and strange. It seems that Mikropuhe is not the onlly source of problems but it has a significant role in it.

It is also possible, that the problem happens only in my system.

Here is the log file when eSpeak was in use.

DEBUG - main (09:38:09.005) - MainThread (460): Provided arguments: ['--debug-logging'] INFO - main (09:38:09.005) - MainThread (460): Starting NVDA version alpha-30080,dd8a44cf DEBUG - main (09:38:09.005) - MainThread (460): Debug level logging enabled DEBUG - easeOfAccess.isRegistered (09:38:09.009) - MainThread (460): Unable to find AT registry key DEBUG - core.main (09:38:09.023) - MainThread (460): Core starting DEBUG - config.getInstalledUserConfigPath (09:38:09.023) - MainThread (460): Could not find nvda registry key, NVDA is not currently installed INFO - core.main (09:38:09.023) - MainThread (460): Config dir: C:\nvda4\userConfig DEBUG - core.main (09:38:09.023) - MainThread (460): loading config INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (09:38:09.032) - MainThread (460): Loading config: C:\nvda4\userConfig\nvda.ini DEBUG - config.profileUpgrader.upgrade (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Current config schema version: 11, latest: 11 DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: ReviewRoutingMovesSystemCaretFlag, behaviorOfDefault: NEVER DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Validating feature flag: ALWAYS, optionsEnum: ReviewRoutingMovesSystemCaretFlag, behaviorOfDefault: NEVER DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Validating feature flag: DISABLED, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: ParagraphNavigationFlag, behaviorOfDefault: APPLICATION DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Validating feature flag: SINGLE_LINE_BREAK, optionsEnum: ParagraphNavigationFlag, behaviorOfDefault: APPLICATION DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Validating feature flag: DISABLED, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: WindowsTerminalStrategyFlag, behaviorOfDefault: DIFFING DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: WindowsTerminalStrategyFlag, behaviorOfDefault: DIFFING DEBUG - fileUtils.FaultTolerantFile (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): C:\nvda4\userConfig\nvda.iniws0w1owg.tmp INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Config loaded (after upgrade, and in the state it will be used by NVDA): {'schemaVersion': '11', 'upgrade': {}, 'update': {'autoCheck': 'False', 'startupNotification': 'False', 'allowUsageStats': 'False', 'askedAllowUsageStats': 'True'}, 'general': {'language': 'en', 'saveConfigurationOnExit': 'False', 'askToExit': 'False', 'playStartAndExitSounds': 'True', 'loggingLevel': 'OFF', 'showWelcomeDialogAtStartup': 'False'}, 'speech': {'synth': 'espeak', 'outputDevice': 'Microsoft Sound Mapper', 'autoLanguageSwitching': 'False', 'symbolLevel': '300', 'autoDialectSwitching': 'False', 'trustVoiceLanguage': 'True', 'includeCLDR': 'True', 'delayedCharacterDescriptions': 'False', 'excludedSpeechModes': ['1'], 'espeak': {'voice': 'fi', 'variant': 'max', 'rate': '30', 'pitch': '40', 'inflection': '75', 'volume': '100', 'rateBoost': 'False', 'capPitchChange': '30', 'sayCapForCapitals': 'False', 'beepForCapitals': 'False', 'useSpellingFunctionality': 'True'}, 'sapi5': {'voice': 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech\Voices\Tokens\MPPetteri 4.2', 'rate': '85', 'volume': '100', 'pitch': '45', 'capPitchChange': '10', 'sayCapForCapitals': 'False', 'beepForCapitals': 'False', 'useSpellingFunctionality': 'True'}, 'sapi4': {'voice': '{FC581A6E-B649-4A4A-ACE1-69D5EC71DD60}', 'pitch': '14', 'volume': '100', 'rate': '85'}, 'oneCore': {'voice': 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech_OneCore\Voices\Tokens\MSTTS_V110_fiFI_Heidi', 'rate': '50', 'rateBoost': 