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NVDA does not allow for navigation within the misspelled word area of spell checker in outlook 2010 #4463

Open nvaccessAuto opened 10 years ago

nvaccessAuto commented 10 years ago

Reported by Xonic on 2014-09-16 12:12 When the spell checker of Outlook 2010 is activated by using f7, NVDA does not allow a user to navigate through the misspelled word and surrounding text.

Steps to recreate:

  1. Load NVDA and outlook 2010.
  2. Compose a new email in outlook 2010. In the message field, write a misspelled word, for example cattt
  3. Press the f7 key to open the spell checker. NVDA should announce the misspelled word and when the tab key is pressed, NVDA should read out the suggestions. However, it is also possible to edit the misspelled word to correct it yourself without suggestions. this area can be navigated via the arrow keys and can be reached by pressing the shift and tab keys once in the suggestion list, or by simply staying where you are once the f7 key is pressed.

    NVDA announces carrage return, each time the left or right arrow is pressed, and blank, each time the up and down arrows are pressed, rather than the letters of the misspelled word.

Please note, this behavior does not occur in MS word 2010.

LeonarddeR commented 7 years ago

I wonder whether this is also reproducible in Word, which makes this a part of #3482.

bhavyashah commented 6 years ago

In response to @leonardder's https://github.com/nvaccess/nvda/issues/4463#issuecomment-317191095: The last line of the ticket body explicitly states that the reported issue is not experienced in Word 2010. Interestingly enough, this is not true according to my brief testing with the Spelling and Grammar dialog in Word 2010 using NVDA 2017.3 on a Windows 8.1 system. I am able to reproduce the reported issues of navigation in described editable area of said dialog, but quite inconsistently. NVDA verbalizes navigation most of the times, but in some cases, arrowing around causes NVDA to repeat only one character or just carriage returned. Below is a relevant log snippet of a time when this issue was reproducible and NVDA only repeated "t" in "cattt" when I arrowed left and right in the Not In Dictionary area of the dialog: Input: kb(laptop):rightArrow DEBUG - editableText.EditableText._hasCaretMoved (12:03:34.719): Caret didn't move before timeout. Elapsed: 100 ms IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (12:03:34.733): Speaking character u't' DEBUG - queueHandler.registerGeneratorObject (12:03:34.733): Adding generator 22369 DEBUG - queueHandler.pumpAll (12:03:34.750): generator 22369 finished

Adriani90 commented 5 years ago

@Xonic, @bhavyashah are you still able to reproduce the issue?

Adriani90 commented 5 years ago

I cannot reproduce the issue in Outlook 2016.

Adriani90 commented 5 years ago

But I can reproduce it in Outlook 2010. Here is part of the log file after pressing f7:

IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:46:45.401):
Input: kb(laptop):f7
IO - speech.speak (14:46:45.887):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand (u'de'), u'Rechtschreibung und Grammatik: Deutsch (Deutschland)  Dialogfeld  Nicht im W\xf6rterbuch:']
DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.window.winword.WordDocument_WwN._get_WinwordWindowObject (14:46:45.901):
Unable to get activePane
IO - speech.speak (14:46:45.901):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand (u'de'), u'Nicht im W\xf6rterbuch:  Eingabefeld']
IO - speech.speak (14:46:45.901):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand (u'de'), u'Hello']
IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (14:46:45.901):
Speaking character u'H'
IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (14:46:45.901):
Speaking character u'e'
IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (14:46:45.901):
Speaking character u'l'
IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (14:46:45.901):
Speaking character u'l'
IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (14:46:45.901):
Speaking character u'o'
DEBUG - queueHandler.registerGeneratorObject (14:46:45.901):
Adding generator 587
DEBUG - queueHandler.pumpAll (14:46:45.917):
generator 587 finished
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:46:49.762):
Input: kb(laptop):leftArrow
DEBUG - editableText.EditableText._hasCaretMoved (14:46:49.980):
Caret didn't move before timeout. Elapsed: 100 ms
IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (14:46:49.980):
Speaking character u'H'
DEBUG - queueHandler.registerGeneratorObject (14:46:49.980):
Adding generator 588
DEBUG - queueHandler.pumpAll (14:46:49.996):
generator 588 finished
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:46:50.434):
Input: kb(laptop):rightArrow
DEBUG - editableText.EditableText._hasCaretMoved (14:46:50.621):
Caret didn't move before timeout. Elapsed: 100 ms
IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (14:46:50.621):
Speaking character u'H'
DEBUG - queueHandler.registerGeneratorObject (14:46:50.621):
Adding generator 589
DEBUG - queueHandler.pumpAll (14:46:50.637):
generator 589 finished
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:46:50.934):
Input: kb(laptop):leftArrow
DEBUG - editableText.EditableText._hasCaretMoved (14:46:51.121):
Caret didn't move before timeout. Elapsed: 100 ms
IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (14:46:51.121):
Speaking character u'H'
DEBUG - queueHandler.registerGeneratorObject (14:46:51.121):
Adding generator 590
DEBUG - queueHandler.pumpAll (14:46:51.137):
generator 590 finished
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:46:51.448):
Input: kb(laptop):control+leftArrow
DEBUG - editableText.EditableText._hasCaretMoved (14:46:51.637):
Caret didn't move before timeout. Elapsed: 100 ms

