nvb-uy / Animation_Overhaul

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Config File Not Working #8

Closed rjshadowface closed 3 weeks ago

rjshadowface commented 3 weeks ago

Verry weard anymation when using tools (axe, pick axe etc.) to mine trees, ground etc. When I disable the punching animation in the config it does not revert to the Minecraft default animation for mining it just completley removed any animation related to mining.

I also tried disabling other animations via your config file and they disable even the MC default animations for sneaking and jumping. I wanted to try your mode with Salty's SimplySneak, but when your sneaking is disabled and the other mod is enabled there is no sneaking anymation whatsoever.

Interestingly enough when I disable the jumping anymation in your mod and enable Salty's JumpAnimation its jumping anymation works, but its falling anymation doesn't even with yours disabled.

nvb-uy commented 3 weeks ago

Looking into it for 1.3.0 :)

nvb-uy commented 3 weeks ago

Fixed on 1.3.0