'False', 'pitch': '45', 'volume': '100', 'capPitchChange': '30', 'sayCapForCapitals': 'False', 'beepForCapitals': 'False', 'useSpellingFunctionality': 'True'}}, 'braille': {'display': 'papenmeier', 'translationTable': 'fi-fi-8dot.ctb', 'inputTable': 'fi-fi-8dot.ctb', 'tetherTo': 'review', 'focusContextPresentation': 'scroll', 'showMessages': '0', 'routingReviewRoutesSystemCaret': 'ENABLED', 'messageTimeout': '5', 'showSelection': 'DISABLED', 'routeReviewCursorAndSystemCaret': 'ENABLED', 'routeSystemCaretAlongWithReviewCursor': 'ENABLED', 'reviewRoutingMovesSystemCaret': 'ALWAYS', 'expandAtCursor': 'True', 'showCursor': 'True', 'cursorBlink': 'True', 'cursorBlinkRate': '500', 'cursorShapeFocus': '192', 'cursorShapeReview': '128', 'readByParagraph': 'False', 'wordWrap': 'True', 'noBraille': {'port': ''}, 'brltty': {}, 'auto': {}, 'papenmeier': {}, 'albatross': {'port': 'COM3'}}, 'keyboard': {'alertForSpellingErrors': 'False', 'allowSkimReadingInSayAll': 'True', 'keyboardLayout': 'desktop', 'NVDAModifierKeys': '6', 'speakTypedCharacters': 'True', 'speakTypedWords': 'False', 'speechInterruptForCharacters': 'True', 'speechInterruptForEnter': 'True', 'beepForLowercaseWithCapslock': 'True', 'speakCommandKeys': 'False', 'handleInjectedKeys': 'True'}, 'presentation': {'reportTooltips': 'False', 'reportHelpBalloons': 'True', 'reportKeyboardShortcuts': 'True', 'reportObjectPositionInformation': 'True', 'guessObjectPositionInformationWhenUnavailable': 'False', 'reportObjectDescriptions': 'True', 'reportDynamicContentChanges': 'True', 'reportAutoSuggestionsWithSound': 'True', 'progressBarUpdates': {'reportBackgroundProgressBars': 'False', 'progressBarOutputMode': 'beep'}}, 'virtualBuffers': {'useScreenLayout': 'False', 'autoSayAllOnPageLoad': 'False', 'autoPassThroughOnFocusChange': 'False', 'maxLineLength': '250', 'linesPerPage': '25', 'enableOnPageLoad': 'True', 'autoPassThroughOnCaretMove': 'False', 'passThroughAudioIndication': 'True', 'trapNonCommandGestures': 'True', 'autoFocusFocusableElements': 'False'}, 'documentFormatting': {'reportSpellingErrors': 'False', 'reportLists': 'False', 'reportClickable': 'False', 'reportTableHeaders': '0', 'reportTableCellCoords': 'False', 'reportTables': 'False', 'reportGroupings': 'False', 'reportGraphics': 'False', 'reportArticles': 'True', 'reportFrames': 'True', 'autoLanguageSwitching': 'False', 'includeLayoutTables': 'False', 'detectFormatAfterCursor': 'False', 'reportFontName': 'False', 'reportFontSize': 'False', 'reportFontAttributes': 'False', 'reportSuperscriptsAndSubscripts': 'False', 'reportColor': 'False', 'reportComments': 'True', 'reportBookmarks': 'True', 'reportRevisions': 'True', 'reportEmphasis': 'False', 'reportHighlight': 'True', 'reportAlignment': 'False', 'reportStyle': 'False', 'reportPage': 'True', 'reportLineNumber': 'False', 'reportLineIndentation': '0', 'reportParagraphIndentation': 'False', 'reportLineSpacing': 'False', 'reportCellBorders': '0', 'reportLinks': 'True', 'reportHeadings': 'True', 'reportBlockQuotes': 'True', 'reportLandmarks': 'True', 'ignoreBlankLinesForRLI': 'False', 'reportTransparentColor': 'False'}, 'brailleExtender': {'lastCheckUpdate': '1557416939.04', 'lastNVDAVersion': '2020.4', 'autoCheckUpdate': 'False', 'attributes': {'invalid-spelling': 'none', 'bold': 'none'}}, 'development': {'enableScratchpadDir': 'False'}, 'vision': {'NVDAHighlighter': {'highlightFocus': 'False', 'highlightNavigator': 'False', 'highlightBrowseMode': 'False'}, 'screenCurtain': {'warnOnLoad': 'True', 'playToggleSounds': 'True'}}, 'reviewCursor': {'followCaret': 'True', 'followFocus': 'True', 'followMouse': 'False', 'simpleReviewMode': 'True'}, 'brailleViewer': {'showBrailleViewerAtStartup': 'False', 'x': '50', 'y': '50', 'displays': ['(1280, 960)'], 'autoPositionWindow': 'False'}, 'documentNavigation': {'paragraphStyle': 