cc: @michaelDCurran

Adriani90 commented 5 years ago

And here is the developer info:

INFO - globalCommands.GlobalCommands.script_navigatorObject_devInfo (14:49:46.358):
Developer info for navigator object:
name: u'Nicht im W\xf6rterbuch:'
isFocusable: True
hasFocus: True
Python object: <NVDAObjects.IAccessible.winword.SpellCheckErrorField object at 0x0AE5A370>
Python class mro: (<class 'NVDAObjects.IAccessible.winword.SpellCheckErrorField'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.IAccessible.IAccessible'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.window.winword.WordDocument_WwN'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.window.winword.WordDocument'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.behaviors.EditableTextWithoutAutoSelectDetection'>, <class 'editableText.EditableTextWithoutAutoSelectDetection'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.behaviors.EditableText'>, <class 'editableText.EditableText'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.window.Window'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.NVDAObject'>, <class 'baseObject.ScriptableObject'>, <class 'baseObject.AutoPropertyObject'>, <type 'object'>)
description: None
location: (578, 383, 361, 79)
value: u'Hello'
appModule: <'outlook' (appName u'outlook', process ID 2692) at address 666dd10>
appModule.productName: u'Microsoft Outlook'
appModule.productVersion: u'14.0.7226.5000'
TextInfo: <class 'NVDAObjects.window.winword.WordDocumentTextInfo'>
windowHandle: 656282
windowClassName: u'_WwN'
windowControlID: 18
windowStyle: 1344274432
windowThreadID: 232
windowText: u''
displayText: u'Hello'
IAccessibleObject: <POINTER(IAccessible) ptr=0x93ec710 at 6663260>
IAccessibleChildID: 0
IAccessible event parameters: windowHandle=656282, objectID=-4, childID=0
IAccessible accName: u'Nicht im W\xf6rterbuch:'
IAccessible accRole: ROLE_SYSTEM_TEXT
IAccessible accDescription: u'Hello'
IAccessible accValue: u'Hello'
Adriani90 commented 5 years ago

In MS Word and MS Excel 2010 this isue is not reproducible. Only in MS Outlook.

Adriani90 commented 5 years ago

Testing with NVDA 2017.3. I will test with NVDA 2018.4.1 soon.

Adriani90 commented 5 years ago

Testing with last Alpha 16557,318aaa5b

the issue is still reproducible in Outlook 2010. I get following in the log:

IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:34:24.855):
Input: kb(laptop):f7
ERROR - baseObject.ScriptableObject.bindGestures (21:34:25.174):
Error binding script caret_changeSelection in <NVDAObjects.IAccessible.winword.SpellCheckErrorField object at 0x059E8310>
ERROR - baseObject.ScriptableObject.bindGestures (21:34:25.190):
Error binding script caret_changeSelection in <NVDAObjects.IAccessible.winword.SpellCheckErrorField object at 0x059E8310>
ERROR - baseObject.ScriptableObject.bindGestures (21:34:25.209):
Error binding script caret_moveByLine in <NVDAObjects.IAccessible.winword.SpellCheckErrorField object at 0x059E8310>
ERROR - baseObject.ScriptableObject.bindGestures (21:34:25.227):
Error binding script caret_moveByLine in <NVDAObjects.IAccessible.winword.SpellCheckErrorField object at 0x059E8310>
ERROR - baseObject.ScriptableObject.bindGestures (21:34:25.244):
Error binding script caret_changeSelection in <NVDAObjects.IAccessible.winword.SpellCheckErrorField object at 0x059E8310>
ERROR - baseObject.ScriptableObject.bindGestures (21:34:25.263):
Error binding script caret_changeSelection in <NVDAObjects.IAccessible.winword.SpellCheckErrorField object at 0x059E8310>
IO - speech.speak (21:34:25.440):
Speaking [u'Spelling and Grammar: English (U.S.)  Dialogfeld  Not in Dictionary:']
DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.window.winword.WordDocument_WwN._get_WinwordWindowObject (21:34:25.454):
Unable to get activePane
IO - speech.speak (21:34:25.463):
Speaking [u'Not in Dictionary:  Eingabefeld']
IO - speech.speak (21:34:25.463):
Speaking [u'Hallole']
IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:34:25.464):
Speaking character u'H'
DEBUG - queueHandler.registerGeneratorObject (21:34:25.464):
Adding generator 1
IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:34:28.230):
Speaking character u'a'
IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:34:28.232):
Speaking character u'l'
IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:34:28.233):
Speaking character u'l'
IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:34:28.234):
Speaking character u'o'
IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:34:28.236):
Speaking character u'l'
IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:34:28.237):
Speaking character u'e'
DEBUG - queueHandler.pumpAll (21:34:28.247):
generator 1 finished
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:34:29.032):
Input: kb(laptop):leftArrow
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:34:29.683):
Input: kb(laptop):rightArrow
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:34:29.862):
Input: kb(laptop):rightArrow
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:34:30.184):
Input: kb(laptop):leftArrow
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:34:30.411):
Input: kb(laptop):tab
IO - speech.speak (21:34:30.538):
Speaking [u'Dictionary language:  Kombinationsfeld  English (U.S.)']
Adriani90 commented 1 year ago

I have to correct myself, in Outlook 2016 the issue is still reproducible with NVDA 2022.3.1. In fact NVDA does not report anything when navigating through the edit field with the misspelled word.

Adriani90 commented 2 months ago

With detialed logging for UIA, events and speech manager enabled, I get following written in the log:

IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (15:26:15.524) - winInputHook (21544):
Input: kb(laptop):shift+tab
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.orderedWinEventLimiter.OrderedWinEventLimiter.flushEvents (15:26:15.524) - MainThread (18812):
Emitting winEvent EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 131276 (Button), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 0, process 4764 (dserui), thread 11092
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.526) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, window 2429162 (bosa_sdm_Mso96), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 3, process 17528 (outlook), thread 6720
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.526) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, window 2429162 (bosa_sdm_Mso96), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 3, process 17528 (outlook), thread 6720
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.527) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, window 2494350 (_WwN), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 0, process 17528 (outlook), thread 6720
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.527) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, window 2494350 (_WwN), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 0, process 17528 (outlook), thread 6720
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.527) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_LOCATIONCHANGE, window 2494350 (_WwN), objectID OBJID_CARET, childID 0, process 17528 (outlook), thread 6720
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.527) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_LOCATIONCHANGE, window 2494350 (_WwN), objectID OBJID_CARET, childID 0, process 17528 (outlook), thread 6720
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.orderedWinEventLimiter.OrderedWinEventLimiter.flushEvents (15:26:15.527) - MainThread (18812):
Emitting winEvent EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, window 2429162 (bosa_sdm_Mso96), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 3, process 17528 (outlook), thread 6720
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.orderedWinEventLimiter.OrderedWinEventLimiter.flushEvents (15:26:15.527) - MainThread (18812):
Emitting winEvent EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, window 2494350 (_WwN), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 0, process 17528 (outlook), thread 6720
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.orderedWinEventLimiter.OrderedWinEventLimiter.flushEvents (15:26:15.528) - MainThread (18812):
Emitting winEvent EVENT_OBJECT_LOCATIONCHANGE, window 2494350 (_WwN), objectID OBJID_CARET, childID 0, process 17528 (outlook), thread 6720
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.processFocusWinEvent (15:26:15.528) - MainThread (18812):
Processing focus winEvent: window 2494350 (_WwN), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 0, process 17528 (outlook), force False
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.processFocusWinEvent (15:26:15.528) - MainThread (18812):
Focus event for child window of MS Office SDM window. Dropping winEvent window 2494350 (_WwN), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 0, process 17528 (outlook), 
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.processFocusWinEvent (15:26:15.528) - MainThread (18812):
Processing focus winEvent: window 2429162 (bosa_sdm_Mso96), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 3, process 17528 (outlook), force False
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.winEventToNVDAEvent (15:26:15.528) - MainThread (18812):
Creating NVDA event from winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, window 2429162 (bosa_sdm_Mso96), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 3, process 17528 (outlook), use cache False
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.winEventToNVDAEvent (15:26:15.528) - MainThread (18812):
winEvent mapped to NVDA event: gainFocus
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler._isUIAWindowHelper (15:26:15.528) - MainThread (18812):
checking window hwnd 0X2510EA of class bosa_sdm_Mso96
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler._isUIAWindowHelper (15:26:15.529) - MainThread (18812):
window does not have UIA server side provider. Treating as non-UIA
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.532) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_LOCATIONCHANGE, window 5441516 (_WwB), objectID OBJID_WINDOW, childID 0, process 17528 (outlook), thread 6720
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.532) - MainThread (18812):
locationChange for something other than the caret. Dropping winEvent EVENT_OBJECT_LOCATIONCHANGE, window 5441516 (_WwB), objectID OBJID_WINDOW, childID 0, process 17528 (outlook), thread 6720
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.IUIAutomationFocusChangedEventHandler_HandleFocusChangedEvent (15:26:15.533) - Dummy-1 (15036):
handleFocusChangedEvent called with element Nicht im Wörterbuch: Bearbeiten with automationID [None], className [None] and frameworkID [None]
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.isNativeUIAElement (15:26:15.534) - Dummy-1 (15036):
checking if is native UIA  element: Nicht im Wörterbuch: Bearbeiten with automationID [None], className [None] and frameworkID [None]
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.getNearestWindowHandle (15:26:15.534) - Dummy-1 (15036):
Locating nearest ancestor windowHandle for element Nicht im Wörterbuch: Bearbeiten with automationID [None], className [None] and frameworkID [None]
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.getNearestWindowHandle (15:26:15.543) - Dummy-1 (15036):
Found ancestor element with valid windowHandle hwnd 0X2510EA of class bosa_sdm_Mso96
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.isUIAWindow (15:26:15.543) - Dummy-1 (15036):
Found cached is UIA window False for hwnd hwnd 0X2510EA of class bosa_sdm_Mso96
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.getNearestWindowHandle (15:26:15.544) - Dummy-1 (15036):
Got previously cached nearest windowHandle of hwnd 0X2510EA of class bosa_sdm_Mso96 for element Nicht im Wörterbuch: Bearbeiten with automationID [None], className [None] and frameworkID [None]
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.isNativeUIAElement (15:26:15.544) - Dummy-1 (15036):
Treating element as non-native
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.IUIAutomationFocusChangedEventHandler_HandleFocusChangedEvent (15:26:15.544) - Dummy-1 (15036):
Ignoring for non native element Nicht im Wörterbuch: Bearbeiten with automationID [None], className [None] and frameworkID [None]
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.IUIAutomationFocusChangedEventHandler_HandleFocusChangedEvent (15:26:15.548) - Dummy-1 (15036):
handleFocusChangedEvent called with element [None] Dokument with automationID 18, className _WwN and frameworkID Win32
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.isNativeUIAElement (15:26:15.548) - Dummy-1 (15036):
checking if is native UIA  element: [None] Dokument with automationID 18, className _WwN and frameworkID Win32
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.getNearestWindowHandle (15:26:15.549) - Dummy-1 (15036):
Locating nearest ancestor windowHandle for element [None] Dokument with automationID 18, className _WwN and frameworkID Win32