'SINGLE_LINE_BREAK'}, 'mouse': {'reportMouseShapeChanges': 'False', 'enableMouseTracking': 'True', 'mouseTextUnit': 'paragraph', 'reportObjectRoleOnMouseEnter': 'False', 'audioCoordinatesOnMouseMove': 'False', 'audioCoordinates_detectBrightness': 'False', 'ignoreInjectedMouseInput': 'False'}, 'inputComposition': {'autoReportAllCandidates': 'True', 'announceSelectedCandidate': 'True', 'alwaysIncludeShortCharacterDescriptionInCandidateName': 'True', 'reportReadingStringChanges': 'True', 'reportCompositionStringChanges': 'True'}, 'tesseractOCR': {'language': 'fin+eng', 'docType': '1', 'askPassword': 'False', 'device': 'No scanner found', 'dpi': '300'}, 'addonStore': {'showWarning': 'False'}, 'audio': {'soundVolumeFollowsVoice': 'False', 'soundVolume': '100'}, 'uwpOcr': {'language': 'en-US', 'autoRefresh': 'False'}, 'UIA': {'eventRegistration': 'auto', 'allowInMSWord': '0', 'useInMSExcelWhenAvailable': 'False', 'winConsoleImplementation': 'auto', 'allowInChromium': '0', 'enhancedEventProcessing': 'DISABLED'}, 'featureFlag': {'cancelExpiredFocusSpeech': '0', 'playErrorSound': '0'}, 'terminals': {'speakPasswords': 'False', 'keyboardSupportInLegacy': 'True', 'diffAlgo': 'auto'}, 'editableText': {'caretMoveTimeoutMs': '100'}, 'annotations': {'reportDetails': 'True', 'reportAriaDescription': 'True'}, 'debugLog': {'hwIo': 'False', 'MSAA': 'False', 'UIA': 'False', 'audioDucking': 'False', 'gui': 'False', 'louis': 'False', 'timeSinceInput': 'False', 'vision': 'False', 'speech': 'False', 'speechManager': 'False', 'synthDriver': 'False', 'nvwave': 'False', 'annotations': 'False', 'events': 'False', 'garbageHandler': 'False'}} DEBUG - core.main (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): setting language to en DEBUG - languageHandler.setLocale (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): Win32 locale string from locale code is English_United States.1252 DEBUG - languageHandler._setPythonLocale (09:38:09.037) - MainThread (460): set python locale to English_United States.1252 DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (09:38:09.116) - MainThread (460): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy. DEBUG - core.main (09:38:09.131) - MainThread (460): Initializing NVDAHelper DEBUG - NVDAHelper._RemoteLoader.init (09:38:19.138) - MainThread (460): Starting C:\nvda4\lib64\alpha-30080,dd8a44cf\nvdaHelperRemoteLoader.exe DEBUG - core.main (09:38:19.138) - MainThread (460): initializing nvwave DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (09:38:19.138) - MainThread (460): Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: BoolFlag, behaviorOfDefault: ENABLED INFO - core.main (09:38:19.210) - MainThread (460): Windows version: Windows 11 23H2 (10.0.22631) workstation AMD64 INFO - core.main (09:38:19.210) - MainThread (460): Using Python version 3.11.6 (tags/v3.11.6:8b6ee5b, Oct 2 2023, 14:40:55) [MSC v.1935 32 bit (Intel)] INFO - core.main (09:38:19.210) - MainThread (460): Using comtypes version 1.2.0 INFO - core.main (09:38:19.210) - MainThread (460): Using configobj version 5.1.0 with validate version 1.0.1 DEBUG - core.main (09:38:19.210) - MainThread (460): Initializing add-ons system DEBUG - addonStore.dataManager.initialize (09:38:19.295) - MainThread (460): initializing addonStore data manager DEBUG - addonHandler.AddonsState.load (09:38:19.312) - MainThread (460): BACK_COMPAT_TO API version for manual compatibility overrides has changed. NVDA API has been upgraded: from 2023.1.0 to (2024, 1, 0) DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (09:38:19.312) - MainThread (460): Listing add-ons from C:\nvda4\userConfig\addons DEBUG - core.main (09:38:19.312) - MainThread (460): Initializing appModule Handler DEBUG - core.main (09:38:19.312) - MainThread (460): initializing background i/o DEBUG - core.main (09:38:19.312) - MainThread (460): Initializing background braille display detection DEBUG - core.main (09:38:19.352) - MainThread (460): Initializing tones DEBUG - core.main (09:38:19.361) - MainThread (460): Speech Dictionary processing DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (09:38:19.361) - MainThread (460): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\nvda4\userConfig\speechDicts\default.