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.getNearestWindowHandle (15:26:15.552) - Dummy-1 (15036):
Found ancestor element with valid windowHandle hwnd 0X260F8E of class _WwN
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler._isUIAWindowHelper (15:26:15.552) - Dummy-1 (15036):
checking window hwnd 0X260F8E of class _WwN
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler._isUIAWindowHelper (15:26:15.553) - Dummy-1 (15036):
window has UIA server side provider
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler._isUIAWindowHelper (15:26:15.553) - Dummy-1 (15036):
Treating as UIA
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.isNativeUIAElement (15:26:15.553) - Dummy-1 (15036):
treating element as native due to windowHandle hwnd 0X260F8E of class _WwN. 
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.getNearestWindowHandle (15:26:15.553) - Dummy-1 (15036):
Got previously cached nearest windowHandle of hwnd 0X260F8E of class _WwN for element [None] Dokument with automationID 18, className _WwN and frameworkID Win32
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.IUIAutomationFocusChangedEventHandler_HandleFocusChangedEvent (15:26:15.560) - Dummy-1 (15036):
Created object <NVDAObjects.Dynamic_EditableTextWithAutoSelectDetectionUIAWindowNVDAObject object at 0x0933B390> for element [None] Dokument with automationID 18, className _WwN and frameworkID Win32
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.IUIAutomationFocusChangedEventHandler_HandleFocusChangedEvent (15:26:15.561) - Dummy-1 (15036):
handleFocusChangedEvent: Queuing NVDA gainFocus event for obj <NVDAObjects.Dynamic_EditableTextWithAutoSelectDetectionUIAWindowNVDAObject object at 0x0933B390> 
ERROR - baseObject.ScriptableObject.bindGestures (15:26:15.555) - MainThread (18812):
Error binding script caret_moveByLine in <NVDAObjects.IAccessible.winword.SpellCheckErrorField object at 0x09695270>
ERROR - baseObject.ScriptableObject.bindGestures (15:26:15.564) - MainThread (18812):
Error binding script caret_moveByLine in <NVDAObjects.IAccessible.winword.SpellCheckErrorField object at 0x09695270>
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.winEventToNVDAEvent (15:26:15.573) - MainThread (18812):
Successfully created NVDA event gainFocus for <NVDAObjects.IAccessible.winword.SpellCheckErrorField object at 0x09695270> from winEvent EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, window 2429162 (bosa_sdm_Mso96), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 3, process 17528 (outlook)
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.processGenericWinEvent (15:26:15.573) - MainThread (18812):
Processing generic winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_LOCATIONCHANGE, window 2494350 (_WwN), objectID OBJID_CARET, childID 0, process 17528 (outlook)
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.processGenericWinEvent (15:26:15.573) - MainThread (18812):
handling winEvent as caret event on focus. winEvent window 2494350 (_WwN), objectID OBJID_CARET, childID 0, process 17528 (outlook)
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIA.__init__ (15:26:15.579) - MainThread (18812):
No windowHandle for UIA NvDAObject. Searching UIA element ancestry for nearest windowHandle
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.getNearestWindowHandle (15:26:15.580) - MainThread (18812):
Locating nearest ancestor windowHandle for element Rechtschreibung und Grammatik: Deutsch (Deutschland) Fenster with automationID [None], className bosa_sdm_Mso96 and frameworkID Win32
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.getNearestWindowHandle (15:26:15.582) - MainThread (18812):
Found ancestor element with valid windowHandle hwnd 0X2510EA of class bosa_sdm_Mso96
DEBUG - config.featureFlag._validateConfig_featureFlag (15:26:15.599) - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThread (21424):
Validating feature flag: DEFAULT, optionsEnum: WindowsTerminalStrategyFlag, behaviorOfDefault: DIFFING
DEBUGWARNING - UIAHandler.func (15:26:15.600) - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThread (21424):
Not registering for textChange events from UIA element with class name '_WwN' and automation ID '18'
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIATextInfo._getTextWithFieldsForUIARange (15:26:15.602) - MainThread (18812):
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIATextInfo._getTextWithFieldsForUIARange (15:26:15.603) - MainThread (18812):
rootElement: Dokument
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIATextInfo._getTextWithFieldsForUIARange (15:26:15.603) - MainThread (18812):
full text: Viellllen dnak
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIATextInfo._getTextWithFieldsForUIARange (15:26:15.603) - MainThread (18812):
Fetching parents starting from enclosingElement
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIATextInfo._getTextWithFieldsForUIARange (15:26:15.607) - MainThread (18812):
Hit root
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIATextInfo._getTextWithFieldsForUIARange (15:26:15.607) - MainThread (18812):
Done fetching parents
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIATextInfo._getTextWithFieldsForUIARange (15:26:15.607) - MainThread (18812):
Generating controlFields for parents
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIATextInfo._getTextWithFieldsForUIARange (15:26:15.607) - MainThread (18812):
Done generating controlFields for parents
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIATextInfo._getTextWithFieldsForUIARange (15:26:15.607) - MainThread (18812):
Yielding control starts for parents
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIATextInfo._getTextWithFieldsForUIARange (15:26:15.607) - MainThread (18812):
Done yielding control starts for parents
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIATextInfo._getTextWithFieldsForUIARange (15:26:15.607) - MainThread (18812):
Yielding balanced fields for textRange
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIATextInfo._getTextWithFieldsForUIARange (15:26:15.607) - MainThread (18812):
no children
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIATextInfo._getTextWithFieldsForUIARange (15:26:15.607) - MainThread (18812):
Yielding text
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIATextInfo._getTextWithFields_text (15:26:15.608) - MainThread (18812):
_getTextWithFields_text start
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIATextInfo._getTextWithFields_text (15:26:15.608) - MainThread (18812):
Walking by unit None, with further units of: [1, 2, 0]
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIATextInfo._getTextWithFields_text (15:26:15.608) - MainThread (18812):
Chunk has text. Fetching formatting
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIATextInfo._getTextWithFields_text (15:26:15.609) - MainThread (18812):
Yielding formatting and text
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIATextInfo._getTextWithFields_text (15:26:15.609) - MainThread (18812):
field: FieldCommand formatChange with {'language': 'de_DE'}, text: Viellllen dnak
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIATextInfo._getTextWithFields_text (15:26:15.609) - MainThread (18812):
Done _getTextWithFields_text
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.UIA.UIATextInfo._getTextWithFieldsForUIARange (15:26:15.609) - MainThread (18812):
_getTextWithFieldsForUIARange end
IO - speech.speech.speak (15:26:15.609) - MainThread (18812):
Speaking ['Dokument', 'Viellllen dnak']
DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.window.winword.WordDocument_WwN._get_WinwordWindowObject (15:26:15.626) - MainThread (18812):
Unable to get activePane
IO - speech.speech.speak (15:26:15.633) - MainThread (18812):
Speaking ['Nicht im Wörterbuch:', 'Eingabefeld']
IO - speech.speech.speak (15:26:15.634) - MainThread (18812):
Speaking ['Viellllen']
IO - speech.speech.speak (15:26:15.634) - MainThread (18812):
Speaking [PitchCommand(offset=30), CharacterModeCommand(True), 'V', PitchCommand(), EndUtteranceCommand(), 'i', EndUtteranceCommand(), 'e', EndUtteranceCommand(), 'l', EndUtteranceCommand(), 'l', EndUtteranceCommand(), 'l', EndUtteranceCommand(), 'l', EndUtteranceCommand(), 'e', EndUtteranceCommand(), 'n', EndUtteranceCommand()]
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.696) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67148 (Static), objectID OBJID_WINDOW, childID 0, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.696) - MainThread (18812):
Changing OBJID_WINDOW to OBJID_CLIENT for winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67148 (Static), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 0, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.696) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67148 (Static), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 0, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.697) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67140 (Static), objectID OBJID_WINDOW, childID 0, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.697) - MainThread (18812):
Changing OBJID_WINDOW to OBJID_CLIENT for winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67140 (Static), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 0, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.697) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67140 (Static), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 0, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.697) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 1, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.697) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 1, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.697) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 2, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.697) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 2, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.697) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 3, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.697) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 3, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.697) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 4, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.697) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 4, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.698) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 5, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.698) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 5, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.698) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 6, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.698) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 6, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.698) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 7, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.698) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 7, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.698) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 28, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.698) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 28, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.698) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 8, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.698) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 8, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.698) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 9, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.699) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 9, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.699) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 10, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.699) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 10, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.699) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 11, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.699) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 11, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.699) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 12, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.699) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 12, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.699) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 13, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.700) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 13, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.700) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 14, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.700) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 14, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.700) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 15, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.700) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 15, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.700) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 16, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.700) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 16, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.700) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 17, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.700) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 17, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.700) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 18, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.700) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 18, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.700) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 19, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.700) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 19, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.701) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 20, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.701) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 20, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.701) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 21, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.701) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 21, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.701) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 22, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.701) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 22, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.701) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 23, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.701) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 23, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.701) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 24, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.701) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 24, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.701) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 25, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.702) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 25, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.702) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 26, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.702) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 26, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.702) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 27, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:15.702) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 27, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.orderedWinEventLimiter.OrderedWinEventLimiter.flushEvents (15:26:15.707) - MainThread (18812):