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (09:38:19.361) - MainThread (460): 1 loaded records. DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (09:38:19.361) - MainThread (460): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\nvda4\builtin.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (09:38:19.361) - MainThread (460): 3 loaded records. DEBUG - core.main (09:38:19.361) - MainThread (460): Initializing speech DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (09:38:19.386) - MainThread (460): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy. INFO - synthDrivers.espeak.SynthDriver.init (09:38:19.396) - MainThread (460): Using eSpeak NG version 1.52-dev 530bf0ab DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (09:38:19.454) - MainThread (460): Loading speech dictionary 'C:\nvda4\userConfig\speechDicts\voiceDicts.v1\espeak\espeak-Finnish.dic'... DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (09:38:19.454) - MainThread (460): file 'C:\nvda4\userConfig\speechDicts\voiceDicts.v1\espeak\espeak-Finnish.dic' not found. DEBUG - synthDriverHandler.SynthDriver.loadSettings (09:38:19.454) - MainThread (460): Loaded settings for SynthDriver espeak INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (09:38:19.454) - MainThread (460): Loaded synthDriver espeak DEBUG - speech.sayAll.initialize (09:38:19.454) - MainThread (460): Initializing sayAllHandler DEBUG - core.main (09:38:19.461) - MainThread (460): Initializing MathPlayer WARNING - mathPres.initialize (09:38:19.466) - MainThread (460): MathPlayer 4 not available DEBUGWARNING - core.main (09:38:19.466) - MainThread (460): Slow starting core (10.50 sec) IO - speech.speech.speak (09:38:19.466) - MainThread (460): Speaking ['Loading NVDA. Please wait...'] INFO - core.main (09:38:19.546) - MainThread (460): Using wx version 4.2.1 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets with six version 1.16.0 DEBUG - core.main (09:38:19.549) - MainThread (460): Initializing braille input INFO - brailleInput.initialize (09:38:19.549) - MainThread (460): Braille input initialized DEBUG - core.main (09:38:19.549) - MainThread (460): Initializing braille INFO - braille.initialize (09:38:19.549) - MainThread (460): Using liblouis version 3.26.0 INFO - braille.initialize (09:38:19.549) - MainThread (460): Using pySerial version 3.5 DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (09:38:19.549) - MainThread (460): registering pre_configSave action: <class 'brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver'> INFO - brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver.connectUSB (09:38:19.612) - MainThread (460): connectUSB success INFO - brailleDisplayDrivers.papenmeier.BrailleDisplayDriver.init (09:38:19.666) - MainThread (460): Found EL80c DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (09:38:19.671) - MainThread (460): loading braille papenmeier INFO - braille.BrailleHandler._setDisplay (09:38:19.671) - MainThread (460): Loaded braille display driver 'papenmeier', current display has 80 cells. DEBUG - core.main (09:38:19.671) - MainThread (460): Initializing vision DEBUG - core.main (09:38:19.671) - MainThread (460): Initializing displayModel DEBUG - core.main (09:38:19.671) - MainThread (460): Initializing GUI DEBUG - config.isInstalledCopy (09:38:19.681) - MainThread (460): Unable to find isInstalledCopy registry key RegistryKey.INSTALLED_COPY- this is not an installed copy.