winEvent limit for thread 1984 hit for this core cycle
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.orderedWinEventLimiter.OrderedWinEventLimiter.flushEvents (15:26:15.707) - MainThread (18812):
Emitting winEvent EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 18, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.orderedWinEventLimiter.OrderedWinEventLimiter.flushEvents (15:26:15.708) - MainThread (18812):
Emitting winEvent EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 19, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.orderedWinEventLimiter.OrderedWinEventLimiter.flushEvents (15:26:15.708) - MainThread (18812):
Emitting winEvent EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 20, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.orderedWinEventLimiter.OrderedWinEventLimiter.flushEvents (15:26:15.708) - MainThread (18812):
Emitting winEvent EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 21, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.orderedWinEventLimiter.OrderedWinEventLimiter.flushEvents (15:26:15.708) - MainThread (18812):
Emitting winEvent EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 22, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.orderedWinEventLimiter.OrderedWinEventLimiter.flushEvents (15:26:15.708) - MainThread (18812):
Emitting winEvent EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 23, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.orderedWinEventLimiter.OrderedWinEventLimiter.flushEvents (15:26:15.708) - MainThread (18812):
Emitting winEvent EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 24, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.orderedWinEventLimiter.OrderedWinEventLimiter.flushEvents (15:26:15.708) - MainThread (18812):
Emitting winEvent EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 25, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.orderedWinEventLimiter.OrderedWinEventLimiter.flushEvents (15:26:15.708) - MainThread (18812):
Emitting winEvent EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 26, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.orderedWinEventLimiter.OrderedWinEventLimiter.flushEvents (15:26:15.708) - MainThread (18812):
Emitting winEvent EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 67090 (SysListView32), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 27, process 3180 (vpnui), thread 1984
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:16.075) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_DESTROY, window 2494350 (_WwN), objectID OBJID_CARET, childID 0, process 17528 (outlook), thread 6720
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.processDestroyWinEvent (15:26:16.076) - MainThread (18812):
Processing destroy winEvent: window 2494350 (_WwN), objectID OBJID_CARET, childID 0, process 17528 (outlook)
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:16.076) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_LOCATIONCHANGE, window 2494350 (_WwN), objectID OBJID_CARET, childID 0, process 17528 (outlook), thread 6720
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:16.076) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_LOCATIONCHANGE, window 2494350 (_WwN), objectID OBJID_CARET, childID 0, process 17528 (outlook), thread 6720
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.orderedWinEventLimiter.OrderedWinEventLimiter.flushEvents (15:26:16.090) - MainThread (18812):
Emitting winEvent EVENT_OBJECT_LOCATIONCHANGE, window 2494350 (_WwN), objectID OBJID_CARET, childID 0, process 17528 (outlook), thread 6720
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.processGenericWinEvent (15:26:16.090) - MainThread (18812):
Processing generic winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_LOCATIONCHANGE, window 2494350 (_WwN), objectID OBJID_CARET, childID 0, process 17528 (outlook)
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.processGenericWinEvent (15:26:16.090) - MainThread (18812):
handling winEvent as caret event on focus. winEvent window 2494350 (_WwN), objectID OBJID_CARET, childID 0, process 17528 (outlook)
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (15:26:16.217) - winInputHook (21544):
Input: kb(laptop):leftArrow
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:16.509) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 131276 (Button), objectID OBJID_WINDOW, childID 0, process 4764 (dserui), thread 11092
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:16.509) - MainThread (18812):
Changing OBJID_WINDOW to OBJID_CLIENT for winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 131276 (Button), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 0, process 4764 (dserui), thread 11092
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:16.509) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 131276 (Button), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 0, process 4764 (dserui), thread 11092
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:16.511) - MainThread (18812):
Hook received winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 131276 (Button), objectID OBJID_WINDOW, childID 0, process 4764 (dserui), thread 11092
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:16.512) - MainThread (18812):
Changing OBJID_WINDOW to OBJID_CLIENT for winEvent: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 131276 (Button), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 0, process 4764 (dserui), thread 11092
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.internalWinEventHandler.winEventCallback (15:26:16.512) - MainThread (18812):
Adding winEvent to limiter: EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 131276 (Button), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 0, process 4764 (dserui), thread 11092
DEBUG - IAccessibleHandler.orderedWinEventLimiter.OrderedWinEventLimiter.flushEvents (15:26:16.541) - MainThread (18812):
Emitting winEvent EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, window 131276 (Button), objectID OBJID_CLIENT, childID 0, process 4764 (dserui), thread 11092
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (15:26:16.549) - winInputHook (21544):
Input: kb(laptop):rightArrow
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (15:26:16.714) - winInputHook (21544):
Input: kb(laptop):downArrow
Adriani90 commented 2 months ago

The updated developer info is as follows:

DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.IUIAutomationEventHandler_HandleAutomationEvent (15:36:25.291) - Dummy-1 (15036):
handleAutomationEvent called with event Window_WindowOpened for element [None] Fenster with automationID [None], className wxWindowNR and frameworkID Win32
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.isNativeUIAElement (15:36:25.291) - Dummy-1 (15036):
checking if is native UIA  element: [None] Fenster with automationID [None], className wxWindowNR and frameworkID Win32
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.isNativeUIAElement (15:36:25.291) - Dummy-1 (15036):
element is local to NVDA, treating as non-native.
DEBUG - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.IUIAutomationEventHandler_HandleAutomationEvent (15:36:25.291) - Dummy-1 (15036):
HandleAutomationEvent: Ignoring event UIA_window_windowOpen for non native element
INFO - globalCommands.script_navigatorObject_devInfo (15:36:27.129) - MainThread (18812):
Developer info for navigator object:
name: 'Nicht im Wörterbuch:'
processID: 17528
roleText: None
isFocusable: True
hasFocus: True
Python object: <NVDAObjects.IAccessible.winword.SpellCheckErrorField object at 0x06415B70>
Python class mro: (<class 'NVDAObjects.IAccessible.winword.SpellCheckErrorField'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.IAccessible.IAccessible'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.window.winword.WordDocument_WwN'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.window.winword.WordDocument'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.window.Window'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.NVDAObject'>, <class 'documentBase.TextContainerObject'>, <class 'baseObject.ScriptableObject'>, <class 'baseObject.AutoPropertyObject'>, <class 'garbageHandler.TrackedObject'>, <class 'object'>)
description: None
location: RectLTWH(left=549, top=314, width=580, height=129)
value: 'Viellllen'
TextInfo: <class 'NVDAObjects.NVDAObjectTextInfo'>
appModule: AppModule(outlook, appName='outlook', processID=17528)
appModule.productName: 'Microsoft Outlook'
appModule.productVersion: '16.0.5450.1000'
appModule.helperLocalBindingHandle: c_long(119347256)
windowHandle: 2494350
windowClassName: '_WwN'
windowControlID: 18
windowStyle: 1344274432
extendedWindowStyle: 0
windowThreadID: 6720
windowText: ''
displayText: ''
IAccessibleObject: <POINTER(IAccessible) ptr=0x77862d8 at 5f47350>
IAccessibleChildID: 0
IAccessible event parameters: windowHandle=2494350, objectID=-4, childID=0
IAccessible accName: 'Nicht im Wörterbuch:'
IAccessible accRole: ROLE_SYSTEM_TEXT
IAccessible accDescription: 'Viellllen dnak'
IAccessible accValue: 'Viellllen'

cc: @michaelDCurran