irrah68 commented 9 months ago

Can someone please provide a direct link to download the synthesizer?


Hopefully you can test it, although it speaks only in Finnish.

irrah68 commented 9 months ago

I noticed that when I quit NVDA there is still one NVDA process running. I closed NVDA, started JAWS and checked from Taskmanager. There was a NVDA process and text saying something like this: NVDA application, no UI Access. I tested this in Alpha-30080,dd8a44cf and in 2024.1.beta5.

When I killed the NVDA process, closed JAWS and started NVDA, everything worked correctly. I got NVDA running without any problems. Then I finished NVDA, started JAWS, killed the NVDA process and repeated the same. Again everything was OK. All this happened when using Mikropuhe 5.4 speech synthesizer. With another synthesizer, i.e. eSpeak or Windows OneCore Voices, NVDA was finished correctly and there was not a NVDA process left when I started JAWS and Taskmanager.

Perhaps there is something wrong between NVDA and Mikropuhe when finishing NVDA. All the processes are not finished when Mikropuhe 5.4 is in use.

hwf1324 commented 9 months ago

Hi, although perhaps unrelated, could you try 2023.1?

This might also lead to #15920.

Adriani90 commented 9 months ago

If 2023.1 works, this regression might also have been introduced by #14759.

lukaszgo1 commented 9 months ago

It has been already established that this regressed in #14888 so I see no point in re-testing.

hwf1324 commented 9 months ago

I would like to know if the situation in the description of #15920 occurs for running NVDA instances when more than one nvda.exe exists at the same time?

If so, then perhaps we should consider how to reliably destroy old processes of NVDA if the cause of this is different?

josephsl commented 9 months ago


Doing some Git bisect work with the speech synthesizer installed.

Based on latest notes from the original poster, I begin to suspect that this could be a combination of NVDA Core regression and the synthesizer. #14888 could be at fault here, or it could be something going on with other commits in that alpha build (speech on demand, WDAG support, eSpeak NG update, Braillex driver fix, UIA event limiting).

The steps I took were:

  1. Install the speech synthesizer (shows up as SAPI5 synth after installation).
  2. From Ubuntu (I'm using WSL), checkout latest master commit.
  3. Mark the comit as bad (git bisect start, then git bisect bad)
  4. Checkout 2023.3 release (git checkout release-2023.3).
  5. Mark the just checked out commit as good (git bisect good).
  6. For each commit shown, do git submodule update --init, compile NVDA from source (scons source, or in my case, cmd.exe /c scons source), then build the launcher (scons luancher).
  7. Run the resulting launcher executable with the speech synthesizer.
  8. You can choose to create portable copy.
  9. If the portable copy was created, run the just created portable copy, noting down steps from the original poster.
  10. Quit the portable copy.
  11. Launch Narrator (or any other screen reader), open Task Manager, expand it (if it only shows fewer details such as apps only), go to details tab, and make sure processes related to NVDA are not present.
  12. If NVDA processes are not shown, mark the commit as good (git bisect good), otherwise kil NVDA process(es) then mark the commit as bad (git bisect bad).
  13. Repeat steps 6 through 12 until the first bad commit is determined.

For best replication results, run the portable copy with add-ons disabled and log level set to debug. Depending on the compilation speed, it will take from several minutes to an hour to perform all of these steps from start to end (from marking current master branch as bad commit to ultimately locating the first bad commit). Once all finished, be sure to reset git bisect. This is just the first stage of debugging this issue - other stages depend on willingness from the speech synthesizer vendor to cooperate with NVDA project to figure out what's going on (this is a bit complicated if binary debugging must be done if the synthesizer source is closed or unavailable). If the issue has to do with the synthesizer, perhaps this should be resolved from the vendor side; if it is indeed something going on with NVDA, perhaps running the portable NVDA alpha with enhanced UIA event processing turned off could be one possible solution unless it is something else or turning this feature off does not solve this; another possibility is Windows API issue - if the UI must be created as specified by SAPI (unlikely but possible).

I ran the process on a Windows 11 23H2 system (technically, build 22635/beta).


irrah68 commented 9 months ago

2023.3.1 works. There is not a NVDA process running after closing the program. I also tested the latest working alpha version, alpha-30035,709c3d9c, and it was OK. The first alpha not working correctly is alpha-30080,dd8a44cf. I wrote about this earlier and the situation is the same. There is a NVDA process running after I close the program. It must be killed in the Task Manager. And ofcourse this is also true with 2024.1beta5.

michaelDCurran commented 8 months ago

@irrah68 Here is a try build of NVDA with pr #14888 completely reverted: https://nvaccesslimited-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/mick_nvaccesslimited_onmicrosoft_com/EcXhkR6hBitCtoE0tDNOjsUBmFkFmOqBMscDXTyaHh4L4A?e=YSSyWE Please try running this as a portable version and see if you can still reproduce the issue. When testing, please ensure you use it for a while, including rebooting and only using this particular build several times, as the issue lays with the copy of NVDA previously exited, not the one that then fails to fully start.

zstanecic commented 8 months ago

Hi Mick,

I cannot reproduce with both reverted the Pr and the state when this is not reverted.

From: Michael Curran @.> Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2024 9:00 AM To: nvaccess/nvda @.> Cc: Subscribed @.***> Subject: Re: [nvaccess/nvda] Portable version of NVDA starts very slowly and is unusable (Issue #16072)

@irrah68 https://github.com/irrah68 Here is a try build of NVDA with pr #14888 https://github.com/nvaccess/nvda/pull/14888 completely reverted: https://nvaccesslimited-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/mick_nvaccesslimited_onmicrosoft_com/EcXhkR6hBitCtoE0tDNOjsUBmFkFmOqBMscDXTyaHh4L4A?e=YSSyWE https://nvaccesslimited-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/mick_nvaccesslimited_onmicrosoft_com/EcXhkR6hBitCtoE0tDNOjsUBmFkFmOqBMscDXTyaHh4L4A?e=YSSyWE Please try running this as a portable version and see if you can still reproduce the issue. When testing, please ensure you use it for a while, including rebooting and only using this particular build several times, as the issue lays with the copy of NVDA previously exited, not the one that then fails to fully start.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/nvaccess/nvda/issues/16072#issuecomment-1945536382 , or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ACVCDE6HX73VXF6WL32BY2LYTW56LAVCNFSM6AAAAABCDBGZSCVHI2DSMVQWIX3LMV43OSLTON2WKQ3PNVWWK3TUHMYTSNBVGUZTMMZYGI . You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. https://github.com/notifications/beacon/ACVCDE2B3WCEBARDQD3NB3TYTW56LA5CNFSM6AAAAABCDBGZSCWGG33NNVSW45C7OR4XAZNMJFZXG5LFINXW23LFNZ2KUY3PNVWWK3TUL5UWJTTT62DX4.gif Message ID: @. @.> >

hwf1324 commented 8 months ago

@irrah68 Here is a try build of NVDA with pr #14888 completely reverted: https://nvaccesslimited-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/mick_nvaccesslimited_onmicrosoft_com/EcXhkR6hBitCtoE0tDNOjsUBmFkFmOqBMscDXTyaHh4L4A?e=YSSyWE Please try running this as a portable version and see if you can still reproduce the issue. When testing, please ensure you use it for a while, including rebooting and only using this particular build several times, as the issue lays with the copy of NVDA previously exited, not the one that then fails to fully start.

My test, after exiting NVDA, this version does not leave nvda.exe behind.

irrah68 commented 8 months ago

Thanks @michaelDCurran for your test version. Good news! I started and finished try-revert_pr14888-31051,47d2a442 tens of times and didn't have any problems. NVDA worked correctly on every session. I used Firefox etc., started and finished NVDA, rebooted and so on... Ofcourse I used NVDA as a portable version. It worked all the time as expected.

lukaszgo1 commented 8 months ago

@irrah68 Is this indeed fixed for you with the latest Alpha version of NVDA?

irrah68 commented 8 months ago

@irrah68 Is this indeed fixed for you with the latest Alpha version of NVDA?

Unfortunately the latest alpha doesn't fix the problem. I started NVDA, finished and then triet to start again. The problem seems to be that the NVDA process is left in the Task Manager after closing NVDA. I killed the process and then started NVDA. Sometimes I succeeded, sometimes not. There were also problems with Explorer. I had to boot many times because it was not possible to start JAWS or do anything with the keyboard. Perhaps this has something to do with the issue concerning Explorer crashes.

irrah68 commented 8 months ago

Sorry, it doesn't seem to be an Explorer problem as I wrote in my previous message. I tested some more. I started and finished NVDA, but after every attempt I started JAWS and checkd from Task Manager. There was always a NVDA process, which I then killed. This way I managed to start and stop NVDA without problems. There should not be any NVDA processes running when NVDA is closed, but very often there is atleast one process which has to be killed before next start of NVDA.

michaelDCurran commented 8 months ago


Just confirming that you have no add-ons installed when you are making these tests?

Also, if you can get this to happen again, before killing nvda in task manager, could you please create a memory dump file of the process (you can do this from the context menu in task manager), and share this file with me some how? The file may be quite large. If you don't have a suitable way of file sharing, I'm happy to look into other options of how you can get the file to me.

Message ID: @.***>

irrah68 commented 8 months ago

Currently I don't have any add-ons installed. @michaelDCurran, where should I send a Dropbox link of the nvda.dmp file?

michaelDCurran commented 8 months ago

@irrah68 you can send to me at @.***`.


Message ID: @.***>

irrah68 commented 8 months ago

@michaelDCurran, I got only Github addresses from your message and some * characters? I use PC Alpine for reading emails. I read some headers but didn't find your e-mail adress or any other than those referring to this site.

michaelDCurran commented 8 months ago

My email address is:

mick at nvaccess dot org

Message ID: @.***>

michaelDCurran commented 8 months ago

@irrah68 Thank you for the memory dump - it proved extremely helpful. I was able to identify and address that particular issue. See pr #16222.

here is another try build for you to test please: https://nvaccesslimited-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/mick_nvaccesslimited_onmicrosoft_com/EcNZUh2J5tlHk7VUToC7NrwBkSfD9dCQwo_CyteztHZUtQ?e=ITb0Cz

The try build is based on alpha but also contains the fix from pr #16222.

If your thorough testing of this build still results in hanging after NVDA exit, please provide a new memory dump file as it may show up further similar issues currently hidden by the one I just fixed. However, I'm hopeful that this one was the primary cause.

irrah68 commented 8 months ago

@michaelDCurran thanks for the latest test build nvda_snapshot_try-i16072-31171,7bdf4ad9.exe. I tested 50 times by starting and finishin the program, and everything worked perfectly. There wasn't any NVDA processes left in the Task Manager after closing NVDA. I think this is now fixed.